APRA exists to make your life as a working music professional a little easier.
We were set up in 1926 by composers, lyricists, songwriters and music publishers, and, we're proud to say we are still controlled by music writers and publishers. APRA is a not-for-profit company that collects performing royalties and (in association with AMCOS) mechanical royalties on behalf of our 47,000+ members.
APRA and AMCOS joint objective is to secure the fairest and highest level of payments for our members, provide the strongest defence possible of their rights and the best customer service for both our members and licensees.
How APRA works for songwriters and composers
If your music is performed in public, for example: at pubs, clubs, festival, concerts; or broadcast on radio, TV (including Pay TV); or used online including downloads - you are entitled to royalty payments. This is because the Commonwealth Copyright Act (1968) gives writers what are called "performing rights" which cover these uses of their music. More about copyright
APRA does collectively what would otherwise be difficult for writers or music users to do on an individual basis. We license music users, collect licence fees and pay royalties to the owners of the performing rights. More about royalties
Through reciprocal arrangements with performing right socieites worldwide, APRA also collects royalties for you when your music is played overseas. Royalty payments are subect to the existing copyright law in each country and the individual policies of the affiliated societies.
Joining APRA is easy and doesn't cost anything. Just contact Writer Services in your closest APRA office , or use our Writer Member application form , and we'll send out a membership information pack.
Those in New Zealand can also contact Rita Luck ([email protected]) for more information about APRA and membership
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