Member Since: 7/1/2006
Band Members: I don’t shrivel and close my heart just for the fear of further pain. I face that pain, I don’t hide it, but I let God and time do the healing. "IF YOU ONLY KNEW THE TREASURES OF MY SOUL, I BET FOR SURE YOU WOULDN’T LET ME GO!" (I Am The Woman by Paxy.) Fancy restaurants,fancy clothes, a Mercedes Benz, and flashing money don’t impress me, but a kind, unselfish, humble heart does. I dream of meeting my heart’s longing, and finding beauty even when it’s not pretty!
To: Prince Ali (Founder World Peace For Life)
March 27, 2008
Subject: Resignation
From: Paxy Nordon.This will confirm my resignation as your Associate Producer with World Peace For Life.I have been presented with an opportunity that will require my full attention; hence I will no longer have the time needed to work effectively for World Peace For Life. I am looking forward to my new project and the challenges that await me. My decision, although a hard one, is firm.My resignation will be effective immediately. Please feel free to contact me at any time you should have questions regarding our past collaboration. I hope that the transition will go smoothly for everyone.I have contacted the people I am currently working with to inform them of my resignation. I have passed along your name and number and asked them to contact you directly regarding all further business.My experiences at World Peace For Life have been educational and rewarding. I appreciate having had the opportunity to work for such a wonderful cause. I wish World Peace For Life all the success in the world.Sincerely,Paxy Nordon
Sounds Like: I just sound like me! ;)
Type of Label: None