Dear Friends,Welcome to Harmony Metaphysical Church. We have been a center for healing and spiritual understanding in Tampa for over 45 years. The first service was held on December 24, 1962 in what is now the Bookstore.The Church was built in 1972.
Our philosophy is Metaphysical Christianity which is based upon the teachings and demonstrations of Y’shua’s, (known as Jesus). Our religion also embraces spiritual truth found in the teachings of Buddha, Confucius, Mohammed, and other spiritual leaders.
Metaphysical Christianity is not just a religion, it’s a way of life that when followed, can bring health, happiness, prosperity and inner peace to all people regardless of race, color or creed.
Our Sunday worship services are traditional in nature with singing, responsive service readings and healing and meditation to balance the body, mind and spirit.
Members and non-members alike are invited to receive healing for physical and emotional needs 30 minutes before each Sunday service. Immediately following the morning service we have intuitive readings from the angels who bring us guidance and evidence of the immortality of life.
We hope you enjoy your experience with us and will make Harmony your spiritual home.
Everyone is welcome! : )
Mayan 2012
SERVICE, "The Angel 1"
SERVICE, "The Angel 2"
Check out our Book store:
Store Hours:
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wed: 11am to 7 pm
Thursday: 1pm to 9pm
Friday 11 to 5pm
Sat. 10am to 4pm
Sunday: 12:15 to 2:00pm
The Universal Harmony Foundation is a Religious Nonprofit Organization. It's Philosophy, a union of Religion and Science, promulgates the following seven affirmatives of the living Spirit.
1. I Affirm the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man
2. I Affirm the Eternality of Life-and-Living
3. I Affirm the Power of Prayer
4. I Affirm the Practice of Spiritual Healing
5. I Affirm the Reality of the Psychic Principle
6. I Affirm Soul Growth-as the Purpose of Life
7. I Affirm Fraternal Service -as the Way of Life