the HORRiFiCS profile picture


We are the THiNGS that arise when stars align!!!

About Me

The HORRiFiCS sprang from the depths of the Dallas/Ft.Worth music scene. Shadows given substance, the FEARsome four are HELL-bent on dragging the unsuspecting kicking and screaming into their world of mist shrouded nightmares. Those brave enough to willingly enter this splatter house of chills find themselves haunted by sonic tales of HORROR, the MACABRE, and Halloween. A unique blend of fast paced punk rock catchiness and heavy metal skull crunching power, all seasoned with catchy sing-a-long choruses. Resulting in a witch's brew of frightening fun.
At the center of this phantom four piece stands lead vocalist and HORRiFiCS founder, GRUESOME. Known for his work with prior horror bands EERiE Ln. and ECTO-1, this figure in black howls hymns of b-movie mischief and tongue-in-cheek TERROR. Directly on his right the towering Kayden GRiMNiR wields his bass with the intensity of a wolf devouring a fallen lamb. On Gruesome's left the horror known only as Wretched, who's guitar riffs grind like a chainsaw through the porcelain perfection of human bone. From behind his drum kit SHRiEKS' drum lines anchor this swirling chaos with a psychotic precision all his own. Testimony to this band's murderous convictions.
The HORRiFiCS hail from an unknown providence with a skyline perpetually peppered by the black shapes of crows and bats in flight. A DARK corner of the human psyche lit only by the flickering glow of jack-o-lantern grins. A place were Autumn reigns and twilight is eternal. You have been warned.
"Boasting classic punk riffs at a breakneck pace, the HORRiFiCS look cool, play fast, and clearly dig horror. Deep fried Texas hardcore with a metallic hint. Rating:4 out of 5" --Tomb Dragomir/Rue Morgue Magazine
"Holy shit this is some killer punk 'n' roll! The Horrifics, based out of the Dallas/Fort Worth area of the great state of Texas, have brought forth an album beltching fire and brimstone with the ferocity of a demonic invasion from on high! The four piece belt out tracks with incredibly high energy and personality! These guys are screaming bloody murder from the tops and bottoms of their lungs on every single track! And you will be too, as not a single song goes without a sing-along chorus! I highly suggest running out and finding this disc!" --Matt G./Hussie
"The fact that the production of the disc is so good makes it stand up quite strongly to the rest of the horrorcore on the market. While most bands can't stay fresh and interesting through seventeen tracks (and many bands struggle to get through ten or eleven), the HORRiFiCS are capable enough to and actually will make individuals salivate for the chance to hear more of their music. The band shows me that they should be a bigger act, and 1031Records is shown to be smart as hell for getting this band to release "Now FEAR This" on their label. It's catchy, it's fun and it will get a party bumping. Rating:8.3 out of 10" --James McQuiston/NeuFutur Magazine
"During spring of 2006 I flew out to Texas and spent a week in FT. Worth with the HORRiFiCS as they were preparing the second half of 'Now Fear This'. I sat in their rehearsal room and watched as they sharpened half a dozen songs into razor sharp weapons over the course of two days. They were tight, focused, and precise. The songs were delivered with power, passion, and contagious energy. The whole thing is one perfect horror punk experience." --The MAD Ghoul/Drummer for Plan 9
"Helling from the loanstar state, this ghastly foursome brings the goods straight ahead and forcefully forward in an honest mixture of punk/metal with a nice under hint of hardcore at times. Their debut album "Now FEAR This" could easily stand among any major label title located in stores today. Rating:10 out of10" --the Mighty Griff/
"They come from a deserted ghost town in Texas and horror punk is the name of the game. They're fast, cool, and awesome. A steady package of dark rock and roll. Tales of things lurking in the shadows and under your bed. It's everything you've always wanted from this genre." --John Talbot/Tales From the Shadows Webzine
"From intro to outro, this is pure horror rock goodness that will hit you like a stake through the heart. Prepare to be horrified." --Pauly Psychotic/Dark Shadows Designs
"I could have never imagined all the horror-movie inspired rock that was put into this album. If you're into horror punk, or just rock-n-roll, you should definately pick up this album! I've had it for just over a month now, and I haven't been able to stop listening to it since! It is one of the few CD's that I can listen to from front to back without skipping any tracks. Each track has it's own style, and I can guarantee you'll find something you like from every single track." --Tyler/Novacaine Promotions
"Well, fiends, these Texas bruisers have arrived to separate the wheat from the chaff, the crypt from the crap, the George Romero's from the Bruno Mattei's. Most bands that choose this autumnal path are perfectly content to take the original blueprint lain out by the Misfits and reproduce it without adding a single thing to the legacy of horrorpunk, thus watering down it's original impact. The HORRiFiCS have arrived on the scene, chainsaws and meat cleavers in hand, to pay tribute to their heroes while still creating their own brand of vicious, blood soaked musick that combines elements of punk, metal, hardcore, surf and 50's rock 'n' roll." --Jonzilla/Bassist for the Spook City Allstars
"Describing the HORRiFiCS' sound and attitude is simple. Imagine a 1950's rock and roll band taken out of their time and fed a steady diet of punk rock and splatter films, then released on an unsuspecting populace. Fast, energetic songs with some of the best lyrical content in the horror genre today. The HORRiFiCS are destined for greatness." --Josh Haney/Hackers' Source Magazine
"If you’re into true rock’n’roll shit, try the HORRiFiCS immediately! This is a fucking great band in a punky vein, like a mix of old noise à la Misfits meets MOTÖRHEAD with a more "happy" feeling in it! The tracks are hyper efficient, melodic, and powerful!" --Ged/Church Ov Ze
"The HORRiFiCS' brand of furious gothic punk feels about as fun as laughing at the ridiculous death scenes in a bad horror movie. As demented as some of the lyrics are, you almost feel weird about singing along so easily, but doing that just makes it all the better. These guys have nailed their sound musically. I honestly would recommend this to anyone who just loves having fun with the music they listen to. It’s great for punk fans and fans of horror alike." --Nate Williams/Independent
"This was the real deal of hardcore music. Shouted vocals, fast riffs, and drum pounding speed. 17 tracks that brought back many memories of the 80's hardcore scene. Great band." --Chris Forbes/
"I love horror punk and wish the punk world would spawn more of it. And not psychobilly, but straight-up fun horror punk. Luckily, The HORRiFiCS have materialized from the ashes of the harder, more grind-like EERiE Ln. Oh, and the music is awesome. The HORRiFiCS hit it on the head. With a sledgehammer. Fast, fun, 2-minute punk with nonstop group whoa-oh's and guttural vocals that channel Elvis' sneer. But most importantly, their songs are filled with 50s horror/sci-fi/kaiju camp, delivered in that wonderfully serious/angry way. 17 unrelentingly fun horror punk tunes." --Adam Coozer/
"This one is going to be in my CD changer for a long time. I'm behind the HORRiFiCS 100%. They certainly have their own personality. Their music is fun and full of zip. The tunes are all distinct and uniquely colorful. These guys have exactly the right recipe for keeping me crazy! As soon as I heard the first song, I knew that this is one of those CDs that I just have to share with all of my friends." --Carnal Hedon Coitus/Neo-Zine
"The HORRiFiCS play a wailing, howling horror punk that might even get Glenn Danzig to crack a grin." --Leeds/

