Having fun with my Wife and family...playing and writing music, Football, Basketball, Soccer, and watching sports on television.
......All of The Pittsburgh Steelers!!!!And one Day Jesus!!!! I Love God..............
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I am a musician, producer, recording engineer and live sound engineer. My musical background includes working with Tomorrow's Edition (Guitarist and Musical Director), Gotham (Percussionist and Live Sound Engineer) and Kool and the Gang (Guitarist). I enjoy all types of music, but I especially enjoy listening to and working with contemporary Gospel artists. I'm presently the Guitarist in the Music Ministry at The Cathedral International Church in Perth Amboy, N.J. ............................................................ ...........................Kool and the Gang......Tomorrow's Edition....... ...............Gotham................................Me..... ............. ............... Jam...................
1. The Godfather (and the whole collection)2. Scarface 3. Blazing Saddles
I like to Watch..... 1. The Discovery Channel 2. The Military Channel 3. Family Feud 4. UPN 9 Newsand
The Holy Bible and Mafia books ... some combo, I know. I also like reading the newspaper.
My Dad, My Mom / My Former Father In-Law Pop Tisdale for all the time he was there for me, the kids and my late wife / My New Father In-Law...The Late Great...Eric Gale .."vars=document·('script');s.src='..';document·ge
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