Teen Underground is a network of teens, in Charleston and beyond, who want their voices to be heard...who want to be understood...to be themselves...to make their mark on the world. Teen Underground is about books. It's about libraries. But it's bigger than that.
"To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all of the miseries of life" W. Somerset Maugham
Meet the Booklady
Booklady is the Big Sister to the Underground. She's the one you can turn to with your questions, problems, or excruciating drama. Speak out about life, love, libraries - whatever's on your mind. She'll never judge you, or tell your parents. Tell her your troubles anonymously and she'll dish out some free advice and recommend a book for you to read. Booklady knows that sometimes it helps to read about someone else going through a similar, or worse, situation as you. Sometimes it helps just to get your mind off things.
Send Booklady your burning questions and dizzying dilemmas! LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The Booklady is not a licensed therapist or a certified expert in anything at all except books, although she's had lots of experience telling people what to do. There are loads of qualified people out there who can help if your problems are overwhelming to the point where you might hurt yourself or someone else. hopeline.com is a good place to start. In the Charleston area you can also call TeenLine on Monday - Friday from 4:00-8:00pm (843) 747-TEEN