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About Me

Welcome to Crossbow!
I am Daniel and I am happy to share with you, music that I have written over the years. I have chosen three songs to show you where I am now and where I have been. In the coming months I will be adding more of my past and present work to this site.
It has been a great priveledge to record this music with some of Australia's finest musicians.Without them none of this music would have been possible.
White Eagle:
Vocals: Jeff Duff and Louise Kennedy
Hammond Organ: Clayton Doley
Drums: Mark Marriott
Bass: Dario Bortolin
Guitars: Daniel Baselgia
Music and Lyrics: Daniel Baselgia
You're Not Alone:
Vocals: Jennie Lee
Drums: Glen Wilson
Bass: Matt Fell
Guitars: Daniel Baselgia
Music and Lyrics: Daniel Baselgia
Higher than High:
Vocals: Marcus Crane
Drums: Glen Wilson
Bass: Dario Bortolin
Guitars: Daniel Baselgia
Music and Lyrics: Daniel Baselgia
All songs engineered and recorded by Herman Kovac, Ramrod Studios.
The sacred symbols used on this site, are taken from crop circles and through the work of sacred geometry and their higher meanings we are able to heal ourselves on a much deeper level. The Symbol meanings of each song are:
White Eagle (Circle of Light)
The energy of ILLUSION makes you aware that you can only find safety within. Stop clutching at straws for they are delusional certainties.
Your Not Alone
The energy of RELEASE shows the real you and takes away prejudices about yourself. This way - and by your altered brain thought patterms - your brain triggers your DNA to further develop itself.
Higher than High
You are a unique human being with endless capabilities. The energy of SELF RESPECT helps you to acknowledge this and accept it as being a fact. Do not be afraid of your strengths. Love yourself and respect the person that you really are. Embrace the many opportunities that are at your disposal.
Gratitude to White Eagle
The backdrop symbol for the Crossbow site is Gratitude. The energy of GRATITUDE helps us remember to be grateful for everthing that happens in our lifes for we have created it ourselves.
All symbols taken from Jonash Art + Design Amsterdam Book: Keys of the Arcturians - Jonash Art Many thanks to Jonash for the use of his wonderful

My Interests


Member Since: 12/29/2007
Band Members: Daniel Baselgia
Influences: Jeff Beck Group
Jimi Hendrix
Joe Walsh
The Beatles
Thin Lzzy
Van Halen
Humble Pie
Kahvas Jute
The Who
Led Zeppelin
Peter Green
The Easybeats
Small Faces
Bad Company
Blizzard Of Ozz

To name just a few
Type of Label: None