DISGUST was created back in mid 91' at Lille , France. From the original line-up, only the founders Frank Dufour (guitar) and Christophe Dufour (drums at this time) are still present nowadays, we were all in different bands. Some anecdotic members and bands have passed and crossed the DISGUST road ...
- After taking few months to write the first demo entitled "Disgusting anatomy" in 1992, DISGUST released Anorexia in 1993. After these 2 demos, Geoff Buyens (guitar) and Laurent Dequidt
(drums) joined the band and so Christophe Dufour took the bassist post.
In 1995, Geoff Buyens and Christophe Verbecque (vocals) left the band and was replaced -after a while- by Benoit Laurence (vocals) in july 96.
- Six months later, Disgust recorded a new promo-tape called Inquisition that interest French labels...Really great words about this promo from the international fanzines !!! Our Brutal death metal is quickly compared with the Brutal U.S scene....
In mid 97, Christophe Dufour left the band and founded his grind project Gerb of Life later....
- Severals months has passed and DISGUST (still working on the new compos) was a trio when the band entered the LB lab studio to record the first mighty album IN AETERNUM with steph Buriez.
Its only at the end of the In aeternum... recording sessions that we gave the opportunity to Stephane Dekeuklaere to join us to play the Bass...
However, for the anecdote, all the bass lines had been played by Frank, Steph D. played only 4 songs on the album... We really needed a bassist for the next Gigs ....
- In late 99, the album is totally recorded and after various offers, the band signed with Shockwave Records / Warpath for this first album In Aeternum. It has seen the light in april 2000 and It took off explosively in the French underground : All reactions were very excellent !!! For the most part, the support at our shows has been fantastic, Disgust made many good shows with Deranged, Blockheads, Inhumate and many more....
- Unfortunately, due to some problems with the label, the band is stopped for a time. In 2003, the bassist Stephane Dekeuclaere was fired...; the band was in stand by... after the split of the grind band Gerb of life the ex-members Christophe Dufour (bass) and Geoff Buyens (guitar) regained Disgust. Geoff was also working on others extrem Metal stuff while his absence in DISGUST(recording, label, underground links & Bands : Meat Paunch Mafia, Splatter, Dogmatic State)
- Previous to Disgust's new formation, death metal used simple structures to sound heavy and dark. Disgust integrated the heavier styles of death metal with the muffled strumming and down stroke rhythms of thrash metal while introducing far more complex rhythms, a variety of influences, and bizarre, mocking guitar and punishing vocals...
- During summer 2005, Disgust recorded 4 tracks : 2 tracks come from the debut demos, one from the album In aeternum + a new track (which will be on the futur album) and signed with Great Dane Records for a Split CD with Scarvenger. Recently, The band played at KillerFest Show with Kataract, Entombed and Dismember ...
Now, Disgust are still working for the next full lenght album, which would be the continuation of In Aeternum....
We are back to kick some fuckingasses !! Take care !! C U soon and thanx for your support through the years ! You rules !
"In Aeternum" SOLD OUT
2000 - Shockwave Records
"Underground Serie Vol 1 : Disgust Vs Scarvenger"
2006 - Great Dane Records
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