Nasty Pistolero profile picture

Nasty Pistolero

How could anyone fall for a drunk like me...

About Me

Im a dirty Rock n Roll ratt from hell with a head full of dreams and delusions of grandeur. I am the bass player in "The Greatest Gypsy Flamenco Rock n Roll Sleaze Glam Band Ever" I think you know who they are ( Gypsy Pistoleros ). I used to play bass in a kick ass punk band called "The Negatives" (SWE). Other then that I spend most my time touching my guitars in inappropriate ways or terrorize my neighbours with sweet sweet music and quite frankly i dont do much else these days.

Oh and btw, keep a look out for this hand numbered special edition red vinyl releasaed in april by warbird entertainment.

Sponsored by MUDDGUITARS!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Rockers, Elvis, Musicians, Dreamers, Homer Simpson, just nice people i guess... oh and a bleach blond double-D virgin with the experience and confidence of a prostitute.


Hanoi Rocks, Rhino Bucket, Junkyard, Gypsy Pistoleros, GnR, Mötley Crue, Nasty Idols!!!, Buckcherry, Backyard Babies, Gasoline Queen, Aerosmith, Shotgun Messiah, V8Wankers, Zodiac Mindwarp, L.A Guns, Big Cock... this list just doesnt end...


Deadman, Airheads, Closer, boondock saints, The Adventures of Ford Fairlane and so on...


My TV is dead R.I.P 18?? - 2005 You will be missed...


Walk This Way, Dice Man, The Dirt, The Sacred Art of Stealing, The Game. I realy dont read that much.


Elvis - "before anyone did anything, elvis did everything", Ron Jeremy - "Slept with over 5000 women, who has the energy?", Michael Monroe - "Try to find a better front man... didnt find one? i thought so", Keith Richards - "You think he knows he..s dead?"

Live at Rocklahoma -08!!!

For someone special...

My Blog


Baby George Michael Jr is MISSING!!! if anyone has ANY idea where little baby geoge michael junior is PLEASE let us know! he was last seen at ROK -08 taking a relaxing bath in the beer cooler for a fe...
Posted by Nasty Pistolero on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 12:12:00 PST

Traditional finnish dish...

I just thought ill share what must be the best recipe in the world with you all.  I was back home in finland a few months ago before i came to the U.K and there was this delicious traditiona...
Posted by Nasty Pistolero on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 07:33:00 PST

Handler needed urgently!!!

Handler needed urgently!!! Previous experience from handling piss heads or dog walking would be advantageous. Able to travel is a must. Blond virgin girls and midgets prefered. Apply with picture, res...
Posted by Nasty Pistolero on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 10:57:00 PST