About Me
Hail & Ahoy thar
check out my last band:
check out my NEW band:
my daily life: I play guitar and sing,
I am also a homebrewer. I was knighted in 2005 for years of
live steel competition and archery, I do sword battle at
Renaissance Faires and Viking Festivals and convene the
Clan Scott tent at Scottish Festivals in Southern California
and Las Vegas. I listen to ALL styles of music, metal, rap,
jazz, classical etc. I am 420 friendly, and play a butt load of
video games watch alot of movies, wrestling, South Park and Metalocalypse
and spend the rest of my time with my band. I dream about music,
eat sleep drink music. I constantly doodle ideas and images of music and
ideas about songs and plots to new stories to songs.
I have been a musician for 30 years and written
over 300 songs. My first instrument a piano. In 1999 I recorded
a cd withSTEALTH SYMPHONYtitled"Star Voyage."Afterward I
spent a couple years writing and practicing. I worked with a
project calledECLECTOMEand alsoSTAR CHAPEL.In 2005 I
recorded a cd withDOWNPOURcalled"Son."In 2007 I recorded cd withDRIFFANcalled"Window to the Netherworld".Back in 2001"Jakadocius Compilation"was created. Consisting of 24 songs from 1989-2001 all mostly acoustical-keyboard-bagpipes with some guitar solos. On and
off stage for 20 years with many different bands at venues from
Hollywood down to San Diego California. The Whisky Ago Go,
Galaxy Theater, etc. And have playedbagpipes(Opus III above)) for weddings, funerals, parties
& many Renaissance faires. I am a piper for hire with full kilt & formal
attire. My favorite metal bands I listen to right now are thrash hardcore
death-black metal bands like Slayer, Megadeth, Fear Factory, Cannibal
Corpse, Ihsahn, Emperor, Naglfar, Dimmu Borgir, Dagoba, Threat Signal,
Scar Symmetry, System of a Down, KoRn, Mudvayne, Disturbed, Devil
Driver, and oh so many many more going back to Jimi Hendrix. You
can hear me driving down the street bumping Dr Dre and Snoop Dogg,
EPMD, KRSOne, Westside Connection or Behemoth & KISS, I love it all.
The majority of the time I am either at a Ren Faire in battle or playing
in my band. I am also an actor and have performed in many small
parts which you can see a few of on this page including a few a created
myself. I have been considering doing some directing. I have already
done a bit of editing/producing. See below.
Band history:
Fatal Blow 1985 - 87
Alive Band 87 - 90
Mutiny 89 - 94
Eclectome 94 - 96
Stealth Symphony 96 - 99
Star Chapel / Vortex 2001 - 03
Down Pour / Hollywood Freak Show 03 - 05click here
Drijfaan 2005 - 2007click here
~UNTITLED NEW BAND~ 2008 - NOWclick here
See ye on the stage, in the pit, or in the pub!
~ Slainte ~ Cheers ~ Wassail ~ To Great Health ~
below are past bands and battle videos
~Drijfaan~ Black Dragon (Live at the Moonlight Brewery 6-30-07)
~Drijfaan~ The Voyage (unplugged March-2007)
~DOWNPOUR~ Son (recorded Friday the 13th January 2005 with
video footage from 6 different live shows.
The EYES OF SCOTT ROBINS Scotland Ablaze:
Axes in Flight:
Flaming Axes at Night:
This is a video with me in battle in San Diego Escondido
Ren Faire with the Vikings of Raiders From The North,
The Wild, Torc Dubh, McFionn & Adrian Empire, vs
Ravenwood, Rosenkeep and St Paul on 10-22-05 with
music from DRIFFAN~Spartan Bastard.
Now I want to thank this man for inspiration: