About Me
Emptiness is Form.
To learn from Putin is to learn Victory.
Genius is play, and man's capacity for achieving genius is infinite, and many may achieve genius only through play.
"Figuring Things out for yourself is about the only Freedom anyone of us has got, So use it."
Lt. Razak, Starship Troopers...
Reality is the original Rorschach.
Principia Discordia
To do a certain kind of thing, you have to be a certain kind of person.
He drew a circle that shut me out —
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But Love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle that took him in.
Edwin Markham, "Outwitted", from The Shoes of Happiness, and Other Poems (1913)
Ich sehe den Freitod als Exekution meines freien Willens in letzter Instanz und als bürgerliches Grundrecht, dessen Vorenthaltung eine Entwürdigung des Menschen als solchem darstellt. " Gents, this is an educational project. You are about to witness the damaging effect electricity has on Wood "
Who: Frederick Charles Wood, convicted murderer electrocuted in 1951 in New York
If you can master nonsense as well as you have already learned to master sense, then each will expose the other for what it is: absurdity. From that moment of illumination, a man begins to be free regardless of his surroundings. He becomes free to play order games and change them at will. He becomes free to play disorder games just for the hell of it. He becomes free to play neither or both. And as the master of his own games, he plays without fear, and therefore without frustration, and therefore with good will in his soul and love in his being.
Pricipia Discordia
"Ich sehe das Ende klar und tränenlos:)"
Alfred Brendel
"Deren Verlust."
Translation: "Their Loss."
Fritz Guido Kowalkowski,Physician,former Control Tower Operator and Jack of Maritime Shipping
My advice to myself and to everyone else, particularly young people, is to turn on, tune in and drop out. By drop out, I mean to detach yourself from involvement in secular, external social games. But the dropping out has to occur internally before it can occur externally. I'm not telling kids just to quit school; I'm not telling people to quit their jobs. That is an inevitable development of the process of turning on and tuning in.
A Trip with Paul Kassner
Timothy Leary
"Turn on" meant go within to activate your neural and genetic equipment. Become sensitive to the many and various levels of consciousness and the specific triggers that engage them. Drugs were one way to accomplish this end. "Tune in" meant interact harmoniously with the world around you — externalize, materialize, express your new internal perspectives. Drop out suggested an elective, selective, graceful process of detachment from involuntary or unconscious commitments. "Drop Out" meant self-reliance, a discovery of one's singularity, a commitment to mobility, choice, and change. Unhappily my explanations of this sequence of personal development were often misinterpreted to mean "Get stoned and abandon all constructive activity."
Flashbacks (1983)
Timothy Leary"I was born human, but it was an accident of fate. ... "
Kevin Warwick
There is a small area of land in Asia Minor that is called Armenia, but it is not so. It is not Armenia. It is a place. There are only Armenians, and they inhabit the earth, not Armenia, since there is no Armenia. There is no America and there is no England, and no France, and no Italy. There is only the earth.
W.Saroyan,Inhale & Exhale
Wo die Sprache aufhört, fängt die Musik an.
At the End of Vords, the Music begins.
E.T.A. Hoffmann
Autisten leben nicht in einer anderen Welt, sie erleben die Welt nur anders.
Autists do not live in re experience a different World re Reality,they just live re realize ~experience it differently.
A Vacuum is a Hell of a lot better than SOME of the Stuff it is generally replaced with.
"We shouldn't be depriving people of having a better Quality of Life."
David Longman, Technoleg Gwybodaeth Chyfathrebiadau
The Only Unbearable Thing Is That Nothing Is Unbearable.
"I sense a Great Disturbance in the Force."
Obi-Wan Kenobi
"I feel a Disturbance in the Force."
Darth Vader
I am interested in madness. I believe it is the biggest thing in the human race, and the most constant. How do you take away from a man his madness without also taking away his identity? Are we sure it is desirable for a man's spirit not to be at war with itself, or that it is better to be serene and ready to go to dinner than to be excited and unwilling to stop for a cup of coffee, even?
