Travel through time and space, theoretical astrophysics, quantum singularities, vortexes, spatial anomolies, paradoxes, wormholes, randomizers, alternate dimensions, physics, warp mechanics, string theory, the nth dimension, cosmology, the fourth Doctor that used me (I liked his hat and scarf) temporal displacement, humming, flashing lights, knobs, buttons, switches, levers, indicators, klaxons, strange people and sounds, and the unexplainable.
The human known as Terrence McKenna, and the one who builds the Daleks
I am still waiting for them to install a music playing device for me so I can experience this thing you humans call "music" It took an eternity for the Doctor to fix my chameleon circuit, and the Doctor never even uses it!
I think I was on TV once. Not sure though.
The Doctor, Polly, K-9