Valerie profile picture


Metal rules!!!!

About Me

My name if Valerie Young. I have been listening to DM/BM, since I was in my younger years! You might as well say, since I was 12 years old! Since the day that I was introduced to such greatness...I have never changed, nor will I ever! Me being such a Metal Junkie, I have came across alot of very talented bands, that I think should be signed if I had it my way! When I listen to metal, it brings me to a whole other world! Almost as if I was in a possession state of mine! So to me, it runs through my veins! I am also interested in taking photos, doing things outdoors,and possibly hosting a PURE DM/BM show of my own that is? Signed or unsigned! Last but not least "BANGING MY HEAD!" When I get the chance too! Hell yeah! I do work for a living! I use my brain, indeed, (Accounts/Recievables) so that is a headache all in its own! Other than than that I am very greatful that you all have kept the flames buring and never gave up! Keep the Greatness of Evil Metal Alive and never let anyone tell you, you are not "Killer!" To me you will always be! Cheers! :)

My Interests

Where Madness Dwells.. "border="0"/" /

To Listen to INTERCEPTOR click here:

I'd like to meet:

I would be interested in meeting some of my fave band members! I love you all by the way! I would love to get to know, and find out about where your next shows are going to be and when your new releases are coming out! I lied about saying I would not be interested in meeting people! I was just in a faze at the time! I would love to meet and possibly get to know you all! You are all killer! Keep up the greatness of Evil Metal! :)I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4


My Blog


 I am a mystery  I am not normal I have issues I am a bit insane I talk alot and I love it I am real I love the fact that people talk to me that are into the same things that I am intereste...
Posted by Valerieville on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 06:00:00 PST