Short Drive, Sweet Chariot (1966)
I sometimes think that rich men belong to another nationality entirely, no matter what their actual nationality happens to be. The nationality of the rich.
"The Armenian Writers : A Short Story" (1954)
"Das Reh ist nicht die Frau vom Hirsch."
Wolfgang Peham, Jäger & Schleicher
There's two kinds of computerusers in the world:Those who have lost data, and those that will lose data.
Sed Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
One must cherish Life and live it to its End.
The tao that can be told
is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named
is not the eternal Name.
The unnameable is the eternally real.
Naming is the origin
of all particular things.
Free from desire, you realize the mystery.
Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations.
Yet mystery and manifestations
arise from the same source.
This source is called darkness.
Darkness within darkness.
The gateway to all understanding.
Ch. 1, as interpreted by Stephen Mitchell (1992)
Lao Tze
Coyote is always out there waiting,and Coyote is always hungry.
Navajo Wisdom
"Chinese do Medicine.We do best Medicine.
Chinese do Torture.We do best Torture."
The Joy Luck Club,Amy Tan
"Kon mangel te kerel tumendar roburen chi shocha phenela tumen o chachimos pa tumare perintonde"
"He who wants to enslave you will never tell you the truth about your forefathers."
Gypsy Romani Proverb.
Halli Haldol.
THANK YOU EVER SO MANY, U ,my dear hypocritical oathbreakers,or indeed you do not have to take the oath of Hippocrates anymore,do you.WE SHALL always remember u. WE, Who Are LEGION, So Pretty Vacant thanx to your Invention
The Haloperidol.
4 the special needy cases.
All these years, my blessed precious Youth, spent in the Various Shrines to St. Rochus shrouded in my memory.some long time ago.
What Elegant Mindless Waste.Having received full Treatment 4 a Diagnosis Unknown, meanin several potent Neuroleptics at the same Time for quite some time, I daresay Bless you, when you have not had the pleasurable experience of Eyecramps combined with Constipation and a laggy salivating Head, not to mention alternating Rigor and Tremor,not all continuosly at the same time,but close enough.Haldol will also desolve your Idea or Awareness of Self.And make you amazingly tired.Same can be said for Leponex and other Drugs of the same old old Stock.
Those unfortunate enough to have undergone similar Treatment will know what i mean.
As far as Dyskinetics go,I should have them by now by the amount i have been forcefed,and I must add in St.Rochus and the County Hospital of Gütersloh most of All,That is the Monastery come Clinic in Muenster,Germany.Catholics,they call themselves.I do wonder if i am that fortunate to end up with Morbus Sardonicus,as i do keep having the odd cramping of the Jawline:)A conditoion to be proud of.Though it has been a lot less over the last few years,the cramps i mean.
.Thankfully so far i have been spared the Permanent Dyskinetic Reactions.
I should also add that I really appreciated most of the Nuns there, and that I am very thankful for meeting Some of the people,the Amount of interesting people you can meet on insanity Wards is immensely underrated,same as the Amount of quite ordinary mundane People u meet in Psychiatries .
When I eventually got transferred to the Open Ward,I was already too far reduced to a Vegetable-State,Blessed be,my Salad Days:) and rendered incapable of putting my newly-found Freedom to any Use at all.
Thank you,all you precious Doctors.Thank you that I was supplied with a new Doctor every to weeks so that I never got allowed out because they didn't know me well enough.
I will also never forget that you, the Chief Doctors of the Wards refused my Father, Dr.med.F.G.K. any Audience or Information.
