Derrick, The Unshaven Knave profile picture

Derrick, The Unshaven Knave

I don't know what I want, only that I'm desperate for it, that I can't stop asking. -Kim Addonizio,

About Me

Me. Been living in the DC area for close to five years after moving from North Carolina. I'll always be a Southern cat but I love DC for the most part...especially the people I've met up here who have become my family.
Hmm... I'm a poet, a journalist, and a vagabond teacher of sorts. I also work in a bookstore as both a book buyer and a poet in residence. I've been published in several anthologies and Journals; DrumVoices 2005/ Warpland 2005/ BlackArts Quarterly 2006/ The Hurricane Katrina Haiku Anthology 2006/ When Words Become Flesh Anthology/ Capitol Beltway Online Journal 2006/ The Cave Canem 10 year Anniversary Anthology, "Gathering Groun... You can also check my work online at
I've performed at The Captiol City Jazzfest Slam 2005/and have read at The Studio Museum Of Harlem/ Grace Church in Georgetown/ Joe's Place On WHUR..Howard University's radio station with Dr. Tony Medina/The Smithsonian Museum Of Natural History.
I also just released a new chapbook of poetry called "The Unscene"
which you can order on through PayPal. Its only $5.00 bucks plus $2.00 shipping and handling. So if you've liked the poetry in my blog or what you've seen on the beltway poetry journal you should check it out. Or if you see me on the streets of DC you can get a copy straight from me. Guerilla style publishing Baby!!!
The Unscene
: Poems By Derrick Weston Brown
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My Interests

Well, Thanks to the chump who decided to hack my page and wipe away allof the info that i had written before, i guess i'll have to start from scratch. Hmmph. i love reading. i always have. i'm an only child so i had to learn to entertain myself and reading was my passport to other worlds, ideas,perspectives, philosophies. Reading eventually led me to writing. I love writing poetry and i just recently and finally own up to the fact that i am a poet. no particular order. People wactching, Photography, all sorts of music, live shows, theatre (my first love) movies/films, documentaries, autobiographies, coffee table books, thrift stores, used book stores, used vinyl and cd stores, teas, pro wrestling ( hey i'm from North Carolina, Charlotte to be exact..Ric Flair's hometown Woooooo!!) rassling (heh! heh!). i collect miniature turtles. i dig graphic novels, poetry anthologies, eating, sleeping, flannel sheets, good conversation, TV trivia, public television, traveling. Visual art..collage..., some sketches..though they'll never see the light of day. I will always be a student so i love learning, i love cooking as well and would like to broaden my scope of dishes (more vegetarian meals). Swimming. Relaxation and meditation. Yoga!? Workshopping poems...ect...ect...


Whew. Where to begin? Well I'll say this. If you want to know what I listen to, check out the radio show that I co-host on WPFW 89.3 FM in Washington D.C. Its called Soul Conversations and you can check it out every Friday Night/Saturday Morning from 12:30am to 3:00am. Pls you can hear us online at We got a Myspace page too: here's a sample: Blue Note Jazz circa late 60's early 70's, CTI Jazz early to late 70's. The Native Tongue family extended and other wise. De La Soul, ATCQ, Mos Def, The Roots, J. Rawls, Stone's Throw Artists: MadLib, Quasimoto, Yesterday's New Quintet, Peanut Butter Wolf, The Breakestra, Georgia Ann Muldrow, J-Dilla, Platinum Pied Pipers, Tiombe Lockheart, Burnt Sugar, Malene Younglao,Incubus, Nirvana, Roy Hargrove, DJ Smash, DJ Spinna, DJ Cam, Skalpel, Zero Seven, 4-Hero, Little Brother, DJ Two-Tone Jones, DJ Jamad, Roni Size, SquarePusher, Beady Belle, Alice Russell, Alice Smith, Me'Shell NdegeOcello aka Bashir Shakur, Deborah Bond, Nea'Posey, Muhsinah, Dub-Ell, Opus Akoben, The Cornel West Theory, Asheru, D.I.T.C, Sade, Susheelah Raman, Cassandra Wilson, Lizz Fields, Lizz Wright, GiGi, Nina Simone, Andy Bey, The Dirty Drummer, The Pharcyde, D'Angelo, Amos Lee, Lenny Kravitz, Betty Davis, Joi, Chokolate, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Scientist, Lee Scratch Perry, Beres Hammond, Lauryn...Ms. Hill, hell i really miss her. Jean Grae, Yerba Buena, Osunlade, Djinji Brown, N'Dambi, Jll Scott, Erykah Badu, Courtney Dowe, Monica and Marcia McIntyre,Billie Holiday....whew!!


