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Universal Flag

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The Universal Flag was created as a symbol of our Interconnection and Oneness with All. It is a signpost to help us remember the Truth of who we are. By consciously remembering this truth, we can begin to eliminate the fear and violence that exists, and make our world a more peaceful and harmonious place for our children and future generations.The Universal Flag embraces All, and can therefore, never represent any one particular group, race, religion, creed, or anything that creates the illusion of separateness. It is a symbol that transcends differences, while honoring the uniqueness and commonality of all people.We invite you to visit often. Please help us spread the word by telling your friends about the Universal Flag. Together we can expand consciousness and make a difference in the world, one person at a time.OUR MISSION
The Universal Flag was created through you, as a symbol of our Interconnection and Oneness. It is our intention that whenever the Flag or Symbol is viewed, it will serve as a reminder, or sign post, of our Oneness with All. Intentions of this symbol:• Become a universally recognized symbol.
• Expand consciousness throughout the world, thereby eliminating fear and elevating human behavior.
• Spread Truth from person to person using all forms of energy. This will be done by word of mouth, the Internet, visual display, television, movies, books, print, music, etc.
• To help us recognize our grandest thoughts of who we are, and who we can be.

My Interests

Listen to my new radio show "A Call To Consciousness" on KTLK 1150am "Progressive Talk Radio" every Saturday at 5-6pm PST. It is also live-streamed at www.universalflag.com ‘’A Call to Consciousness’’ is a weekly radio show broadcast in the Greater Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and parts of Orange County. It is also streamed to thousands of listeners each week live on the web. The show focuses on people who are doing extraordinary things in their countries, towns and villages across the world. The common theme of these individuals is that they are being of "service to others." through humanitarian, civil rights, human rights, social justice and green living actions.Brian interviews a weekly guest discussing where the person was, what took place to create the change they are making in the world with the work they now do to be of service to others and what they are doing now to support and share this change with others.The aim of the show is to facilitate and implement equality among all people and nationalities. Brian’s primary work is in suggesting structures in impoverished societies to eradicate war, illnesses, poverty and a sense of separation from others.

I'd like to meet:

Everyone, of all race, color, age and religion.


Universal Flag Music
We are in the early stages of forming a Universal Symphony with musicians from all parts of the world. During performances, all members of the symphony will be wearing their Native Garb, with the Universal Symbol clearly present. The Universal Symphony will perform in every country possible spreading a message of Oneness, to all who listen.
Universal Flag Music will offer a variety of music written and performed by many popular artists throughout the World. This music will contain as its central theme, the higher truth of Oneness with All.


Universal Flag Publishing
www.universalflag.com Publisher of books and audio programs for both children and adults. Universal Flag Publishing will feature authors throughout the world, whose works support Higher Truth.
Universal Truth Magazine will be a quarterly publication. The magazine will focus on sharing inspiring stories of ordinary people throughout the World, who are making a difference.
The Universal Symbol will be visible on a variety of products and programs, as a seal to indicate that it contains Higher Truths.

My Blog

Check out this event: A Call To Consciousness on KTLK 1150 am So. Cal www.universalflag.com

Hosted By: Universal Flag www.universalflag.orgWhen: Sunday May 18, 2008 at 6:00 PMWhere: KTLK 1150AM Progressive Talk Radio So CalSouthern Calif & on The Web www.universalflag.comSouthern Calif, CA 9...
Posted by Universal Flag on Sat, 17 May 2008 08:36:00 PST

Inspiring & Enlightening Children’s Book Collection For The Whole Family

..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Inspiring & Enlightening  Children's Book Collection For The Whole Family   Brian McClure created a series of ch...
Posted by Universal Flag on Tue, 13 May 2008 07:06:00 PST

Creation of the Universal Flag and Symbal

The Flag, this symbol, resonated within my being for many years. I was unwilling however, to take action and allow for its creation. I didn't want my world to change, my life was perfect just the way ...
Posted by Universal Flag on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 05:07:00 PST