Slivoviska : a blend of prune-based strong alkohol with ska.Meeting people from different backgrounds is always a source of enrichment...
I consider myself as a citizen of the world, having lived in Bretagne (Rennes), California (Huntington Beach and San Francisco), many years in the french capital (Paris), quite some time in Saint Petersburg (Russia), and lately landed in Uppsala (Sweden). Travelling around the world as a child, across the Sahara, the Himalaya and crawling into the aztec jungle.
Dipped into celtic folk party-dancing music as a child, a heavy classical piano training and some diatonic accordeon for the fun, owning money playing on markets and streets to travel around...
For some reason always becoming friends with new musicians and having lots of fun !!!
Russian by heart ? French in the papillae.
Involved lately in the russian film festival Kinorurik, responsible for the programmation and for the musical events, and parties. Now starting EasternXpress project (see related page) and the piano accordeon - lots of fun in perspective !
yes, that's great, but in the real life I am also a biologist...bacteria can be cute sometimes !