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I make movies. See?
I'm silly, but, in the words of a good friend, still a "serious-ass dude". I love stories.
I used to be very political, but now, it all just seems like a big joke to distract us from the REALLY important stuff, namely, our own lives.
I firmly believe that curiosity is very sexy.
Name: Damon
Birthdate: August 7, 1973
Birthplace: Baltimore, MD
Height: 5"6'
Weight: a wiry 143 lbs.
Piercings: nope
Tattoos: nope
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: not yet
Food: I'm an explorer - I'm open to be impressed by something new every day
Drink: Mango Lemonade from Trader Joes!
Place to be: aligned
Country: not necessarily my favorite, but visiting Israel definitely changed my life
Way to relax: gym, pool, steam room, in that order, and I'm as calm as a Hindu cow
Things to do: discover
Flower: I'm a man, dude. I appreciate beauty, but
Body Part on Opposite sex: aside from the obvious functional parts, I'm a fiend for a sexy back
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Coke if I must, but the last one I had made me cough for 3 hours - choose water, you'll live longer
McDonalds or Burger King: true burger fans know FatBurger is where it's at, but AstroBurger is comin' on strong
Chocolate or Vanilla: French Vanilla with Chocolate Chips
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Chocolate
Kiss or Hug: depends on who you are
Love or Money: Prosperity
Music or Movies: Movies with lots of music cues
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Horror Comedies
Sun or Stars: I'm a Leo - the sun is my ruler
Hott or Cute: HOTT
Looks or Personality: this is a false choice - every woman I have ever loved is a goddess who you could talk to for hours even if you were blind-folded.
Funny or Romantic: Again, a false choice - Romance has to be fun
Phone or Email: email requires more thought, but on the phone, you can't really hide
TV or Computer: computer - it requires more activity
Truth or Dare: Truth - any punk can take a foolhardy dare. Real honesty requires real bravery.
Love or Lust: no contest - lust may feed, but love sustains
What's your Heritage: African-American - at least one of my ancestors was a slave brought over from Senegal and literally put to stud
Do you Drink Alcohol: Indeed
Do you Smoke: EXTREMELY rarely (like, a cigar every 5 years)
Are you Single: Yes
Do you have a crush on anyone right now: Am I that obvious? :-)
Ever Skinny Dipped: No - still working on that basic swimming thing
Ever Kiss in the Rain: I doubt it - isn't there somewhere else more comfortable & dry where we can really get down?
Ever Kiss the Opposite Sex: my nephew's forehead, when he was a baby - does that count?
Been Dumped Lately: not lately
Have you ever cheated on Anyone: kissed someone else once - not proud of that
Been to the Mall Lately: I just shot a commercial in a mall for three days straight
Are you a Health Freak: gettin' there - you wouldn't believe how much money I spent last month on natural & organic food & cures
Do you think you're Attractive: I'm a sexy beast
Do you Believe in Yourself: see above
Shower Daily: yes, do you, ya' nasty bastard?
Are you a tease: No - if I say it, I mean it.
Are you a Flirt: some say that I'm dangerously so
Longest Relationship: 2 years contiguous
Ever get Flowers: yes
Ever get Expensive Gifts: yes
Do you treat yourself well: like a king
Do you believe in love at first sight: absolutely
Want to get married: not right now.... one day, I think it would be nice
Hate Anyone: why bother?
Have any Regrets: of course - I'm human!