Spencer profile picture


Its ThaT Holiday - The Love of my life :)~~ a href=http://photobucket.com target=_blank ..

About Me

body{background-image:url("http://img.photobucket.com/albums /v338/appy1212/photos/Picture1.gif"); background-attachment:fixed;} First off, I have a SURF SCHOOL! & will have your surfing in 5 mins!! Guarenteed! Check it out! Just click on this link & it will direct you to the Surf Schools page--- SAFETY FIRST SURF SCHOOL (website is down due to upgrades) Ill write more later but while im here.. I grew up in L.A. surfing, listining to heavy music & getting into as much trouble as i could. Moved to O.C. to be closer to the waves & started traveling. I've surfed Australia, Peru, Bali 2x's, Baja, Mainland Mex, Mentawai Islands lived in Hawaii for a year & still traveling. I have been in San Diego for a while because its got some insane breaks & the people were better. Never married/ No kids , still looking for that fun but level headed girl...? For about a year I did some backgroung work & acting. Struggling surf traveler is one thing. Struggling actor.. u can have it. It took too much effort but I had a killer time when it was good. That year I literally did tons of things but most noteable "Pirates of the Caribbean". "Master & Commander" - 3 mo.s of living on one of my favorite surf breaks & getting paid 4 it!! yeaa! I'm a sexual inuendo in this burned out paridise. Cant anyone keep up?? :( Im a hockey freak. I go to about 30 games a year. If you dont know about it.. Seriously.....WAKE THE FUCK UP!!! Chit- chat is cool but seriously you have to be pretty pathetic to only want to write some one e-mails & IM's instead of meeting them. So anyone in the neiborhood lets chat, then talk on the phone & have fun.I dont know about you... but hitting the keyboard a 1,000 times is not my idea of "fun". If you live far away i wouldnt mind a call either. Travel can be fun. Everyone else have "FUN" everyday. You might not wake up tomorrow.. So what did you do today?? .. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

...... I watched , what could be a Once in a LIFETIME, sporting experience LIVE, In Person 6/6/07 The CUP in So. Cal. !!!! First off, I have a SURF SCHOOL! & will have your surfing in 5 mins!! Guarenteed! Check it out! Just click on this link & it will direct you to the Surf Schools page--- SAFETY FIRST SURF SCHOOL Also, Surfing, sex, Live concerts, Hockey, having as much fun as possible, traveling, kissing, laughing....XOXOXO...ect......

I'd like to meet:

Fun people in one way or another. Also, people that are interrested in learning how or know people that are interested in learning how to surf.


Estranged Ringtone - Guns N' Roses


Music Videos Myspace LOLCats Hip Hop Honeys AC/DC(Bon Scott- The other Legend, R.I.P.Brother...), U.F.O., Guns & Roses, ABBA, The Cult, Andera Bocelli, Mozart, Pink floyd, W.A.S.P., Jim Croche, Black Sabbath, Cat Stevens, Aerosmith, Eric Sardinas, Scorpions, Zeppelin, James taylor, Beach Boys, Social Destortion, The Ramones, Bad Religion, Metalica(my homeboy Roberts in the band now-Step Up!..Yeaa), Cinderella, Van Halen, Ministry, The Offspring, some Crew, Priest, Maiden, Oingo Boingo, Miguel De Oyjas(Rosirito shreader!!), Korn, Nugent, Jewel(sang the National anthem better than anyone ever..yumm), Dido, Enya, Saxon(ty Lisa)


Anything w/ Breanna Banks in it, Fastimes at Ridgemont High, Kingpin, Something about Mary, Matrix 1 & 3, Lord of the rings(esp.3), Office Space, Jackass


Hockey, Surfing, UFC, Fear Factor, Most Extreme Elimination, Surreal life.




Bon Scott, Hugh Heffner, Breanna Banks, Whane Lynch, Jarimer Jager, Patric Roy, Dominic Hasic, Girls that try to sneak a peak if my shlong is hang'n out of my trunks while kick'n on the beach....HERO OF THE WEEK : "Myself"

My Blog

PINK FLOYD / Roger Waters ! June 15th Irvine OMG .. Im so excited, .. like a little Boy ;)~~~

You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today. And then one day you find ten years have got behind you. No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun. So you run and you ru...
Posted by Spencer on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 02:07:00 PST

Night Surfing Tonight 2/3/07 :)~~

I paddeled out tonight Just as the amazing sunset was blooming. People were taking pictures of it.. & then they started taking pictures of me.. probably thinking I was a freak.   &n...
Posted by Spencer on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 01:27:00 PST

Motley Crue 9/18/06 HRC in NY

I dont have time to write about it. but holy shit...lol .. at least im back alive ! ..lol  posted 1 new pic in my pics. If anyones wanting to see a li'l history but I will finish up later.  ...
Posted by Spencer on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 06:50:00 PST

New Vids... check um out ;)~ . "My Vids"

 fun stuff...
Posted by Spencer on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 02:01:00 PST

For Lagunians, KID ROCK Pics. R back.. in "View my pics"

Go to "View my pics." on my Home page. I cant believe you guys havent seen these before...lol
Posted by Spencer on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 11:10:00 PST


Decided to post a New- Hero of the week , every week. Leaving the ones I have up ... but Claim'n a new one, about once a week.
Posted by Spencer on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST