Best Of Myspace Film profile picture

Best Of Myspace Film

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm Just a guy who wants to talk about his favorite films, Myspace videos & Youtube videos. Each Friday I'll pick my favorite film or clip of the week and tell you why it rocks. Check back next Friday to see my pick for Best Myspace Film of the week.
Myspace Layouts..

My Interests

I wish I could say rock climbing or kyacking but let's face it I watch TV and play on the internet.

I'd like to meet:

Obama Girl


I can tell you who I don't like... Celine Dion! I'd like to back hand her.


All genres of film, but there is a special place in my heart for 80's horror.


The Daily show and Colbert Report


I tell you who isn't my hero... Tom Cruze. I want to just punch him in the face.