Click here to visit the Universal Flag Website
The Universal Flag was created as a symbol of our Interconnection and Oneness with All. It is a signpost to help us remember the Truth of who we are. By consciously remembering this truth, we can begin to eliminate the fear and violence that exists, and make our world a more peaceful and harmonious place for our children and future generations.The Universal Flag embraces All, and can therefore, never represent any one particular group, race, religion, creed, or anything that creates the illusion of separateness. It is a symbol that transcends differences, while honoring the uniqueness and commonality of all people.We invite you to visit often. Please help us spread the word by telling your friends about the Universal Flag. Together we can expand consciousness and make a difference in the world, one person at a time.OUR MISSION
The Universal Flag was created through you, as a symbol of our Interconnection and Oneness. It is our intention that whenever the Flag or Symbol is viewed, it will serve as a reminder, or sign post, of our Oneness with All. Intentions of this symbol:• Become a universally recognized symbol.
• Expand consciousness throughout the world, thereby eliminating fear and elevating human behavior.
• Spread Truth from person to person using all forms of energy. This will be done by word of mouth, the Internet, visual display, television, movies, books, print, music, etc.
• To help us recognize our grandest thoughts of who we are, and who we can be.