EasternXpress profile picture


Kultur Partizani !

About Me

Looking for Russian-Balkan-Gypsy-Funky-Punk Underground Parties? Take the EasternXpress!EasternXpress is a new organisation in Uppsala and Stockholm. We promote eastern europe culture and subculture all year round via concerts, underground movie projections and non-conventional art projects. We try to help bands / DJs based in Sweden or coming from abroad to find places to play in Uppsala and Stockholm, in collaboration with several cafes (for the moment, Hijazz in Uppsala, KGB bar, Judy's and Södra Teatern in Stockholm).We also keep people informed about events related to eastern europe culture ongoing in Uppsala and Stockholm area - please tell us if we missed something !We are looking forward to create networks of clubs where bands can play in the scandinavia - that's the way to make the good music come to the north ! Why not the Copenhagen-Oslo-Stockholm-Helsinki tour, including many places in between ? Actively looking for great bands, cool cafes and hardcore movies, funky people and engaged sponsors ! contact us at : eastern.underground(at)gmail.comOur new home page : http://easternxpress.wordpress.com/ We are now as well a group on facebook ! Just join ! http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=21195917810EasternXpre ss was created by Prune Leroy, Anna Eriksson and Jevguenia Gehsbarga, former responsibles for the programmation of Kinorurik russian film festival and related events.

My Interests

We are now launching the EasternXpress minibuss (9 sits) between Stockholm and Uppsala - it will run at night times, just contact us if you need a late ride back to Uppsala !

I'd like to meet:

more crazy people !!!The calender below shows our selection of cultural events we actively recommend in Uppsala and Stockholm ! And now are coming the first events we organize into it =))) If we missed something, please remind us ! You can receive our selection of concerts by mail, just email us : eastern.underground(at)gmail.com


we like these bands and try to support them !!!

picture credit : Prune


A serie of monthly movie projections is starting this september in Uppsala - check the programm ! On saturdays, 5.30pm in Hjorten, Dragarbrunngatan 13, Uppsala. Membership is required for legal matters (50kr/year). 13/9, obs ! 9.30-11.30pm, movie : Good Bye Lenin (Wolfgang Becker, 2003, Germany). In the frame of Kulturnatten in Uppsala.11/10, 5.30pm, movie : Black cat, White cat (Emir Kusturica, 1998, Yougoslavia).8/11, 5.30pm, movie : Dust (Пыль) (Sergei Loban, 2003, Russia).7/12, 5.30pm, movie : Kolya (Jan Sverák, 1996, Czechoslovakia).We got fascinated at the Berlin film festival by "Nirvana" by Igor Voloshin, and we'll try to get it in here ! That's when EasternXpress goes underground, yeah... http://www.nirvana-film.ru/


oh, no...what did you say ? visions, maybe ? oh, yes !




Sacha Mona / La Caravane Passe
Lyapis Trubetskoy - Capital (with English subtitles)
Contrabands. Mumiy Troll