All forms of Art. Its my PAssIoN, My EvEryThiNg!!! Literature,People,AstolOgy, Life, [ButtErflies] -The butterfly's attractiveness derives not only from colours and symmetry: deeper motives contribute to it...MuCh Like MySelF!!...lOl...I lOve to paint...Even my skin...=D♥The Skin You're In.= ]
Name: Zeyna 'Buttafly-Princess' Sy
Birthdate: March 6
Birthplace: London Baby!!
Current Location: JamAica...My RoOm...
Eye Color: BrOwn 'n' Sparkely
Hair Color: DRK bRown
Height: 5'5''
Weight: A Lady NeveR TelLs...
Piercings: 8
Tattoos: 3 & a 1/2
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: No...Just me =]
Overused Phraze: yoU-KnOw!
Food: Oooh im Quite PiCky
Candy: SkiTTles (WiLd BerrY!!) & M&Ms
Number:'s so RounD! and all tha numbaZ on a digital clock fit into it.
Color: BlUe
Animal: dogs, but my fav. insect is the Butterfly*
Drink: Umm...Water, it PurifieS the sOul...LoL!! && Ocean Spray CranBerry & Apple.
Alcohol Drink: Sex on da beach, Apple Martini
Bagel: salmOn and Cream CheesE...Fishy =D
Letter: Z...the first letter Of my Name
Body Part on Opposite sex: That really depends on tha PersOn
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: i'm Not sure?...CoKe possibly (".)
McDonalds or BurgerKing: Nandos
Strawberry or Watermelon: i'm allergic 2 Both :o(
Hot tea or Ice tea: Both
Chocolate or Vanilla Vanilla...Simple but Sweet!
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Chocolate
Kiss or Hug: Both...I'm VERY affectionate!!
Dog or Cat: DoGz all Dayy every DayY ;]
Rap or Punk: most likely Rap...
Summer or Winter: Winter...I LOVE the fashion, but Summers kool 2.
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Bit of Both..
Love or Money: both R esSential!!
Bedtime: Evidently when I'm tired!
Most Missed Memory: Going Home on tha W3 bus in England! =[ BiG up 2 all Tha Bus DriVerS..LoL!!
Best phyiscal feature: Umm They say tha EyeS are the WinDows 2 tha SoUl?...
First Thought Waking Up: SnOoZe BuTTon!!
Goal for this year: To achive great SucCess in all aspEcts of LiFe...And to Visit Cuba Whooo!
Best Friends: My DoG Zen...LuvV ya Baby!
Weakness: i'm 2 STRONG 4 a WeAKnesS!
Fears: Umm not many but i hate to Fail, so failure i guess?
Heritage: jamaIca/SenEgal
Longest relationship: Me, Sharna and Aisha Lyke 12 years...Luv U Lotz!!
Ever Drank: yes
Ever Smoked: No
Pot: No
Ever been Drunk: OncE!...or twice...But NEVER again ;D
Ever been beaten up: NEVER, i'm 2 niCe...
Ever beaten someone up: No ThAtS MEAN!!
Ever Shoplifted: I HAVE moneyS!
Ever Skinny Dipped: nOpe
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: That means a maLe right? lmaO
Been Dumped Lately: Me?...PleaSe!!
Favorite Eye Color: WhaTeveR InNit?
Favorite Hair Color: PiNk & blue =)
Short or Long: Generally ShorT...BuT i [LOVE] Locks!!
Height: a lot taller than me
Style: SophistiCated and fresh With a hint of ur personal touch ;-)
Looks or Personality: BOth
Hot or Cute Aww CuTe!
Drugs and Alcohol: ...are BAD 4 U [?]
Muscular or Really Skinny: Happy MEdIum....
Number of Regrets in the Past: i don't REGRET, i LEARN.
What country do you want to Visit: JapaN (To see Christine...Luv ya!) & Egypt.
How do you want to Die: Doin SumFin SOo FuN and CraZy!! (",)
Been to the Mall Lately: yup.
Do you like Thunderstorms: DoN't bother me really
Get along with your Parents: YeAh I LovE Them
Health Freak: Somewhat...
Do you think your Attractive: Both inside & Out =]
Believe in Yourself: If i didn't, I would NOT be where i am today....
Want to go to College:
Do you Drink: Uhh Of course? i'd be thursty!
Shower Daily: 3 times...
Been in Love: OnLy With My Dog Zen...(",)
Do you Sing: In ThE ShoWer LikE MoSt PeoplE...
Want to get Married: I GuEss...
Do you want Children: Maybe...
Have your future kids names planned out: Kinda...not really...
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: Thats Very Personal!!...when Im like 45! lmaO ;]
Hate anyone: i only LOVE i never hate. (only disLike Intensely.ha.)
If I choose to meet you...You must be a truly BleSsed individual..(",) Oh and Lauryn Hill... Shes' the definition of Beauty ...
OoOoo Lots 'N' Lots...Mos Def..CommoN [is AMAZING]...A Tribe Called Quest...André Benjamin A.K.A André 3000!!...
Garnet Silk...Kano...Dead Prez, Carrol Riddick...SizZla(More Back in tha day tho)..Teedra Moses...RiCk James(King of FunK)MUSIq SoulChilD(Love! thats my tune!) ...Cold Play...BilAl(RemaniCe!)...Aaliyah [Suttely Perfect]..CalvIn RicharDson...Capelton...Sanchez...Angie stone..Jme( So Serious)...SWV(Rain!)The Roots...Floetry(Sunshine,I'll die!)...Lyfe JenninGs...H-TOWN [SOo underated! R.I.P. Dino x]..Intro...Kelis..Buju, Lauryn Hill...[beauty beyond description]... ...The Last Poets...Jaheim...Maroon5...Movado..NAS(lOve HIM!!Stillmatic was BIGG!)...Latif...Fonzworth Bentley...Jill Scott..Kartel...India Arie(The Truth..BIG)...Maxwell...Tina Marie...Oh the List just goes On and On like Erykah Badu...and I lOve her too!!♥♥
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Any thing with a good storyline, convincing actors and doesn't take 4eva to "Get into" (".)
Miami Ink, A.N.T.M. ...Umm I dunno.. Eastenders? I should be on Television...
Superman, Spiderman Or Maybe Batman & Robon? KMT! I am my Own Hero. Simply because I refuse to walk through life with no aim Or aspiring to a higher goal...Or inspiring those around me...♥♥