FUN FACT - This zombie was played by Jim Krut who had an extra 2 inches of forehead applied by Tom Savini to pull off the helicopter stunt.
FUN FACT - "Cake Face" zombie was played by Roy Frumkes. Frumkes later directed a documentary on Dawn Of The Dead called "Document Of The Dead".
FUN FACT - "Overweight Zombie" played by Lee Cummings owned a fish store in the Pittsburgh area called "Tanks-A-Lot".
"Hare Krishna Zombie" played by Mike Christopher.
FUN FACT - This zombie was played by Cliff Forrest Jr. who was also George A. Romero's father-in-law.
FUN FACT - Sharon Ceccati who played the Nurse Zombie was also a Production Assistant on the film
FUN FACT - This zombie was played by Jeannie Jefferies who was Tom Savini's girlfriend at the time. She was also a make-up artist on the film.
FUN FACT - This zombie was played by Taso Stavrakis who also played the part of Motorcycle Raider "Sledge"
FUN FACT - This zombie was played by Clayton Hill who was the Weapon's Coordinator on the film.
I'd like to meet:
The Supporting Cast
Motorcycle Raider "Blades"
FUN FACT - Tom Savini who played Blades also handled Special FX & Stunts on the film.
Motorcycle Raider Leader played by Rudy Ricci
Motorcycle Raider w/Sombrero played by Tony Buba
Motorcycle Raider "Sledge" played by Taso Stavrakis
Motorcycle Raider w/ Tommy Gun played by Larry Vaira
Motorcycle Raiders
"Dr. Foster" played by David Crawford
"Mr. Berman" played by David Early
"George A. Romero & Christine Forrest (His Wife)"
"Martinez" played by John Amplas
"Wooley" played by Jim Baffico
"Swat Team" played by Clayton McKinnon
"Swat Team Suicide" played by John Rice
"Looter #1" played by Joe Pilato (Day Of The Dead)
This Dumbass played by Randy Kovitz - "Got Any Cigarettes?"
FUN FACT - The gun shop wasn't really located in the mall. It was located in a section of Pittsburgh called "East Liberty" which is located east of the main downtown Pittsburgh area.(Credit Leonard Lies for the info.)
"The demise of Stephen"
"Machete Zombie"
FUN FACT - Machete Zombie was played by Lenny Lies who was also a Grip on the film
"Screwdriver in the ear". "Screwdriver Zombie" played by John Harrison
"Helicopter head shave"
The Ending...
In the original script of "Dawn Of The Dead" no one survived. When Peter went into the room at the end of the movie, he was originally suppose to blow his brains out. Franny was up on the roof and heard the shot. She opens up the helicopter door and as the zombies approach, she looks up at the helicopter blades and jumps. The end credits begin to roll. After the last credit rolls, we hear the helicopter engine sputter and die. Was this ending ever filmed? No one seems to remember for sure...
However, when the filming of the movie was wrapping up, George Romero and the rest of the cast & crew became very attached to the characters and decided to have the more upbeat ending with Peter & Fran surviving.
Peter................................Ken Foree
Stephen..............................David Emge
Fran.................................Gaylen Ross
Roger................................Scott Reiniger
Dr. Foster...........................David Crawford
Mr. Berman...........................David Early
Dr. Milliard Rausch..................Richard France
Givens...............................Daniel Dietrich
TV Commentator.......................Howard Smith
TV Director..........................George A. Romero
TV Producer..........................Christine Forrest
Woman at TV Station(coat)............Molly McCloskey
Man at TV Station ("You ok?").............Cliff Forrest
News Reporter (Voice)................Michael Gornick
Wooley...............................James A. Baffico
Police Commander.....................Fred Baker
Roy Tucker...........................Rod Stouffer
Officer Apartment Project............Clayton McKinnon
Officer Apartment Project(suicide).........John Rice
Soldier Apartment Project............Robert Williams
Old Preist...........................Jesse Del Gre
Martinez.............................John Amplas
Looter #1............................Joe Pilato
Looter #2............................Patrick McCloskey
Looter #3............................Ted Bank
Looter #4(cigarettes)................Randy Kovitz
Blades...............................Tom Savini
Sledge...............................Taso Stavrakis
Radio Operator.......................Rudy Ricci
Motorcycle Raider....................Marty Schiff
Motorcycle Raider....................Nick Tallo
Motorcycle Raider....................Larry Vaira
Motorcycle Raider....................Pasquale Buba
Motorcycle Raider....................Joe Shelby
Motorcycle Raider....................Dave Hawkins
Motorcycle Raider....................Tom Kapusta
Motorcycle Raider....................Tony Buba
Machete Zombie.......................Lenny Lies
M-16 Zombie..........................Jay Stover
Bald Zombie..........................Paul Musser
Miguel Zombie......................Tommy Lafitte
Hare Krishna Zombie..................Michael Berhosky
Nurse Zombie.......................Sharon Ceccatti-Hill
Escalator Zombie.....................Clayton Hill
Pie Face Zombie......................Roy Frumkes
Screwdriver Zombie...................John Harrison
Helicopter Zombie....................Jim Krut
Overweight Zombie....................Lee Cummings
Elderly Zombie......................J. Clifford Forrest
Little Boy Zombie....................Mike Savini
Little Girl Zombie...................Donna Savini
Blonde Female Zombie.................Jeannie Jefferies
Mall Maintenance Zombie..............Waner Shook
Bandana Zombie.......................Nancy Friedman
Lead Zombie..........................Taso Stavrakis
Lead Zombie..........................Pam Chatfield
Lead Zombie..........................Mike Christopher
Lead Zombie..........................Ralph Langer
Lead Zombie..........................Robert Langer
Lead Zombie..........................Dave Bartholomew
Lead Zombie..........................Maxine Lapiduss
Lead Zombie..........................Sukey Raphael
Lead Zombie..........................Stephen Silverman
Credits: 99% of the pictures on this page were captured off the Dawn Of The Dead Extended Version DVD by yours truly. All information on the film was compiled through research on the following websites - - - - not to mention the dozens and dozens of hours I've spent watching this film. Pictures of Dawn Of The Dead memorabilia were taken from my personal collection. If there is any information you have on the film please feel free to share it with me. Also feel free to point out any errors I have made on the page.