Clean Fuels Ohio profile picture

Clean Fuels Ohio


About Me

Our mission is to increase the use of cleaner American fuels and vehicles and energy-saving transportation technologies in order to improve air quality and health, reduce climate change, curb dependence on imported petroleum, and support Ohio’s economy.
Our Programs:
Ohio Green Fleets A review of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency data has shown that 79% of the cancer risk from airborne sources comes from diesel exhaust. The Ohio Green Fleets program is designed to significantly improve the environmental performance of business and government vehicle fleets across Ohio through diesel cleanup and other strategies. This new program is composed of three core components: working with fleet managers to develop a Green Fleet policy tailored to their specific needs, hands on support and assistance in implementing the policy and the development of a statewide rating system to recognize those fleets that have made positive progress toward their environmental goals. Ohio Green Fleets is presented in collaboration with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Ohio Energy Office and several local and regional organizations.
Biodiesel Fleet Roundtables Biodiesel can be safely used in any diesel engine vehicle and burns cleaner than regular petroleum diesel fuel. Clean Fuels Ohio hosts periodic information sessions for fleet managers interested in learning more about using biodiesel fuel in their fleets. These sessions are presented as roundtable discussions facilitated by fleet managers who are experienced in using biodiesel, allowing the free flow of ideas and questions between peers. Click here for more information on biodiesel.
Idle Reduction Idle reduction programs focus on reducing the amount of time heavy-duty trucks idle their engines. This reduction saves fuel, cuts engine wear, and saves money. It also reduces emissions and noise. Clean Fuels Ohio offers education and technical assistance to both government and business fleets regarding anti-idling devices and encourages the adoption of anti-idling policies. To learn more about idle reduction, click here .
Increasing Fuel Availability One of the key barriers faced by fleets or individuals interested in using any alternative fuel is limited locations to buy it. Clean Fuels Ohio works hard to overcome this obstacle by encouraging development of refueling stations and, when necessary and possible, helping to secure funding to make it happen.
Ohio Transportation Working Group Led by Clean Fuels Ohio, this collaborative effort brings together nonprofit organizations, government entities, transportation industry representatives and others to develop a vision and framework for transportation policy in Ohio that addresses both economic and environmental matters. This framework will be used to educate policy makers on long term strategies in the transportation sector in order to improve energy efficiency, increase the use of cleaner, domestic transportation fuels, and promote alternative modes of transportation.
Education and Outreach Clean Fuels Ohio publishes an annual Vehicle Buyer’s Guide that highlights all new hybrid-electric, natural gas, propane, ethanol and biodiesel fueled vehicles, complete with engine specifications, pricing and a five-star emissions rating. The Clean Fuels Ohio Digest, an electronic newsletter, is distributed weekly highlighting news and current developments regarding clean fuel and energy. Clean Fuels Ohio also hosts periodic educational, social, and networking events for members and the general public. In addition, Clean Fuels Ohio is a resource clearinghouse for both individuals and organizations, offering information on alternative fuels, refueling stations, and other projects and policies that lead directly to improved air quality, reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, increased energy security and support for Ohio’s economy.

My Interests

Welcome to Clean Fuels Ohio! Be on the look out for bulletins and blogs on alternate energy sources in the news and our upcoming events. Feel free to ask us questions and of course, check out our MAIN SITE for more information.

As always, thank you for your membership support. We wouldn't be here without it!

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My Blog

Buying a car this year? Let Clean Fuels Ohio help!

Clean Fuels Ohio Buyers' Guide Before you buy an alternative fuel vehicle, please download our 2008 Buyer's Guide to determine which one is right for you. To access the PDF file, please cli...
Posted by Clean Fuels Ohio on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 12:50:00 PST