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Realists For Mike Gravel


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Official Website:

Mike Gravel's

*Ended The Draft*
*The Pentagon Papers*
*The Alaskan Pipeline*
*Helped End Vietnam*
News [Subsribe to this Blog]
December 5th is MASS DONATION Day!!!

CNN Bars Mike From Debate on Nov. 15th in Las Vegas

Future Debates Schedule

Mike releases his "Withdrawal Strategy"

Mike releases his "U.S. Armed Forces Withdrawal From Iraq Act"

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(Updated 1/27/08)

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The War in Iraq
Immediate and orderly withdrawal of troops followed by aggressive diplomacy.

Senator Gravel firmly opposes a military confrontation with Iran and advocates a diplomatic solution to the current situation.

National Initiative for Democracy
Empower Americans by giving us the mechanism––The National Ballot Initiative––to vote directly on issues which affect our daily lives. This power is similar to the initiatives used by citizens in 24 states and over 200 communities.

A Fair Tax
Eliminate the income tax and replace it with a progressive national sales tax - Fair Tax.

Global Warming/Climate Change
We must reduce America's carbon footprint in the world by passing legislation that caps emissions and improve energy efficiency while generating energy from low-carbon sources.

Universal Healthcare Vouchers
A National Health Care Voucher plan will provide health care for all Americans.

End The War On Drugs
Legalize Marijuana and treat harder drugs as a public health issue.
Read more...Mike Gravel=The Truth

Mike's Best Performance:
The DNC Winter Conference
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More VideosBiography
Senator Gravel enlisted in the U.S. Army (1951-54) and served as special adjutant in the Communication Intelligence Services and as a Special Agent in the Counter Intelligence Corps. He received a B.S. in Economics from Columbia University, New York City, and holds four honorary degrees in law and public affairs.

Mike Gravel served in the Alaska House of Representatives from 1963-66, and as Speaker from 1965-66. He then represented Alaska in the U.S. Senate from 1969-81. He served on the Finance, Interior, and Environmental and Public Works committees, chairing the Energy, Water Resources, Buildings and Grounds, and Environmental Pollution subcommittees.

In 1971, he waged a successful one-man filibuster for five months that forced the Nixon administration to cut a deal, effectively ending the draft in the United States. He is most prominently known for his release of the Pentagon Papers, the secret official study that revealed the lies and manipulations of successive U.S. administrations that misled the country into the Vietnam War. After the New York Times published portions of the leaked study, the Nixon administration moved to block any further publication of information and to punish any newspaper publisher who revealed the contents.

From the floor of the senate, Gravel (a junior senator at the time) insisted that his constituents had a right to know the truth behind the war and proceeded to read 4,100 pages of the 7,000 page document into the senate record. The Supreme Court ultimately ruled that Senator Gravel did not have the right and responsibility to share official documents with his constituents.

He then published The Senator Gravel Edition, The Pentagon Papers, Beacon Press (1971). This publication resulted in litigation, Gravel v. U.S., resulting in a landmark Supreme Court decision (No. 71-1017-1026) relative to the Speech and Debate Clause (Article 1, Section 6) of the United States Constitution.

He has worked as a cab driver in New York City, a clerk on Wall Street and as a brakeman on the Alaska Railroad. He founded and served as president of The Democracy Foundation, Philadelphia II, and Direct Democracy, nonprofit corporations dedicated to the establishment of direct democracy in the United States through the enactment of the National Initiative for Democracy by American voters.

Books authored by Senator Gravel are Jobs and More Jobs, and Citizen Power. He lectures and writes about governance, foreign affairs, economics, Social Security, tax reform, energy, environmental issues and democracy.

My Blog

Check out this event: Mike Gravel December 5th Mass Donation Day!

Hosted By: Let Gravel Speak MyspaceWhen: Wednesday Dec 05, 2007 at 1:00 PMWhere: Box 948Arlington, VA 22216United StatesDescription:Let Gravel Speak Myspace Click Here...
Posted by Realists For Mike Gravel on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 10:55:00 PST

Show Your Support In These Polls ! ! !

New Poll: dec-21-jan-4/90 tml 32http://w...
Posted by Realists For Mike Gravel on Fri, 25 May 2007 09:32:00 PST

December 5th is MASS DONATION Day!!!

Everyone spread the word! Post these everywhere!Make sure EVERYONE knows about this day!!! ...
Posted by Realists For Mike Gravel on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 07:16:00 PST

CNN Bars Mike From Debate on Nov. 15th in Las Vegas

..> ..> Fresh on the heels of MSNBC's exclusion of Senator Mike Gravel from last week's Philadelphia debate, we now hear that CNN has cut the Senator from its November 15 debate in Las Vegas. Li...
Posted by Realists For Mike Gravel on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 10:54:00 PST


FUTURE DEBATES Mark your calendars for future 2007 presidential debates sponsored by the Democratic National Committee: December 10  Los Angeles, CA Plan a "Meet Mike" Friendraiser / FundraiserI...
Posted by Realists For Mike Gravel on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 06:33:00 PST

Mike releases his "Withdrawal Strategy"

A STRATEGIC PLAN TO FORCE THE PRESIDENTTO WITHDRAW AMERICAN TROOPS FROM IRAQ Our nation is fighting a war that cannot be "won" militarily. It is time to make a choice about this war: keep our military...
Posted by Realists For Mike Gravel on Sun, 20 May 2007 10:40:00 PST

Mike releases his "U.S. Armed Forces Withdrawal From Iraq Act"

UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES WITHDRAWAL FROM IRAQ ACT Effective 60 days after this bill becomes law: 1. The Joint Resolution to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq (H.J....
Posted by Realists For Mike Gravel on Sat, 19 May 2007 11:47:00 PST