My Interests


Member Since: 7/1/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: BOO Gruesome: Vocals
Wretched: Guitars
T.ViRUS: Bass
SHRiEKS: Drums

Influences:Music...BALZAC, Zodiac, the Misfits, Samhain, DANZiG, White Zombie, Black Sabbath, Type-O-Negative, Plan 9, Cradle of Filth, Notre Dame, Midnight Syndicate, and the Crimson Ghosts.

Books...The writings of Clive Barker, H.P.Lovecraft, Richard Matheson, Ray Bradbury, Anne Rice, and Robert E. Howard.

Manga...Junji Ito's "Uzumaki," "Gyo:the DEATH Stench CREEPS," "Museum of TERROR," "Flesh Colored Horror," and "Tomie" series, Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata's "DEATHnote," Kazuhiko Shimamoto and Shotaro Ishinomori's "the Skull Man," Go Nagai's "Devil Man," Benjamin Roman and Keith Giffen's "I Luv HALLOWEEN," Hans Steinbach's "a MidNiGHT Opera," Kouji Ogata and Kouhei Kadono's "Boogiepop Phantom," and Hideshi Hino's "Lullabies from HELL" and "Hino Horror" series.

Comic Books...Mike Mignola's "HELLboy," Dan Brereton's "the Nocturnals," Kelley Jones' "the 13th Son," Eric Powell's "the GOON," and Michael T. Gilbert's "Mr.Monster."

Artwork...Clive Barker, H.R.Giger, Big Daddy Roth, Dan Brereton, Mike Mignola, Gris Grimly, Eric Pigors, Eerie Von, and Dave Hartman.

Video Games...Castlevania, Castlevania II:Belmont's Quest, Ghosts and Goblins, Ghouls and Ghosts, Splatterhouse, Splatterhouse II, Darkstalkers, Resident Evil, and Mail Order Monsters.

Television...The Munsters, the Adams Family, Scooby Doo, Tales from the Crypt, the Real Ghostbusters, Extreme Ghostbusters, Night Gallery, the Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, and Tales from the Darkside.

