Alyson Noël profile picture

Alyson Noël

alysonnoel .com

About Me

I was born and raised in The OC (although I never actually called it that until the TV show), and went to The Richard Nixon Elementary School- a fact I find both amusing and embarrassing. After high school I was desperate to flee suburbia and see the world, so after traveling around Europe I settled in Mykonos, Greece for several years, before moving to Manhattan for several more. Then one day I was visiting a friend in Newport Beach (hey there, Snark!) and met my husband. And before you know it I'd come full circle, setting up house right back in The OC.

Oh yeah, I'm also the author of the teen novels: FAKING 19, ART GEEKS AND PROM QUEENS, LAGUNA COVE, KISS & BLOG, SAVING ZOE, a contributor to the anthology, FIRST KISS (THEN TELL), CRUEL SUMMER (May 2008), EVERMORE (2009), as well as the adult novel, FLY ME TO THE MOON.

To buy the books from Amazon, click the covers below!

My Interests

My favorite way to spend time is reading, writing, and traveling. But I'm also a big fan of: the beach, art, music, venti non-fat lattes, Golden Spoon frozen yoghurt, jeans, lip-gloss, gardening, pedicures, sunny days, flip flops, and Marrakesh.

I'd like to meet:

Readers, writers, librarians, reviewers, booksellers, book lovers, Bono, Jon Stewart, Dwight (from The Office and only in character), and Ricky Gervais!! E-mail, comment, post on my bulletin board, whatever! You can learn more about my books, and read an excerpt by visiting


Classic rock, 80's alternative/punk rock, blues, jazz


This is in no way a complete or definitve list- but here goes: American Beauty, JUNO,Harold & Maude, Thirteen, Shrek, Ghost World, Heathers, The Graduate, Big, Big Fish, Benny & Joon, Election, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Rushmore, Igby Goes Down, Garden State, Simon Burch, Welcome to the Dollhouse, Edward Scissorhands, Bridget Jones Diary, Match Point, Chinatown, Pretty in Pink, Napolean Dynamite, Rosemary's Baby, Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Little Miss Sunshine, Lars and the Real Girl, Into the Wild, Almost Famous


THE OFFICE, Dirt, Entourage, DEXTER, Pushing Daisies, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Rescue Me, The Riches, Big Love, The Gilmore Girls, My name is Earl, Scrubs, Monk, Psych, Medium, Ghost Hunters, Flight of the Concords, Extras, The Deadliest Catch, Damages, - I know there's more, but that's all I can think of at the moment- check back soon!


Jeez, where to start? Deenie, Are you there God? It's me, Margaret, Choke,The Virgin Suicides, Me Talk Pretty One Day, The Lovely Bones, Breakfast at Tiffany's, In Cold Blood, Catcher in the Rye, Franny & Zooey, Lucas, Royally Jacked, The Center of Everything, Miss New York has Everything,The Corrections, Bastard out of Carolina, Looking for Alaska, 10th Grade, Bridget Jones Diary, Feeling Sorry for Celia, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, She's Come Undone, High Fidelity, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime, Life of Pi, Twilight, Speak, Power of Now, Shutter Island, Rebecca, Wuthering Heights. . .


My mom, my husband, Robert McKee, Bono, Richard Branson, Gandhi, Eckhart Tolle, Judy Blume and all the authors of the books listed above.

My Blog

And The Winner Is . . .

The winner has been chosen for the CRUEL SUMMERadvanced reading copy giveaway!Wondering if it's YOU???????Click HERE to find out!Happy Weekend Everyone!...
Posted by Alyson Noël on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 06:56:00 PST

Teens Top Ten

Hey Everyone-I just learned that SAVING ZOE has been nominated for YALSA's annual TEENS' TOP TEN list and I am totally psyched!!Just being included with so many amazing authors, like: Stephenie Meyer,...
Posted by Alyson Noël on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 11:02:00 PST

Shiny Happy World

So I subscribe to this "Daily Tip from Dr. Weil," which means every morning I'm greeted with an e-mail featuring a topic on healthy living. Yesterday's was about optimism, and it went like this:"...
Posted by Alyson Noël on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 12:07:00 PST

Promo Week!

It's promo week over at the Teen Fiction Café, so I'm blogging about CRUEL SUMMER, premiering the book trailer, and giving away an ARC (advanced reading copy) to one lucky winner, and bookmarks a...
Posted by Alyson Noël on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 11:40:00 PST

I Rocked the Drop!

he deed is done! I headed over to Laguna Hills High School and Dropped a signed copy of SAVING ZOE--And now I'm just hanging around waiting for that Myspace chat to begin . . .Hope to "see" yo...
Posted by Alyson Noël on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 05:37:00 PST

Reader’s Choice

Climbing out of a paranormal haze (working on the outline for the next EVERMORE book) to say that the lovely Brooke Taylor called me today to tell me that SAVING ZOE is a finalist in the Nat...
Posted by Alyson Noël on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 07:55:00 PST

More Swag!

Downloads--get yer free downloads!Doing a little house cleaning over at up the front door, and added some new wallpaper with enough left over to share! So please stop by...
Posted by Alyson Noël on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 01:55:00 PST

Weekend Update

So, I had a great time yesterday, participating in the Taft High School PASSPORT TO READING eventWhere I caught up with friends, hung out with the funny, sweet, and talented, Debby Garfinkle, and...
Posted by Alyson Noël on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 12:57:00 PST

Swag & Stuff

So, I’m excited to say that my May release, CRUEL SUMMER, is now on up on my website! Just click HERE to gawk at the cover and read an excerpt-- and stay tuned because soon-- very soon- there wi...
Posted by Alyson Noël on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 06:25:00 PST

These Books Changed My Life

I’m blogging over at TEEN FICTION CAFE today, talking about the wonderful books that changed my life. And I’m hoping you’ll come on over and tell me about the books that changed...
Posted by Alyson Noël on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 05:04:00 PST