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FairTax (Official Page)

Who is FICA and why is he getting all my money?

About Me

I'm the income tax replacement system that America has been needing for over 50 years. I'm an ingenious combination of a national retail sales tax and a rebate system that untaxes every legal American up to the poverty level. I'm great for those of all income levels.
I let you keep your entire paycheck by eliminating all federal income taxes including the payroll tax; the most regressive tax of all! I get rid of the oppressive IRS as we know it and keep the government out of the business of playing favorites and auctioning off the tax code to Washington lobbyists.
I let you pay your taxes when you choose to, instead of siphoning it off the top of your pay every other week. I make funding our government more visible and transparent.
I strenghten our economy, bring jobs and business investment back to our shores and level the playing field for the American worker with our overseas competitors.
In short, I rule.
Income taxes are oppressive, invasive, bad for the economy, inefficient and archaic. As the famous philosopher Plato put it, "Where there is an income tax, the just man will pay more and the unjust less on the same amount of income."
Do you have a specific question about the FairTax and how it impacts you or your business? The chances are good that we have addressed a similar question before, and you may find your answer in the Frequently Asked Questions , the Ask the Expert Archive , or our extensive library of Research Papers . In order to make each Research Paper easy to find, they have been organized by subject area. We encourage you to explore these and other areas to learn about the effects of the FairTax. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for then please “Ask the Expert”!www.FairTax.org

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FairTax Supporters

Show your love for FairTax!
Send us a picture of you in a FairTax.org t-shirt,
of you holding an "I want the FairTax" sign,...
you get the idea. We'll feature the good ones here!

I'd like to meet:

Americans who are tired of the income tax and its harmful effects on America's people and economy. Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, rich, poor, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, liberals, conservatives, free marketeers, entreprenuers, blue-collar workers, white-collar workers, employers, employees. The Fairtax lifts us all up, intead of weighing us down, like our current system. Meet me ... get to know me before turning me away out of hand. I make a lot of sense, but you have to give me a chance to really understand me.

I love you, America! And I want you to love me, too.

Is True Tax Reform a Myth?

Backstreet Boys - Income Tax


FairTax supporting bands!! If your band supports the FairTax please let us know! Check these bands out!!!
Anodyne, Sidewalk 65, The Eldorado Band, Banks and Shane


The FairTax Book, by Boortz and Linder -- buy your copy today!!

My Blog

Sign the "Pass the FairTax" April 15th Petition

With Tax Day rapidly approaching, we’re gathering 100,000 names to send a message to Congress and the leading presidential candidates about America’s need for the FairTax...now! Join more ...
Posted by FairTax (Official Page) on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 09:35:00 PST

Big changes at FairTax Central; "Project 100" for 2008 | FairTax Nation

..> ..> End the AMT Now Congress is debating how to "fix" the Alternative Minimum Tax. If they don't act now, your 2007 income taxes could be more complicated and more costly than ever before....
Posted by FairTax (Official Page) on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 01:03:00 PST

FairTax Nation Newsletter - Grassroots in full swing!!

..> ..> Get FairTax news fast!Get your FairTax updates faster than ever before. When you subscribe to our RSS feed, you'll get the latest media content, commentary, and news right away on y...
Posted by FairTax (Official Page) on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 07:16:00 PST

3 new Co-sponsors!!!!!

  ..> Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite, Florida09/24/2007 Americans pay too much in taxes. The best way to spur the economy is to allow Americans to keep more of their hard earned wages. I am committ...
Posted by FairTax (Official Page) on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 08:21:00 PST

FairTax bus goes to Washington!!!

Sunrise in D.C. with the FairTax bus Our FairTax efforts in New Hampshire constituted another huge success for our "primary strategy." The FairTax bus -- which many of you have generously helped fund ...
Posted by FairTax (Official Page) on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 11:26:00 PST

FairTax bus tour blog day 10!

Blog 108/9/2007 Fellow FairTaxers, Again, I have been working on the Straw Poll so here is today's report, submitted by John Nothdurft, Press Coordinator and Josh Sanders, Grassroots Coordinator. "In ...
Posted by FairTax (Official Page) on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 07:42:00 PST

Blog 9 from the FairTax bus tour

Blog 98/8/2007 Hey FairTaxers! That was definitely exciting, I just got home from the Iowa State Fair Parade; it was super cool! We had a few minor glitches but they were all out of our control. Like,...
Posted by FairTax (Official Page) on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 02:06:00 PST

Iowa rally a smash; Media buzz grows daily | FairTax Nation

..> ..> Picture this: FairTax in America!Show the world your FairTax colors! Take your best FairTax pictures--including those from major events like the Columbia, SC or Ames, IA "Dare To Be...
Posted by FairTax (Official Page) on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 11:27:00 PST

FairTax supporters show up at Iowa Democratic debate

FairTax supporters show up at Iowa Democratic debate 08/22/2007 Dear FairTax supporters, Members of the FairTax team, along with the FairTax bus, made their way to the ABC News Democratic debate...
Posted by FairTax (Official Page) on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 09:57:00 PST

Day 7 and 8 of the FairTax bus tour (sorry for delay)

Day 78/4/2007  Hi FairTaxers! Well, today actually turned out better than expected. We started the morning off by having to cancel our first event in Humboldt because of  bad weather but, lu...
Posted by FairTax (Official Page) on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 03:59:00 PST