two years in the life
I did wanna meet merle allin but now I have, I met GG a few times back in the day (I was just a dumb kid)Im not sure if theres anyone famous I still WANT to meet, but I'd really like to meet all my friends I met in "space"... YA'LL REALLY REALLY kickass!everybody luvs daddio
hard core punk, rockabilly, psycho country, old school rock, classic rock, no rap... a few of my favs.. THE CRAMPS, GG Allin, Murder Junkies, Slayer, cannibal corpse, OLD misfits, Plan 9, River City Rebels, Midtown Bootboys, Skrewdriver, social Distortion - but NO Im not in looove with Ness!...Clutch, gwar, sisters of mercy,EERIE VON... (CEHCK OUT HIS ART!!!), danzig, samhain, skinny puppy, Street Dogs, Dropkick Murphys....tons of mentionable bands from my past like Monster X, Wheelchair Motherfuckers, Premature Babies, End Result, Badcocks, The Jobbers, US BEAT, rockit King, the nastys, LungWorm...I'll add more to that thought later....I do like some classic rock, like black sabbath, queen, fleetwood mac, janis joplin (ALOT)....NO JOURNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do NOT listen to rap, but I like cajun music, jazz, and the blues just fine
nightmare before christmas, boondock saints, buffalo66
news & nip tuck, weeds, Lost, history and discovery channel
history, non fiction, biographies, war
your mom & gg allin