Everything worth being interested in, I suppose. The fine arts, higher thought, lower thought, any thought... Idle socializing. Vices and vices and vices. The underground. Goth, Industrial, a wee bit o' Punk, BDSM and its ilk. Piercings (Currently 1 Naval, 1 pair o' nipples). The great playground that is the Human Dream. That which earns great Men their "Madness". "Madness". Imagery, namely the dark and the profane. Solitary walks through the cemetary by night, and time with my thoughts.
Not the crazies, but the eccentrics; you know who you are. Someone with a fair amount to say, and not just to fill the silence or to hear themselves speak; these are the Librans' gravest of enemies. Philosophers (self-assessed wanna-be's), Artists, G/I's (and not the soldiers), and the generally odd. Also, I'd rather like to meet a real, (un)live zombie.... I think.
Android Lust, Apoptygma Berzerk, Azoic, Bad Religion, Bauhaus, Christian Death, Collide, Corpus Delicti, Cure, Current 93, Damned, Dead Can Dance, Dead Kennedys, Death in June, Dekoy , Faith and the Muse, Fields of Nephilim, Klute, Leatherstrip, Lycia, Moot , N/A , New York Room, Opeth, Perfect Circle, Seven Trees, Sex Gang Children, Sisters of Mercy, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Skinny Puppy, Sunshine Blind, Switchblade Symphony, Temple of Misery, Tilt, Voltaire, VNV Nation, among others. Refraktür. Wist.
A dead TV is a great one. Honestly, the great infections of the Modern age culminated within that vile box.
"Atlas Shrugged", Ayn Rand