For those interested I got diagnosed about three or four years ago with Hints at Manic Depression and more or less severe PTSD;)(And I also got Hypersensibility Syndrome,but that's what I was born with anyway, same goes 4 my rather accentuated strong autistic traits,most of which in regard to the socializing abilities i have so far overcome,well,others like oversensitized hearing or the inner refraint from being touched for example are lifetime-companions,also I should point out that it is possible to learn to have feelings by assimilation'n'accumulation of experience and givin things a good thinkover,just the Truth.Realizing how weird that must sound or rather read to the average passerby I have to say,it really is merely the Truth.When you understand the Concept in Emotional Behavioural Patterns,or put more simply understand the emotion,motivation and resulting action, u learn to experience the very same emotion which gives way to understanding the way humans are;).Thus you can learn emotions,or to relate to your surrounding citizens etc.Well,that is my insider's(excuse the pun)point of view.And i should perhaps add that I am in the Habit of lettin the occasional close friend or even just passing human Male or Female touch me or yes,indeed be rather vigorously touched by me.With Pleasure;))
Diagnosis was done by the absolutely fabulous Dr.Budinski,then Chief Med of Bethel Gilead IV Insanity and Rehab Ward Clinic,where I had my Electroshock Treatment done.
A most recommendable Experience, Much more effective than any Drug,and believe me I know most of them.I had 12 Sessions,I think,and I must say anyday.
Va Bene,Va Bene, Arrivo. Aspettato un momento.
I am probably the only One on the Planet though, who wants to make love to that Thing out of Doom 3,u know,the cute one with all the Eyes.I guess I am just naturally ambitious.Also possibly weird in a very personal and private way, but that is strictly speaking after all simply my business if I am or not.But I wouldn't mind its Baby,would love it to the max,As long as it is not human,u know...The human Baby is repulsive.But cute if u give it a try,but see,there we go,I do have to try to find them cute.And all these people almost yellin at me to try harder to think that would be JUST the ASSET I have always been missing,Tiring.I just think they are repulsive.My Business if I do.I sympathize with Mothers, I really do,but I just do not want a Baby.Unless it is not human.And does not necessarily look like the old sad naked Ape.I have had a terrible Time in my early Teens and well,more or less all the Time actually, when I do get abhorred by my hands.Naked.Flesh.Alien.To me.My own Hands that is.Either U know that feeling or you don't.In Black though. Like that other Thing.And i mean Total Black, Face it people,Humans are maximally Brown,Dark Brown.And coloured,well,to my Eyes,Europeans re Caucasians are pretty colourful in comparison to the other Manifestations of the Human Race.and most definitely not white,but kinda rosybeige.but that's people 4 u,seeing is believing and stuff. Mad.I do actually factually spend a lot of my time speculating about what the skin texture would be like,dry like a reptile's,or more like rubber,or actually glossy smooth.That is just how i am.So there:)I have had A Dream.A baby Version of this kind of Thing was mustering me out of the Corner of my room,and following me around,thinking "Something out of Cells" and trying to categorize me and make sense of what I was doing.I have never ever been blessed with a Dream as lovely as that before.I rest my Case.It was the most beautiful experience ever.And too cute, far too cute.:) It freaked when I used my Lighter to light a Candle. Too Cute.I also daresay having that Thing around might be the only way to make me give up smoking:)Also 'something out of cells', that is just the most brilliant expression ever.I can put absolutely multiple Uses and meanings to this One.Total bliss this memory brings to me.:)Too Cute.Pure Love.
Walking makes the Path.
African Proverb
Detours improve Orientation.
Japanese Wisdom
Beyond mountains, there are more mountains.
Haitian Knowledge
Es geht gut.Der Berg ist überschritten.
Fritz der Grosse
No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.
Stanisŀaw Jerzy Lec, More Unkempt Thoughts [Myśli nieuczesane nowe] (1964)
Toitü he whenua, whatungarongaro he tangata :)
वें देसे कà¥à¤µà¥‡à¤‚ जातà¥à¤°à¤¾à¥¤
Translation: In the land of mad people, there are insane rituals.Nepalese ProverbI also start to rhyme sentences incontrollably and involuntarily when I get very tired.