Ticia Frank profile picture

Ticia Frank

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hmmm. About me, you say? Well it just so happens I am a raging ball of energy, high anxiety, tension, and anger.... but the good kind HAHAHA! I should have been diagnosed clinically insane. I've been locked up in an asylum but they let me out on good behavior. I'm a young girl that is constantly so wrapped up in thought that I have concept of what communication with another being that can speak back is. I have wicked bad ADHD so I have to bring a bag of a few different activities so I dont get bored... but I still do. I enjoy locking myself in solitude, playing music and letting my emotions bleed out onto paper doesnt matter what kind, doesn't matter where. occasionally I randomly brake down and cry but that mostly from the bi-polar episodes, which are pretty amazing most of the time especailly in mania. Nothing better then a few cups of coffee on a manic day. Insanity is our game and we play it well. I'm a pretty intense person that really doesnt have one steady mood. I'm very animated. I use my hands and body to speak mostly. I can think of anymore of my irratic traits right now so that's about as much of me as you get for now.

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Oldie but goodie!

My Interests

My only interest in life is to find myself, lying on a beach after a hard day of surfing, boarding, or just running in sand all day. I want to learn cool hobbies to keep me entertained and happy. And I need to be somewhere sunny, I'm tottally interested in the sun. You start to feel a little crazy when you constantly wanna slit your wrists to see color all the time.

I'd like to meet:

It's kinda hard to meet other people when you suffer from multiple personality disorder and self obsession. But if I were to meet anyone I wouldnt want to know there name I would just want them to sit and teach me there knowledge that they've gained from there life experiences.


I like a variety of different things, It's good to have a lot of options for your ear hole pleasures. Music is a good brain tease. I like to listen to reggae in the morning on occasion. Rockabelly to get my hips moving, Ganster rap when i'm driving in my car, and swing late at nite when i'm all alone at work it gives me that tingly, someones going to come up from behind me and brutaly murder feeling inside.


I love horror movies. mostly classic one a little more for the imagination, rather than eye candy. The new horror films are more like comedy to me than anything. Documentaries are always fun. And drug movies are always cetch my attention. The movies i like to watch i always feel I can learn from, don't run up stairs when a pyschos in the house, dont shoot up heroin, duh documentaries are full of information on what ever the hell you picked out. Oh yea and I hate love stories and chick flicks I'd rather I'd rather choke on my own vomit for hours before i finally died then have to sit threw I fucking fairytale movie made by a bunch of lonely dumb cunts.


Television you mean "reality TV" because that's all it is today. what's funny to me is i've never once in my life owned a huge mansion(or known anyone) where a large number of people who don't know eachother compete for some big prize or search for romance. My reality is living in a two bedroom apartment with a 17yr old with a 10mo. old (whose cribs is in our kitchen BTW) and sharing a room with my soon to be wife. And the only competing is getting anyone to clean are cramped live area. Where the fuck is my show!


I love to learn I'll read anything that will teach me something new. I'm in love with google and wikipedia, As well as my personal library from Johhny Stiph. With out these tools I would be able to get the answers I'm so frequently looking for in life.


Myself for not going bolistic on the world yet and how can I forget my fellow psychopaths from WI, if there weren't people like us in the world we'd be missing out on two of the greatest horror films. Psycho and Silence of the Lambs... type='text/javascript' src='http://widgets.clearspring.com/o/47cc53fac1f11f05/47cd6 869fc88ccbe/47cc53fac1f11f05/b83bdbb/id/1022649/widget.js'..

My Blog

The hard part is what makes life worth living

It's almost 3am. and it's been awhile since I've talked to myself on my myspace. I mean don't think I neglect myself. Me and me... well we dont stop talking I never shut up. I'm pretty sure we just pr...
Posted by Ticia Frank on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 03:01:00 PST


what jack ass came up with this security shit where every time I post a comment I have to type giberish! REALLY?!?
Posted by Ticia Frank on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 11:56:00 PST

Braking up is never easy

I broke up with food last night. It was very hard, food and I have had an intense relationship for about 6years now. Are relationship was very on again off again. There were good times and bad, but fo...
Posted by Ticia Frank on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 03:17:00 PST

Random Thoughts at 3am

I think its funny that in all of our indevors in life, even myspace, people can find ways to hide behind themselves. like having a private profile! now what they hell makes you so special that i can't...
Posted by Ticia Frank on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 03:02:00 PST

people talk

People talk a lot about what they want to do with there life, and what they want to change. but that's really all they do. they just move there fat lip instead of there fat ass. (this includes myself)...
Posted by Ticia Frank on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 01:07:00 PST

I hate people

I especailly hate people on the internet because every want to show off their penises and vaginas you whore need to get laid by real people not your fucking hands. stop showing me your penis i’v...
Posted by Ticia Frank on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 09:41:00 PST