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Bling! Bling Bling!! Ow! My Eye!!

About Me

I install electronic patient records systems by day, and haunt the local goth hangouts by night. Call me CorpGoth, if you will.I'm a Gemini, a modern renaissance man, a fellow who is VERY secure in his masculinity, thank you very much. NOT metrosexual.Um, I swear.Having said that, I just counted, I have 14 hair products in my bathroom that i use on a semi-regular basis.I enjoy paradoxes, apparant contradictions, duality.Back when it mattered, I took part in an occasional scholastic competitions. I always placed in the top ten in the state, or 5 nines(top 99.999 percentile) in standardized tests.It didnt really matter to me, I knew going in that being smart, moral, clever, inventive, creative, hard-working, and right werent enough to get ahead in the world. You also had to be sneaky, selfish, and occasionally vile to really succeed.And where would that get you?If you had the opportunity, would you choose to be lord of Hell?I read Neil Gaiman, there's a story arc in the Sandman series where Lucifer Morningstar abandons hell, locks all the doors, and hands the key over to an enemy. "Many peple will want it. They'll threaten you, beseech you, plead with you to have it. Perhaps it will destroy you. Perhaps it won't. But I doubt it will make your life any easier."So, I'm a slacker.
Kind of.
Except I can't give up. Ever. No Matter what. I can't give up, I cant live without hope, ambition. I vacation a lot, go to shows, pick up keen threads.I adore travelling (or maybe just getting out of Cincinnati?) whenever possible. In the past few years I've been to LA for KROQ's inland invasion and my sister's wedding, Cleveland (once for Motorpop 2, one for FrightVision and Cinema Wasteland), Miami, Key West and Cozumel Mexico for GothCruise, Disney land, Disney World, Disney Tokyo, The Bahamas for GothCruise 3, Philadelphia for Dekoy's release party, and Philadelpihia and D.C. for an 'East Coast Club Tour', Dracula's Ball, Detroit for Wolfsheim. L.A. to visit my little sister and the family over christmas... And a couple of weeks in Tokyo.I've also travel for work, joined the 50,000 mile club. I hate airports, but I love to fly. Probably the most beautiful thing I've ever seen was on a flight back from California. I had a late flight, so we were flying in the dark most of the way. I had a window seat, so I had a good view of the stars above.
About an hour into the flight, we hit some turbulence from a storm that was ahead of us, and I could see flashes in the sky from the lightning ahead.
The pilot took us up higher, above the storm. From there, the moon and stars shone down on the clouds, making a dull silver landscape of peaks and swirling valleys. The lightning seemed to last forever. One section of cloud would light up, a brilliant pool of white at the bottom of a valley, and then it would flash like quicksilver over the hills to the next cloud.
Back and forth, cloud to cloud, it went like that, for the next hour.Then, there's the numerous times we came somewhat close to another plane and had to make a rapid course 'adjustment' to avoid hitting them. ;) People freak out generally, I just tend to enjoy the ride. Sure, the adenaline kicks in, but what am I gonna do? Jump out the window?

My Interests

3-4 star cooking, special effects makeup and prosthetics, paradoxes, high-level science and mathmatics, naked goth girls. Clothed goth girls, too, of course. Kissing.
Nightclubs. Blinking flashy lights, dancing. Superheros.
Hacker Humour
Cooking, GothCraft, makeup.
Things in threes.

I'd like to meet:

The girl on the hill.In the meantime, pretty much everyone. Common interests make things easy to start, but I get along fabulously with people with completely different interests.
Always helps if you're a decent flirt.
People who like dancing and going to shows always get top billing in my heart. People who like watching really long movies, as well. Anyone I've ever spent an afternoon with in a bar in Mexico.Ann, the chef's wife at the restaurant I used to work at.
Gamers. I havent spent near enough of my life with gamers. Recently getting back into Warcraft3, playing with a few friends online. Looking forward to starting several superhero teams in City of Heroes.Girl Gamers rock my socks.Also talking RPG's here: Shadowrun, Cyperpunk, Warhammer 40k or Fantasy Battle. Never played D&D tabletop ever. Even when that whole wizards and warlocks thing was cool, I played Tunnels and Trolls. Which was by the guys who later did Bards Tale, Wasteland, Fallout, and went on to found Interplay.
I'm a recovering LARPer.In a dark alley, A line of people so I could kick them in the balls: That Ass in sales. Those three-eyed monkey fuckers who walked away from a $100 million dollar investment deal because they 'didnt like the terms', even though they only had enough money to keep the company running for another month.
Whoever the hell it is who keeps cancelling my favorite comics: Sandman, Shade the Changing Man, Books of Magic, Hunter.


Elvis Costello, The Cure, Morrissey, Thomas Newman, The Pixies, Aimee Mann, Peter Mulvey, Suicide Commandos, Apoptygma Bezerk, Dekoy, VNV Nation


May, SLC Punk, Trainspotting, Day of The Dead, The Big Lebowski, Gattaca, Alice in Wonderland, Breakfast at Tiffany's, City of The Lost Children. Fight Club, Hellraiser 1-6, Party Monster, The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Animated Version, Watership Down


Home Movies, Scrubs, Buffy, Smallville. I dont watch TV, though. I record it and view it on my schedule, skipping the commercials. If you feel like the tv studios are being cheated by this behavior, please view twice as many commercials for me to make up the difference.


Let's just go with authors:
William Gibson, Neal Stephenson, Stephen King, Neil Gaiman.
'War Day', thx to Sarah.


Trampenstein, Oldmankelly...
Bill Clinton, Brad Pitt, Willie Nelson.

My Blog

GothCruise Pix

Here's the photo documentation of the cruise.You may notice from the pics, it was pretty much overcast the whole trip - hooray, SPF 200 not needed.  Most of the pics - the fish - were from the At...
Posted by Tramp on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 01:17:00 PST