Rockers, Elvis, Musicians, Dreamers, Homer Simpson, just nice people i guess... oh and a bleach blond double-D virgin with the experience and confidence of a prostitute.
Hanoi Rocks, Rhino Bucket, Junkyard, Gypsy Pistoleros, GnR, Mötley Crue, Nasty Idols!!!, Buckcherry, Backyard Babies, Gasoline Queen, Aerosmith, Shotgun Messiah, V8Wankers, Zodiac Mindwarp, L.A Guns, Big Cock... this list just doesnt end...
Deadman, Airheads, Closer, boondock saints, The Adventures of Ford Fairlane and so on...
My TV is dead R.I.P 18?? - 2005 You will be missed...
Walk This Way, Dice Man, The Dirt, The Sacred Art of Stealing, The Game. I realy dont read that much.
Elvis - "before anyone did anything, elvis did everything", Ron Jeremy - "Slept with over 5000 women, who has the energy?", Michael Monroe - "Try to find a better front man... didnt find one? i thought so", Keith Richards - "You think he knows he..s dead?"
Live at Rocklahoma -08!!!
For someone special...