Favorite Directors: Akira Kurosawa, Terry Gilliam, Spike Lee, Kasi Lemmons, Carl Franklin, Brian DePalma, Martin Scorsese, Clint Eastwood, Francis Ford Coppola, Sofia Coppola, John Singleton, The Hudlin Brothers, Charles Lane, Gina Price Blythewood, Malcolm Lee, Forrest Whitaker, Julie Dash, Steven Spielberg, Frank Oz, Jim Henson Theodore Witcher, Luc Besson, Wong Karwai, Ang Lee.Films: The Goonies, The Last Dragon, Leon The Professional, The Antoine Fisher Story, Good Will Hunting, Finding Forrester, The 5th Element, Boys In The Hood, Fresh, Enter The Dragon, Star Wars, Lord Of The Rings,I'm Gonna Get You Sucka, The Hollywood Shuffle, School Daze, Clockers, Hell Boy, Blade I., Spider Man, Ran, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, House Of Flying Daggers,Bound, New Jack City, The Brother From Another Planet, X-Men, La Haine, Kontrol, Nught Stalkers, Snatch, City Of God, Bomb The System, Wild Style, Beat Street, The Freshest Kids, Girl 6, Jim Henson's Storyteller, The Dark Crystal, The Chronicles Of Narnia, Love Jones, Hav Plenty, Love, Sex, and Eating The Bones, Loving Jezebel, 2046, Ride With The Devil, Misissippi Masala, The Caveman's Valentine, Love And Basketball, Ray, Braveheart, Howard The Duck ( I know, I know), Dave Chappelle's Block Party, Letter To The President, Fear Of A Black Hat,Bamboozled.


Not much. PBS. Conan O'Brien, Lost, Charlie Rose, Inside The Actor's Studio, NetFlix.


whew....I work at a bookstore, I have a library card...what more do you want!?


Mom. Nana. All the Deans women who raised me. Bob Caison, Brother Yao, Tony Medina, Fred Joiner, Alan King, Venus Thrash, Ebony Golden, MLK, El Hajj Malik El Shabazz, Dorthy Baker, Toni Morrison, Cornelius Eady. Grandpa Hobbs (RIP), Uncle Don (RIP), Truth Thomas, Kali Ferguson, Mumia Abu Jamal, Muggsy Bouges, Bayard Rustin, James Baldwin, His Holiness The Dali Lama, Arundhati Roy, Sonia Sanchez, Amiri Baraka and Noni could I forget you.

My Blog

New Poem:TGI Fridays on A Friday

  Snacking over glorified appetizers Alan and I perch in the crow's nest seating at a TGIFriday's on a Friday. Don't ask which of us is Heckle or Jekyll.   Below us beyond the high plexi gla...
Posted by Derrick, The Unshaven Knave on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 10:30:00 PST

Wanna Sleep Can’t sleep

I got to break this cycle of sleep. I get home from work around 12:30am to 1:00am and spend a good chunk of sleeping hpurs surfing the web. I could actually use this time to write but i'm either afrai...
Posted by Derrick, The Unshaven Knave on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 12:24:00 PST

Brownku 18

    Your full name in my mouth is a prayer answered before it leaves my lips
Posted by Derrick, The Unshaven Knave on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 10:42:00 PST

The Assassin Series: Revised

Lee Harvey Oswaldborn: 1983, Sarasota FloridaInterviewed March 22, 2003I really didn't understandthe odd looks on the faces of the parents ofmy friends when they introduced me.The amused disbelie...
Posted by Derrick, The Unshaven Knave on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 09:22:00 PST

Knave: check definition 3 letter b

knave      /ne?v/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[neyv] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun .. minmax_bound="true"> 1. an unprincipled, untrustworth...
Posted by Derrick, The Unshaven Knave on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 11:32:00 PST

Fatback McGristle speaks on Valentines Day

What I'm gettin' at isyou shouldn't get alltight in the chest just causeyou ain't get no Valentineon a day designated for rose giving and candy coated hearts.I figure if you already lovin' who youneed...
Posted by Derrick, The Unshaven Knave on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 03:50:00 PST


Subway Haiku   Riding the B train through New York's underbelly... unfinished senryu
Posted by Derrick, The Unshaven Knave on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 04:55:00 PST

Its like riding a bicycle

I been scanning the entries on the Cave Canem list serve about Writer's Block and some of the replies have been just what the doctor ordered. I'll admit i am my own biggest writer's block, and I alway...
Posted by Derrick, The Unshaven Knave on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 08:58:00 PST


Open Letter to NYC ... Dear Gotham, My mantra has been that I would probably just continue to visit you rather than live with you because I think an exclusive relationship would eventually suck t...
Posted by Derrick, The Unshaven Knave on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 01:07:00 PST

Check out this event: 2nd Annual Cave Canem Fellows Reading

Hosted By: Amanda JohnstonWhen: Wednesday Jan 30, 2008 at 10:00 PMWhere: The Bowery Poetry Club308 BoweryNew York, NY 10012United StatesDescription:Amanda Johnston Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Derrick, The Unshaven Knave on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 11:29:00 PST