★RaK★ aka Mrs. Lovett profile picture

★RaK★ aka Mrs. Lovett

Bitches & sluts, girls who take pics in underwear to show myspace how hot they are cos they need

About Me

Im very artistic, I spend the time doing all kinda creative things... Drawing, painting, music, design, photography, design... I just cant live without all this shit! So I definitively preffer to spend the day designing a tshirt than going to Zara and buy pretty clothes. Im very straight, if I dont like you, you will notice it. Im a nice and caring person, but often hateable. And I dont have ANY patience! Im also the most empathetic person ever... I dont eat meat or fish, Im not a vegan or something, cos I dont like vegetables either, I just eat so few things, I just dont have a word to define myself in that way (non in others either), but not animals (lifes) are killed to feed me, and Im proud of that. I LOVE animals. And to fight for their rights. They are more lovable than persons, and often i love them more than I love people. I LOVE travelling, and I do it as soon as I can, all the time! And of course, gigs are a big part of my life. Dont know what else u should know about me, just ask! ;) ..

My Interests

Music!!!, Finland, Animals (I love my baby dog!!!!),Make Up, Gigs, Absenth, Partying, Faces, Voices, Filming, Photography... ah yeah and Bert McCracken xDD


**Stop Hurting Animals!!!**

I'd like to meet:

Ok guys, the rules are simple. Don't add me If you're not gonna answer my messages, and if you write me don't send just a just 1 line shit message like: "How are you doing?", that bores me. Im not interested in having 6000 friends in here, only interesting people with something to say or share some interests with me. I clean my list very often, I dont like to have useless not talking friends, so before adding me, think bout it. If ure in a band or something, dont send me a bunch of messages saying how cool is your band, I wont even check it, I know the music I like... I also wont accept people with huge and very long profiles, full of band pictures and all that, or if it's private. Myspace whores and bitches, just stay away =) Anyway, if you're really interested in adding me even reading all this, do it, Im a very very nice girl =) haha. I don't bite, at least if I dont have to ;) Rokk on!
"Comment Me, Bitch!!!"
Shout Here!



"En los próximos días os diremos donde se pueden ver las nuevas máscaras de Slipknot y cuando se colgará el primer tema en la web www.roadrunnerrecords.es"


Nirvana, Heijaste, Hole, Bitch Alert, The Used, The cooper temple clause, Muse, The Vaselines, Queen Adreena, Social Distortion, Disturbed, Negative, MCR, Foo Fighters, Linkin Park, JWRA, Motley Crue, Flash, Hardcore Superstar, Deep Insight, Lacuna Coil, Velvet Revolver, Smokesuit and a BIG etc...


ALL by Tim Burton!!, Salvador, The Pianist, Another Day In Paradise, Catch Me If You Can, The Man in the Iron Mask, Romeo + Juliet, El Orfanato, Ladies in Lavender, The Basketball Diaries, The Lost Call, The Crow, SAW (All of them!!), Schindler's List, Paper Moon, etc...
Actors like Daniel Brühl, Gale Harold & Johnny Depp rock my socks!!


QUEER AS FOLK, CSI, Sex in NY, Family guy, The Simpsons, dirty cartoons, tv series about hospitals, blood and deaths and clever humoristic talk shows.


The pianist of Warsaw Ghetto, Anna Frank's Diary, Enigmas Sin Resolver, All by Mary Higgins Clark books & Agatha Christie.


My Blog


Simplemente un texto q encontre x la red... no se de kien es, tampoco tenia creditos ni nada pero me dejo alucinada xD imagino que muchas de vosotras os sentireis definidas con el..... tambien. Y como...
Posted by RaK aka Mrs. Lovett on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 09:23:00 PST

Life as now

I didnt update this talking bout thing going on, so now its time =)First, im having my new tat soon. It will be in the down part of the shoulder going to the chest, it will be a little one. I have an ...
Posted by RaK aka Mrs. Lovett on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 12:40:00 PST

My 2007

Oh well, how this should start...This year has been full of everything! Really good things, and also, of course, really bad ones.Feels like everything happened, but i can say I had a good year, and ma...
Posted by RaK aka Mrs. Lovett on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 11:27:00 PST


Part 1:Fotos de hace dos findes cuando fui a visitar al bixo =) q las tenia x ahi guardadas... ^^@ Alicante en una super cafeteria xD with Hep ^^ (sorry mary no tg la modifikada :p no me mates)Thinkin...
Posted by RaK aka Mrs. Lovett on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 07:47:00 PST


Just some pixx of the weekend =)Making a great pizza xD mm great? :pCash... :) Party time!...
Posted by RaK aka Mrs. Lovett on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 05:21:00 PST

The 69 eyes + Deep Insight (Nosturi, Helsinki 17.10.07)

Y para acabar los blogs fineses, el concierto de los ojetes ^^Fue genial! Lo malo de la noche, es que Mary y yo habiamos ido a ese concierto especialmente para ver a los Deep Insight (yo a los ojetes...
Posted by RaK aka Mrs. Lovett on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 08:53:00 PST

Lost In Music Festival (Tampere, Pakkahuone 19.10.07)

Finalmente aqui pongo las fotos de los conciertos a los que he ido este viaje a Finland ^^Las primeras son de Lost in Music, un festival en Tampere en el que tuvimos la suerte de que pusieran el mismo...
Posted by RaK aka Mrs. Lovett on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 08:39:00 PST

Finland 10.07

Well well, so finally back home! sadly... i must say.I just had the greatest time of my life in there! 12 days full of parties, meetings, gigs, friends.... its been amazing! and I miss Lonkero!!!I ma...
Posted by RaK aka Mrs. Lovett on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 07:56:00 PST

Party Party Party

Simplemente unas fotos de este finde ^^Fiesta por la noche en el Kenta, Home of blues... (dnd estabas sebain? xD) cena en un castillo medieval xD regalitos de cumple... este es el resultado xD@Kenta R...
Posted by RaK aka Mrs. Lovett on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 04:00:00 PST

Webas Weekend!!

Bueno bueno =)Acabo de llegar a casa de la casa de Mary. Ha sido un finde cansadito, xq de hecho estoy muerta xDLlegue a su casa a las 16.30 de la tarde, se ducho y mientras eya estaba mojada xD yo me...
Posted by RaK aka Mrs. Lovett on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 06:01:00 PST