Member Since: 4/21/2008
Band Members:
Kevin Enternal Undead - Vocals
-Wednesday 13-
Lead singer Wednesday 13 has been a big influence because of his style of music: the horror, and evil his band portrays. The music they play helps me think and describe the fear of the world and hate of my life into the lyrics that I sing. Besides me, Wednesday has helped many other bands improve their music and help create a style they can call their own. Wednesday's style, has influenced mine by his hard working, never-give-up-attitude that the world has against his way of life. I first learned of Wednesday from his earlier band in the late 1990's Frankenstein Drag Queens From Planet 13. I got into his music instantly and it changed my life and work forever. Wedndesday 13 will always be written down in my book as one of the best.
What can be said about the man that has accomplished so much in his life, and has had so many people that have tried to stop him. I have learned from him that anything is possible whether it deal with love or hate. I first recognized Manson as a modle for my band when his Sweet Dreams video became mainstream to the public.
Sounds Like:
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: None