Luca Serrapiglio profile picture

Luca Serrapiglio

le chariot

About Me

I was born in 1982, and graduated in saxophone and jazz music at the conservatory under the guidance of Claudio Lugo and with Luigi Bonafede.
I play all the saxophones, bass clarinet and contrabass clarinet. While studying improvised creation I started to explore the timbrical and expressional possibilities of those instruments also with the help of contact microphones and live electronics.
Having always being interested in the crossing-over of “genres” and “contexts” I've been constantly flirting with theatre, that’s why I've worked both as a musician and as an actor.
I love cooking, eating and drinking, I study philosophy and Tarots.
Nato nel 1982, mi sono diplomato in saxofono sotto la guida di Claudio Lugo e in musica jazz con Luigi Bonafede.
Dopo il diploma di saxofono inizio a studiare il clarinetto basso e in seguito il clarinetto contrabbasso, affiancandoli da subito agli altri saxofoni. Mentre mi dedico allo studio della creazione improvvisata, inizio ad esplorare le possibilità timbrico-espressive di questi strumenti anche con l’ausilio dell’elettronica, cercando di articolare il mio linguaggio in molteplici e diverse direzioni espressive.
Da sempre interessato alla commistione di generi, ho un rapporto intenso con il teatro e da anni sono impegnato in svariate performances sia come musicista che come attore.
Adoro cucinare, mangiare e bere, studio filosofia e i Tarocchi..
Since 2005 I’m working with Claudio Cinelli and his company Porte Girevoli. Claudio is one of the most eclectic figures in the world of the Italian artistic theatre. His experience ranges from theatre and opera to visual theatre. With my brother Andrea, the dancer Leonardo Diana, the singer Bianca Barsanti and of course the incredibile creativity of Claudio we are working blending music, visual theatre, dance, opera, in different shows and situations.
Airchamber trio is an ensemble based on free improvisation, visuals and ready made soundtracks. While coming from different background, we started free-improvising trying to focus our ideas and practice after practice, improvisation after improvisation it soon took shape. We use common instruments like sax, electric cello and electric guitar but were into experimentation, into sound research (...whatever it means) and also into electronics: thats why we process the majority of the sounds through our beloved laptops and/or pedal effects trying to add something to the chemistry of our music. We also use contact microphones to voice whatever it fits well with what were doing, be it a piece of plastic or just the surface of an instruments (is it the real voice of the voiceless in music?). Our electro-acoustic sound is the material that we use for trying to cross-over the musical genres.
The Airchamber 3 cd "Crumble" was published on 2008 by Amirani Records .
Andrea Ferraris_electric guitar, effects, kaoss pad
Luca Serrapiglio_filtered saxophone, wind controller, live electronics
Andrea Serrapiglio_electric cello, voice, live electronics
The trio adopt different compositional strategies to create a music that keeps growing. Different strategies implies different approaches for what regards composition and/or improvisation, to soloism or to chorality, to writing or to un-writing. Tongs syntax is that used by the actual evolution of the afroamerican-culture but they keep an eye on the emotive face of punk/rock as a form of expression of free souls.
Luca Serrapiglio_saxophones, bass clarinet
Antonio Bertoni_basses
Carlo Garof_drums, percussions, objects
Samsingen is the encounter of four different personalities and it’s enkindled by a pure mutual curiosity in each other, that’s why geographical distances by some means push to a convergence of interests and targets. The desire to work on a common “trait d’union” links their apparently far individual cultures and brings them to tread on a shared territory where still each one’s ethnicity maintains its specific characteristics. The quartet reworks ancient chants coming from the swedish tradition, that’s why its peculiar expressive intensity lays in popular roots, leaving from popular culture the musicians dwell to go beyond dialectics and focalizing their synergy on emotions. The singing of Anna Kajsa leads the group through areas where musicians are stimulated to react creatively and to improvise following a modern and extemporary humour that evolves from the suggestion of a ancient music.
The "Samsingen" cd was published on 2006 by Amirani Records .
Anna-Kajsa Holmberg _ voice
Nicola Guazzaloca _vibraphone, percussions, accordeon
Andrea Serrapiglio _ cello, live electronics
Luca Serrapiglio _ bass clarinet, saxophones

My Interests


Member Since: 1/6/2008
Influences: too many....


Sounds Like:

Leonardo Diana - Luca Serrapiglio

Improvisation for "Caccia all'artista"
Milano, 19-3-2008

Leonardo Diana Luca Serrapiglio - improvisation


TONGS live at Garage - Biella Italy

Antonio Bertoni_doublebass
Carlo Garof_drums
Luca Serrapiglio_baritone sax

"Corn meal dance" - Tongs live in Biella


TONGS live at Soundmetak

Antonio Bertoni_doublebass
Carlo Garof_drums
Luca Serrapiglio_baritone sax

Bootswanna - Tongs live @ Soundmetak


choreography and dance: Leonardo Diana
music: Airchamber3
poetry: Gertrude Stein
video: Marzia Maestri
costume: Lucia Castellana
lights: Michele Rombolini

Live at Fabbrica Europa Festival
Firenze, Stazione Leopolda, 22nd May 2007

verso la luce

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B.H.O. - Breath On Hair

Compagnia Porte Girevoli di Claudio Cinelli
15 dicembre 2007
Vinci – Palazzina Uzielli

Regia di Claudio Cinelli
musiche di Luca e Andrea Serrapiglio
azione/danza: Leonardo Diana.

B.O.H. -Breath on Air-

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Director: Claudio Cinelli
Compagnia di Porte Girevoli

nessun dorma

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Record Label: Amirani Records
Type of Label: Indie