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Robby Starbuck

Imagination Is More Important Than Knowledge

About Me

I'm Robby Starbuck,
There isn't much to say that you can call facts really, life is a mystery. You lose the most important things sometimes, but it will either comeback or something better will come along, so you have to hold on, just hold on and work hard, that's really all i can say right now. I want to just treat life as a rhythm now, it's a beat, ever-changing, sway with it, lose yourself and feel alive. We all deserve to live. Oh and never forget the ones you love, i know that personally i value nothing more then those that i love. With that said, i also realize that sometimes we have to say goodbye and appreciate the pain of walking away so that we can one day enjoy the ecstasy of entering someone's heart and soul. The beauty i see, is what my life is centered toward, i want to enrich each person's life that i meet through my work just so they can forget for a moment, all the things that just aren't right in this world. art is my drug. work is my lover. sure my hands get cold when there is no one to hold them at night, but hey it could be worse. you are all special, don't ever forget that. love me or hate me, i work hard for my future. i know that one day every drop of my blood, sweat, and tears will pay off. my life is an art form for you all to watch in every outlet i can possible find. I love my work... I work mainly in film as a director/editor/dp/writer/producer, you name it I've done it hah... I'm working on getting some feature's out in the next few years, some documentaries, and some music videos. I work for a major web site producing content as my main job but I have a lot from my own company. I have a little puppy named penny, shes almost a year old and she is a half Eskimo half king Charles. I love life, I get really depressed on things sometimes but there's so much light, it's hard to lose complete hope. I catch myself when I fall. I'm lost sometimes, but only with myself. I have a strong internal problem focusing on the dark things in life, my love is masochistic. All I want in life is "to love and be loved in return." It's a miracle I am where I am, I'm happy... I think... Even in the wake of losing everything, I can't help but be okay with each loss, you learn a lot, and every pain ends with time... and the miracle is, you're always going to live the next day.
I AM: masochistic, loving, realistic, passionate, always up for a challenge, never afraid to fail, always searching for more, well cultured, well read, confident, kind hearted, a little bi-polar, protective, everything your ex-boyfriend was not, and then some.
"Above all things, I believe in Love"
"The worst part is knowing that there is goodness in people. Mostly it stays deep down and buried. Maybe we don't have God because we're scared of the bad stuff. Maybe we're really scared of the good stuff. Because if there's no God, well, that means it's inside of us and we could be good all the time if we wanted. So when we do bad things, it'd be because we want to or because we have to. Or maybe we just need the bad stuff to remind us what the good stuff is in the first place. "

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet anyone interested in my creative endeavors as well as anyone who has something meaningful to say that embodies some passion, spirit, and conviction in their words. Some mature people, not anyone childish. i work each day to change the world.

My problem is I've always wanted my life to play out like a movie. For example, with a woman, I've consistently wanted the sort of character that walks through a crowd of people and the only thing they can see is you. When they walk up to you they say something to the effect of

"There's something so indescribably sexy about you in a crowd. I could make love to you right here."

I just want a good climax in this life that I delusion-ally see as a movie, and a quiet ending. That's all I ask. I come home to a beautiful woman that I love, I am blessed. I love you Landon, you've changed my life like no one else is capable of doing because you never had to try to do it.

I am in the shadows, I am your bad dreams, I am everything terrible that happens to you throughout your day, I am your shadow, I am your unfulfilled dreams, I am everything you miss late at night, but the very worst part is, you love me, the idea of me at least. You are afraid of what you can accomplish, you have no idea how your penchant for telling yourself you aren't capable will really kill you in the end. Breathe Deep.
"I met you up on a building said, "I'm thinking about jumping 'Cause god knows I'll never land I never have." You said, "Let me tell you something about the world dear boy You'll lose it before you win And there's nothing wrong with that."

"I walk faster but it always catches up to me we talk all night, never saying anything I am all that's in my way do you ever feel the same? miracles don't exist in us we just wish ourselves away."

"You've got my world on a string, but the funny thing is: The only thing hanging from that string is you Well, I couldn't care more and you couldn't care less You ran a river through my eyes You gave me nothing and now its all I have left I gave you all I could, but everything wasn't enough I fell for too many of your promises And even the empty ones you managed to break You wouldn't know honesty if it knocked at your door Well, here I am..I knocked, let me in? You gave me nothing and now its all I have left I gave you all I could, but everything wasn't enough I played the fool for you You gave me nothing at all I gave you all I could, but everything wasn't enough for you But I'm not enough for you."


Contact Me
[email protected] robbystarbuck
Management Booking: Warren Wyatt
[email protected] Phone: 1-206-444-0300
The Honorary Title

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Lorene Drive

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Underneath The Gun

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Tyler Shields
"4x5" Book Release

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Watch Video Jade Howe's
"Hause of Howe"

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Watch Video This City Is Burning
Volume I

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InfluencesLayout By: David Biskupski

My Blog

My own "Sunscreen" advice & What Im up to lately.

You are not alone. And you never were.Stare at that for a second, take a breathe and read it slow.You are not alone. And you never were.If you ever felt that way, think about this. Somewhere right ...
Posted by Robby Starbuck on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 09:52:00 PST

Serious Life Changes.

I want to start out by saying thank you to those of you who have stuck beside me no matter what. I've been clearly depressed the past few months over my past body of work. I've been settling for a l...
Posted by Robby Starbuck on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 05:50:00 PST

2 0 0 8

At year's end it's really starting to feel like there's a defining moment a few days into the new year where I look in the mirror and tell myself in my head "my god so much has changed." This year it...
Posted by Robby Starbuck on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 08:24:00 PST

my basic thoughts and ideas lately.

In the time i've had recently i had had a breakthrough. I feel like I am finally awake. The problem with being awake is that so many people are still sleeping. In the sense that they let society te...
Posted by Robby Starbuck on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 02:24:00 PST

how i understand life

A mantra by the Dalai Lama-Activity gets you busy. But productivity gets you results. Activity consumes time. Productivity frees it. Don't ask yourself why life is so complicated. Stop analyzing life....
Posted by Robby Starbuck on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 11:51:00 PST

Separation of Church & State

Does Separation of Church and State Truly Exist In The U.S.A?Although many would believe complete separation of church and state exists in the United States of America and concretely in the first amen...
Posted by Robby Starbuck on Thu, 06 Oct 2005 11:40:00 PST

A Collection of Writing

I Trust the Weather Man We stare at the same screen from morning until death. Immaturity has its whims, of ideological ecstasy. From this screen you check your numbers for the lottery. Another...
Posted by Robby Starbuck on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST