Columbus Green Drinks is a fun networking event for the environmentally conscious. Founded by Edwin Datschefski in London, England, Green Drinks is an organic, self-organizing network currently active in over 200 cities around the globe. Green Drinks events enable participants to share new ideas, develop inspired solutions, join the discussion, learn about opportunities to work for change and make a difference...whatever you want it to be. So, join us for a drink and meet and network with like-minded individuals who share your interest in building a sustainable society and planet.
Green Drinks Columbus is held the third Thursday of each month in varying Central Ohio locations. Check this site for specific dates, times and locations. You can sign-up for our Green Drinks email list HERE . If you want to help organize Green Drinks or have a comment or suggestion, please drop us a line at [email protected].
About Green Columbus:
Green Columbus is the proud host of Green Drinks Columbus, a monthly networking event for environmentally minded people. Green Columbus exists to promote sustainable living in Central Ohio and globally by 1) providing forums for environmental groups, citizens and others to interact. 2) raising awareness about environmental issues and what can be done to address them, and 3) encouraging participation in action oriented green events.
In addition to Green Drinks, Green Columbus also organizes and sponsors one of the largest Earth Day events in the country, "Now Get Busy!"
More information is available at
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