This is an unofficial Mike Gravel Supporters’ MySpace page.
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Who are we?
Well, first of all, we're not Mike Gravel. We're a couple of guys who have no direct affiliation with Gravel but we really like it when he speaks truth to power. To be honest with you, before the first Democratic debate, we had never heard of him. But after that first show and the torrent of videos hit the web around that time - we're all becoming aware of his name, his voice, and his message.
In reality, we're a couple of guys who probably spend too much time in front of a computer who wanted something better from politics. When we saw Gravel - his genuineness and command of common sense made us want to get involved. What we know best is the Internet. So here we are letting people know about Mike Gravel, who he is, what he believes, and how we'd be better of with him as our next president.
You're probably curious if Mike Gravel and his campaign knows who we are. They do. :) Deborah and the volunteers do a great job over there. But we're still helping!
How can you help?
That's a great question and I'm glad you asked it. If you're like us and you just want to get involved - what Mike really needs right now is exposure. He's changed America for the better. He personally filibustered everyday for five months in the Senate to end the Vietnam draft. He read the Pentagon Papers into the public record, letting the public's right to know trump a judge's ruling. He's a good man and a Senator without parallel.
That's great that you and I know it, but now EVERYBODY needs to know it. He got us out of Vietnam and he'll get us out of Iraq. It's that simple. Just tell people about him. Ask them to be our MySpace friend. Tell them to pass it on. Make banners, make buddy icons, make MySpace avatars, YouTube videos, flash movies... the sky is the limit.
Gravel is big on personal freedom. That's why we like him. So we don't want to hold you back. Do something cool and tell us about it or send it to us. We'll post the pics/videos/banners/images/avatars/etc. that you do. Together, we'll get the word out and we'll change this election cycle before the "top-tier" candidates get locked in!
Mike Gravel on the Issues:
The War in Iraq
Immediate and orderly withdrawal of troops followed by aggressive diplomacy
National Initiative for Democracy
Empower Americans and turn every citizen into a lawmaker by enacting a national
A Fair Tax
Eliminate the income tax and replace it with a progressive national sales tax -
Fair Tax.
America's System of Education
Education should be our nation's priority. We need to foster competition and
rethink the system.
Social Security
Put real money in the Social Security Trust Fund and invest it properly so
Americans can leave surplus to heirs.
Veterans Affairs
Fully finance the VA and end the war on our nation's vets.
National Healthcare
Enact a national, universal, single-payer, not-for-profit U.S. healthcare
Legalize Marijuana. The War on Drugs has not been a success. Other
drugs should be available by prescription from a doctor and the US should have
the resources in place to rehabilitate drug users. Current inmates should
have their cases reviewed. The jails are overloaded. See
Video Below(5:35 - 6:56).
More Mike Gravel on the Issues...
Quotes from Mike Gravel
On his age... "If anybody raises the issue about my age in this campaign I hope you'll step forward and say 'Washington needs adult supervision'."On his qualifications...
"Presidents have moral responsibility for the life and death of millions of people. Politics as usual is not acceptable for the Presidency. I feel entitled to make this statement because when I served in the Senate during the Vietnam War I spoke truth to power. I officially released the Pentagon Papers and as a result Richard Nixon sued me all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States. I successfully filibustered to force the end of the military draft. I filibustered alone and with others to end the appropriates for the Vietnam War! Those are my credentials. I've been there and I know how hard it is to oppose the majority of your peers. I ask that you hold other presidential candidates to the same standard."
On Iraq...
"Our presence in Iraq exacerbates the problem. Eighty percent of the Iraqis want us out and seventy percent think it's okay to kill American soldiers. We made a grave mistake. We should have the courage, the courage!, to admit it! We must bring our troops home now. Not six months from now, not a year, now! One more American death for our 'vital interest', it's not worth it! We all know 'vital interest' is a code word for oil. If we don't bring our soldiers home now, what will we tell the families of those killed and maimed between now and some future arbitrary date? The sooner we get out of Iraq, the sooner we can turn to the international community for diplomatic solutions to bring an end to the sectarian war that we caused."
How Congress can end the Iraq War...
"The Democrats in control of Congress need to act resolutely. And I'm not talking about some mealy-mouthed non-binding resolutions. They need to precipitate a Constitutional confrontation with George Bush! Under the Constitution, the Congress is the only body that can declare war. Implicit in that power is the power to make peace. The power to end war. Even the Commander in Chief executing a war is subservient to the Congress's war powers. The founding fathers specifically created this Constitutional check on the Executive authority and it was reaffirmed by the War Powers Act of 1973. Congress is our only hope, our only hope!, to end this carnage before January 20th 2009."
All quotes from Mike Gravel's speech at the Democratic National Committee Winter Conference.