Movies...Nightbreed, Beetle Juice, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Wolfen, Frighteners, Nightmare Before Christmas, Sleepy Hollow, Ghostbusters, the Goonies, Ginger Snaps, Ginger Snaps 2:Unleased, Hellraiser, Hell Bound: Hellraiser II, An American Werewolf in London, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Cemetary Man, WOLF, Monster Squad, Resident EVIL, the Company of Wolves, From Dusk til Dawn, Mars Attacks, Relic, Wendigo, Ravenous, Ju On, High Tension, Kibakichi, Hellboy, the Creature From the Black Lagoon, King Kong, Nosferatu, the Prophecy, Fright Night, Dawn of the DEAD, Day of the DEAD, Return of the Living DEAD, Land of the DEAD, the Shining, Wrong Turn, Rawhead Rex, Cabin Fever, the Haunting, Dog Soldiers, Dagon, the Cabinet of Dr.Caligari, House of a 1000 Corpses, the Devil's Rejects, Halloween, Halloween 2, Uzumaki, the BAD Seed, YOKAi Monsters, the Hills Have Eyes, Dreams in the Witch House, Haeckel's Tale, Salome, the Forbidden, Wes Craven's Vampires, the Howling, Godzilla, the Rocky HORROR Picture Show, Shadow of the Vampire, From Hell, Captain Kronos:Vampire Hunter, City of Lost Children, Aliens, Lord of Illusions, Night of the Demons, the Wolfman, Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2:DEAD by Dawn, Army of Darkness, Bubba Ho Tep, the Man With the Screaming Brain, Cradle of Fear, Clash of the Titans, the 7th Voyage of Sinbad, Ed Wood, Swamp Thing, Interview with a Vampire, Pumpkinhead, and Blood and Doughnuts.

El HORRiFiCO the Luche Libra says... "FEAR my TOMBstone Piledriver!!!"

Sounds Like:Transmissions recieved from the planet Marz.

Record Label: 1031Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


HELL yeah! Our gig Friday night at the Bar of Soap in Dallas was a BLAST! A GREAT night was had by all in attendance! We want to say THANX to JesSiCKa for booking us, to the Blarney Street HOOLiGANS ...
Posted by the HORRiFiCS on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 12:04:00 PST

The Law of Non-Attachment...

"...and we should forget, day by day, what we have done; this is true non-attachment. And we should do something new. To do something new, of course we should know our past, and this is all right, but...
Posted by the HORRiFiCS on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 10:12:00 PST

The HORRiFiCS to be on New SCAREwaves Comp CD!!!

HELL-O! The HORRiFiCS are pleased to announce that our song "Calling Doc HORROR" off of our latest EP "HELLbent 4 BLOOD" will be featured on a compilation disc coming SOON from SCAREwaves Podcast! SCA...
Posted by the HORRiFiCS on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 05:28:00 PST

NEW Songs Posted at 1031Records!!!

HELL-O! The 1031Records MySpace account has recently updated the page to include 6 clasSiCK HORRiFiCS tunes from our debut album "Now FEAR This!" All available for FREE download! So stop by...http://w...
Posted by the HORRiFiCS on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 09:17:00 PST

NEW Songs Posted!!!

HELL-O! The entire 6 song "HELLbent 4 BLOOD" EP is now available for FREE download at the HORRiFiCS official MySpace page for a limited time only! This includes "LiGHTless" and "Transylvanian Rose," 2...
Posted by the HORRiFiCS on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 03:02:00 PST

When DEATH Had No Name...

HELL-O! It's a hot Saturday afternoon here in Fort Worth. I am passing time around the house awaiting my 4pm appointment with Sifu Rister at his Wu Hsin Kuen Academy of Martial Arts in Irving. He rece...
Posted by the HORRiFiCS on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 10:56:00 PST

HELL’s Own DARK Design!!!

So today I'm broke as a joke and tired as all get out, but suprisingly enough I'm in a stellar mood. Last night's practice was alot of FUN! We're all very happy with the progress T-ViRUS has made in l...
Posted by the HORRiFiCS on Thu, 29 May 2008 08:58:00 PST

The HORRiFiCS on the NosferaTOUR with BLiTZKiD!!!

HELL-O! The HORRiFiCS and I are proud to announce we will be playing 2 of the 7 dates on the upcoming NosferaTOUR with everyone's favorite HORROR punks BLiTZKiD! It's sure to be a KiLLER time for all ...
Posted by the HORRiFiCS on Tue, 27 May 2008 09:43:00 PST

Bleak iNDiFFERENT Gaze...

Memorial weekend. HOORAH. Here I sit under the stoney influence of a nightime cold and flu medicine. I dined strangely this afternoon on crispy beef tacos and a strawberry sundae. I've been passing th...
Posted by the HORRiFiCS on Sun, 25 May 2008 01:58:00 PST

Don’t Think! FEEL!!!

I found the following Bruce Lee quotes at Sifu Bruce Lee's MySpace page!!! -On Tools of Expression- The tools are at an undifferentiated center of a circle that...
Posted by the HORRiFiCS on Wed, 21 May 2008 09:43:00 PST