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Sometimes you wake up to find you know nothing...

About Me

I am on a path to discovery- the space within myself has been explored, just as the moon has, but there are so many more expanded galaxies to uncover … so many new planets, stars and asteroid belts to name.
So here I am growing like a textbook with living pages and a mobile spine; breathing life when I’m thumbed through. It’s an exciting time for growth for me and those around me, as I’m experimenting with my own reality, trying to see old things with new eyes and looking for adventures in each new day.
I am a writer. Currently I’m working on a volume of poetry I have titled, “The World, The Devil and The Flesh.” It’s my most exciting and experimental work yet. I also blog on The Wrighter (http://kobina.blogspot.com). I’ve also written for publications such as LACMA Magazine; CYH Magazine, and The Daily Titan. I am the author of the books, “Oh Yeah,” “Growth Spurt,” “Say it! Say Gen-o-cide!!” and “The Hodaoa-Anibo Dictionary.”
I am an actress. I studied at the Gloria Gifford Conservatory for Performing Arts. I can be seen in the horror film “Dark Town” and the comedy “Messed in the Head,” and in the independent short “Sunday Morning Striper” – which is probably not what you think it is. I am currently represented by Alcus Holly Talent Agency.
I am an artist. More recently, I’ve been incorporating the Hodaoa-Anibo language into my work – like in my oil pastel pieces titled, “Pa Sya Vi Hum;” “Rokoze;” “Balpa Giye;” and “Bademieka.” The Hodaoa-Anibo language is a work of art itself. It was created (by me) in 2003 in dedication to the African captives brought to America beginning in 1619, who were not allowed to keep their native languages to pass down to their posterity.
Every second Saturday of the month is now called “Hodaoa (Sho. DOE. ah) Saturdays. This is the time those understanding, interested in or fascinated by the language can consciously share bits of the language to make other people aware of its existence.
Kobina Wright
1. Learn a new language
2. Acclimate yourself with a new art form.
3. Pay homage to slaves and their ancestors
4. Become a pioneer in the art form
5. Pass the language on to your children
6. Appear intriguing to others
7. Be intriguing to others
8. Be intriguing to yourself
9. Make a name for yourself in the language
10. Vertically integrate the language into other aspects of your life
11. Make a stand against the establishment
12. Have private conversations in public
13. Because you’re curious to know exactly what it’s all about
The Abridged Hodaoa-Anibo Dictionary © 2007 ($20 + S&H – Paypal)

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My Interests

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The Wrighter


Check out books written and contributed by Kobina Wright:
"Growth Spurt"
"Say it! Say Gen-o-cide!!"
"Oh Yeah?"
"The Hodaoa-Anibo Dictionary"
"One Hundred Words of Wisdom"

A Single Mother's Guide to Dating

Whether the azure skies are sunny and cloudless or a smothering stormy gray, on any given day you can find us shuffling our children off to school before we ourselves trudge into work… making arrangements...


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My Blog

Three lessons about the government I learned from my mouthwash

I just bought a new mouthwash (at the urging of my daughter) that shows you the food particles and bacteria that it has washed out of your mouth.  Gross, right?  Yeah, but I found it inspiri...
Posted by Kobina on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 09:56:00 PST

Grab Your Laundry Off The Line Grab Your Babies Run Inside!!!

The days of living our lives of sunshine and singing birds with happy oblivion with regards to everything else outside of our blissful microcosm, are now over. And when we look out into the horizon w...
Posted by Kobina on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 12:30:00 PST

Is He For Real?

I won't spend much time on this because I'm not sure if there is any validity to it. But someone shared a YouTube video with me, where a young African American male claims to be the father of Bristol...
Posted by Kobina on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 10:21:00 PST

Prove It!

Posted by Kobina on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 12:55:00 PST

Prove It!

Posted by Kobina on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 12:55:00 PST

Microchips injected into humans!

It is no longer a science fiction fantasy, but a real life issue and a threat to our freedom as we know it. I don't mean to come across as doom and gloom, but there has been an issue on my mind, and i...
Posted by Kobina on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 02:08:00 PST

Ticking - a super short film

Posted by Kobina on Sat, 30 Aug 2008 09:40:00 PST

What to do with junk mail...and junk calls...

I was forwarded a message today  I thought it was brilliant. It wasn't a new idea, simply, a list of tips for handling telemarketers and junk mail. Quite frankly, I heard of people doing some of th...
Posted by Kobina on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 08:57:00 PST

The Legend

Posted by Kobina on Fri, 22 Aug 2008 03:55:00 PST

Hate crimes against women in the military

My cousin sent an email to me today about LaVena Johnson. The young female soldier who died in Iraq, eight days shy of her 20th birthday, according to lavenajohnson.com. Officially, the military rule...
Posted by Kobina on Fri, 22 Aug 2008 02:22:00 PST