We are now launching the EasternXpress minibuss (9 sits) between Stockholm and Uppsala - it will run at night times, just contact us if you need a late ride back to Uppsala !
more crazy people !!!The calender below shows our selection of cultural events we actively recommend in Uppsala and Stockholm ! And now are coming the first events we organize into it =))) If we missed something, please remind us ! You can receive our selection of concerts by mail, just email us : eastern.underground(at)gmail.com
we like these bands and try to support them !!!
A serie of monthly movie projections is starting this september in Uppsala - check the programm ! On saturdays, 5.30pm in Hjorten, Dragarbrunngatan 13, Uppsala. Membership is required for legal matters (50kr/year). 13/9, obs ! 9.30-11.30pm, movie : Good Bye Lenin (Wolfgang Becker, 2003, Germany). In the frame of Kulturnatten in Uppsala.11/10, 5.30pm, movie : Black cat, White cat (Emir Kusturica, 1998, Yougoslavia).8/11, 5.30pm, movie : Dust (Пыль) (Sergei Loban, 2003, Russia).7/12, 5.30pm, movie : Kolya (Jan Sverák, 1996, Czechoslovakia).We got fascinated at the Berlin film festival by "Nirvana" by Igor Voloshin, and we'll try to get it in here ! That's when EasternXpress goes underground, yeah... http://www.nirvana-film.ru/
oh, no...what did you say ? visions, maybe ? oh, yes !
Sacha Mona / La Caravane Passe
Lyapis Trubetskoy - Capital (with English subtitles)
Contrabands. Mumiy Troll