Blackadder profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

Well what can i say, I am young and free, then I want to be middle aged and wealthy and then i want to be old and annoy people by pretending I'm deaf. I lie that I'm wealthy, (but all I've got is a groat) when really I'm just a grumpy man.

My Interests

The mockery of others, writing my novel "Edmund, a buttlers tale" and drinking brown grit at Mrs Migging's pie shop(or be it a miracle that her coffee shop has actually started selling coffee)

I'd like to meet:

Jane Austin who is in fact a man. A huge Yorkshireman with a beard like a rhododendron bush. Prime Minister Pitt, and the Spainish infanta(again), I would also like to see my old love Bob(Kate) again and ask her how things went with Flash.


True war songs like "i got shot in the back of the head" and "gosh, Field Marshal Haige is is a dim wit".


Anything BUT Charlie Chaplin films


I beg your pardon, why would i bother.


Well every other book is likely to be better than the dibble Dr Johnson writes. The Dictionary is the most pointless book since how to leard french was translated into french. No, i usually enjoy looking through Prince George's stack of french porn.


All of the blackadder clan esspecially the homicidle maniac Mc adder,He's madder than Mad Jack Mc mad, the winer of last years mister Mad man competition.