Hiking the Paul Hershey trail from Beltway 8 to Hwy 6, in Memorial Park, in the GHB preserve and by Hwy 99/90a. Hiking! Using my punching bag and working out. Wearing my BDUs so long it worries others. Informing people about the Fair Tax @ fairtax.org. Getting spit on by peace people. Wasting time discovering information that becomes outdated in a month so I save it on my computer and forget about it. Playing volleyball and Ultimate Frizbee at church and tennis.
WATCH THIS VIDEO. INCREDIBLE.7,000 FairTax marchers screaming, "FairTax NOW!" circle the GOP debate on May 15 in Columbia, SC. More pictures at www.fairtax.org/rally
I love The Patriot. A great line from Pride and Prejudice that I still need to use forming volleyball teams at church is, “Are the shades of Pemberley to be thus polluted?!â€
I hear about TV shows from Google News
Nathan Hale, Patrick Henry, Ron Paul, Apstl Paul, FairTax volunteers-- HAHAHA!!! Infamous Jack in the box "Angus" commercial-- How to give the perfect "Man-Hug." Wow