The real Mihana story begins in
the family house on Maui, called "Puamana." Mihana remembers it as a place
filled with, family, friends and love.
Her large family, the Fardens, were singers and musicians. Her mother Irmgard, one of several songwriters in the family, began writing while she was working on Molokai in 1935. She wrote her first hit in 1937, "Puamana," which tells of the Farden family home.. But, let Mihana tell it...
“I am called by my middle name, Mihana, but my first name is Irmgard
named after my mother. My earliest memories are with her in the
kitchen and while she cooked, she would sing to me and then as time went on, she taught me harmonies to her many Hawaiian music compositions.
I sang informally with my mother throughout my high school and college years. So it was no wonder when, at 27 as a wife and new mother, I asked her what I needed to do to sing professionally. Mom, who was 65 at the time, said, "Mihana, get a bass!" which I did that very night, and my career with mom was born.
I became the alto singer and stand-up bass player in our family musical group
that mom formed, called Puamana, which also included my sister, Aima and my
cousin, Luana.â€
Irmgard later chose Puamana as
the name of the group she founded in the mid-1960s.
The original lineup was
Irmgard, her sister Diana and Thelma Anahu. In 1975 Puamana was restructured as
a quartet featuring Irmgard, her daughters Mihana and Aima, and her niece Luana
Farden McKenney. The quartet remained intact until Irmgard "retired" (but
continued to perform) in 1998 and Luana returned home to Maui in 1999.
“Over the next 23 years and under mom's guidance, we enjoyed great success.
Most of all, we experienced the tremendous joy and satisfaction of singing
4-part harmonies and sharing our rich island heritage together as a family,
through our music.
At 86, mom retired and once again I went to her, asking her what I needed to do
to write music. My mother this time answered, "Mihana, write what you know,
share what you feel." Well, I'm not so sure that what I'm writing about I
necessarily "know," but as Mihana, I invite you into my world...filled with
light...touched with rust...and shared with love. I dedicate this music to my
mother who continues to inspire me and to light up my world with her warmth and
Mihana and Aima continued to
perform as Puamana, with this relative or that as the third member of the
trio, while Mihana also worked on music for her solo album. The title song, " Rust
on the Moon ," was one of Irmgard's compositions. The others were originals
that range in style of modern hapa-haole to light local-style rock to
beautiful torch songs.
Recognition came quickly in the Na Hoku Hanohano Awards of 2003. Mihana’s
first solo album, " Rust on the
Moon ," won Jazz Album of the Year. Mihana spoke movingly of her late
mother, Irmgard Farden Aluli, who composed the title song. "It's in her memory
that I accept this, and in her name."
A second album, “ One
Little Dream †followed. Wayne Harada, in a Honolulu Advertiser review said,
“Hard to categorize and not easily explainable, Mihana has emerged as a
refreshingly different and continuously delightful Island songbird, sharing
stories with the appealing posture of a folk artist. Our take: Mihana is living
her dream with a still-in-the-bud career as a soloist; she's on the move and
breaking new ground.â€
John Berger’s review in Island Mele said even more. “Mihana Souza took
a lot of people by surprise with her first solo album, " Rust
on the Moon ." Who knew that a woman with such impeccable traditional
Hawaiian music credentials had such range as a pop artist? "Rust" earned Souza
her first solo Hoku Award in 2003. " One
Little Dream " proves that we ain't heard nothing yet.
Souza opens with a very non-traditional version of a family chant, then moves
with ease through a marvelous collection of original light jazz and foot-tappin'
acoustic rock. "Don't" brings Christine McVie to mind, and on "Road" she sounds just a touch like Enya, but Souza never clones the voices of other artists. Why should she when her own is so mesmerizing?
The arrangements impress, too. The rock tunes rip; the jazz ballads are
cocktail-lounge smooth. Touches of ukulele and steel guitar give "Wrap" an
exotic tropical sound. Dobro and mandolin provide folkish nuances elsewhere.
As with "Rust," the title song is a composition by her mother, the late Irmgard Farden Aluli. Souza interprets it beautifully. Other family ties include erudite annotation by Hailama Farden (representing a different branch of the Farden family), and the fact that "Chucky" is a rocking ode to her husband's awesome culinary skills.â€
Please stop by Mountain Apple Company's website at to purchase "One Little Dream" or "Rust on the Moon" or your local music store! Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful week! Mahalo Nui Loa and A Hui Hou!