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Global Punk review is mor ethan just one apes definition of punk.Its Metal, Its Rock n Roll in its truest form. Its Glam, its the rump shaking Rock a billy. Hell its foot stomping Cow-punk!! Yeeee fukkin haw!!! No commercial BS here.It is our goal to present a global view on music and the culture that surrounds it. We welcome your contributions to the magazine and its contents. Please visit us and spread the word.

My Interests Staff and Feature Writers for April 1 2008 issue Neo-Con Rob-Columnist Baltimore/DC Scene reports Rev Paul-Columnist Jimmy Doom-Columnist Sue ( Aka Dr Soo, aka Dupedu2)-Columnist & Chicago Area Scene reports Ronia Deadly-Special Feature Vern Obxnious-Special Feature Beaux Mitchell-Special Feature Rob Barley-Columnist Manya-Orange County Ca.Scene reports Maria McKinny-Special Feature Draven Scott-Florida Scene reports Michael Rys-Toledo/Detroit show reviews-special Feature Ben Schism & Marie-Uk Scene reports Squirrell-Detroit Scene Reports Buckshot George-Special Feature Tech Guru- Randy aka Cuda and more to come...


PUNK,Harcore,OI, Street Rock,Rock N Roll, Hard Rock, Metal,Thrash,Glam, ect... No commercial assuck music.

Helpen people get Kidneys