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daniela bove

hold your breath.. ALBUM OUT SOON!!!

About Me

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i grew up in a concrete jungle, hanging out on rooftops and stairwells, getting into all sorts of trouble, and never quite fitting in. back then i blamed the red hair for making me stick out from the crowd, that and my big mouth... i went on to live in big cities and felt comfortable being lost for a while amongst the quirky characters that surrounded me. it was here i began to take my childhood love of singing on to a more serious level.
at uni in london i formed a trip hop band and gigged like crazy for years on end. it was great fun at the time.. living and breathing music 24/7. in 1997 i took the brave move to go solo and concentrated on my own song writing more intensely. two years later, in '99, i stumbled upon this strange and charismatic dreadlocked character, stephan altman, on a tube station platform, and discovered we both had a love of folk and electronica. we worked together for a few years, he became my guitarist, my producer and my friend. the musical chemistry was immense.. we still fight like kids, cuss and shout at each other like brother and sister.. but come up with a beautifully ambient sound, unreflective of either of our feisty characters.
this, my debut album, entitled 'deep blue' reflects the cathartic outpourings of us both, and it is the work i am most proud of! TO BE SELF RELEASED THIS SUMMER!!!!!

My Interests


Member Since: 10/11/2005
Band Members: for the album 'deep blue':-
daniela bove
songwriter, vocals, bvs, guitar, production

steph altman
production, guitar, keys, beats, programming, cello, bvs
jimmy napes
co-production, beats, programming
live band:-
daniela bove
vocals, bvs
gareth warren
leon jay
christopher robin
nicole collarbone

Influences:musical influences: KURT COBAIN, BJORK, jeff buckley, nouvelle vague, air, madonna, beck, elvis costello, the wainwrights, nirvana, the smiths, the police, the cure, joni mitchell, david bowie, teto parvanov, stephan altman, jimmy napes, cottonmouth, vashti, the devil and the dirty feel, tom baxter, charlie winston, the cult, guns n roses, tricky, goldie, massive attack, portishead, everything but the girl, REM, blur, radiohead, talvin singh, billie holiday, p j harvey, nitin sawhney,anthony and the johnsons, the chili peppers, john lennon, the beatles, ELO, crosby stills and nash, america, motown, bill withers, stevie wonder, suzanne vega, tori amos, the cardigans, damien rice, hakan lidbo, blondie, jose gonzalez, speeding mellow.other influences: my beautiful family, the love of my life, heartbreak, being in love, past lives, mad vivid dreams of vikings and medieval ireland, confusion, wanting to escape the rat-race and run for the hills with my love, my boys and a guitar, the honesty of children, the moon, a sunrise on a beautiful beach, a firey sunset anywhere in the world still makes me stop and watch the sun go down, passion, a burning in my belly, my italian love of the best food and fine wine, debating till the early hours with friends around the globe, sitting around a campfire in a haze singing with friends playing an old battered guitar, conversations in the wee hours when you feel like no-one else is awake in the world and you bare your soul, honesty, people that stand up for those who cant talk for themselves, pure kindness, anger, driven emotion, a good movie that makes you think, the annual pilgrimage to glastonbury festival, good old smokey wooden english pubs, life's rich tapestry, love and loss.
Sounds Like: cute blend of folky poppy electronica with classical guitars!
Type of Label: None

My Blog

gigs coming up... and album too:-)

..TR> hello my dears,just to let you know the next gig dates in advance, so hopefully i will some of your lovely mugs waving your arms at me:-)NEXT GIG DATES:APRIL 29TH - SPICE LOUNGEMAY 2ND - SUNSE...
Posted by daniela bove on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 01:54:00 PST

new trax up:-)

hello my lovelies,   things are finally moving along with the album, it's all mastered and ready to go..HOORAY!!  just choosing artwork and working on my own website and then the album will ...
Posted by daniela bove on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 06:47:00 PST

my thoughts as we near the end of the album...

i'm nearing the completion of my debut album and i'm feeling so excited about getting it out to all you lovely people, i cant tell you!  well actually, i can and i will.  it feels like it's ...
Posted by daniela bove on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 02:02:00 PST

new tunes up- what dya think?

ive put up a few more new tunes from my album that is almost ready for release on myspace.. be lovely to get some feedback on them... what's your fave?  what do u think of them? lovely, daniela...
Posted by daniela bove on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 01:36:00 PST