I Look at Men Like Men Look at Women.. I Live by The Motto of "If Guys Do it.. Why Don't We?" I Love Music, Movies, Motorcylces,BDSM, & Hotties of all genders...♥♥♥♥♥♥&h earts;♥♥♥♥♥♥&heart s;♥♥♥
People who don't like SUXX and STUFF..People Who like it Creepy....Who Love the Edge Just a Little Too Much...and Those Who Suffer from Terminal Uniqueness...People who don't JUDGE me For Being ME .. DuDES with Mohawks.. LOVE ME SOME Glam Boys..They are Pretty and Fun To Look At..BUT.. Raw and Raunchy Punk Boys Rock my Platform Boots..Click Slide for Captions ..Tank Hooker..Sir Alexx...Simon LaRue...Kelly Morgue Click For Official Website
Hanoi Rocks, GBH, The Clash, Panzer Princess, Panzer Princess, Panzer Princess..OOpps, Tattooed Millionaires, Bai Bang, The Heartattacks, The Throbs, The Pretenders, BauHaus, Motley Crue, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Crash Diet, Fuel, David Bowie,Ramones, Live, PearlJam, Collective Soul,Alice in Chains,Ghosts of Lovers, Go Betty Go, The Melvins, The Stooges, Backyard Babies, Sex Pistols,Voivod,Buckcherry, Innnocent Rosie, Scarlett Rose (Yeah..I know..I know..but they are SOOO cute...), Rhino Bucket, Drive Shaft, Garbage,Starlet Suicide, The Dead Pets, 5FDP, Death Becomes You (My Brothers in Darkness..I Love You)
I'm a HORROR LOVING HONEY...Devil's Rejects, House of 1000 Corpses, Hostel, The Hills Have Eyes (2005), Friday the 13th (all 100), Frankenstein (the original), Some Like it Hot, Butterfield 8, The Craft, Freaks, Something Wicked this Way Comes..If It's SCAREY.. I LOVE IT!
I Never Watch Anything Anymore....
Hawthorne, (Yes..As In Nathaniel..).. Mary Louise Clarke, Steven King, Emily Bronte, Margret Mitchell, Arthur C. Clarke...
Eleanor Roosevelt, Bette Page, Joey Ramone, Everyone who Didn't Let Being Different Stop Them, and All the Bands Who Never Give Up Their Dreams.
That Rock
Dirty Penny.. HOT L.A. Boys.. Click the Pic to ADD These Guys and Check Out Their Sounds!!Dirti Gezturz - Click the Pic and check out HOT BRIT BoysTattooed Millionaires..These Guys OOOZE SEX!
Red Star Rebels...HOT Rockin Brits..Ronnie Sweetheart...My Original Hottie...
Micheal Monroe...The Hottest of The HOT...The Erotics - NY Based Punkers That ROCK
Click The Pic and CHECK THEM OUT!Hit N Run..These Guys Have Some Killer Stuff..Click the Pic Below and Check Them OUT!
This is One of the Most Beautiful Pics I've Seen.. N.Y. Based Punkers RABIA walking in the Snow.. Click the Picture to Check Em Out..
Pure Punk ...Jonny in Front of the Legendary CBGBs
Click the Pic For DIS-CONs Music PageThe Caualities...Now THAT is HAIR!!!CIRCUS MADMEN...Hot Fucking Punk Babies...The HEART ATTACKS...LOVE These GUYS!Death Becomes You..They Make Necrophelia So Beautiful..
The Mansfields- Keeping it CreepyI LOVE This Poster...