GoddessGlam profile picture


Seize The Night & Penetrate It With A Beautiful Kiss...

About Me

SIMPLY ME-I AM: Cool, nice, crazy, creative, unique, eccentric, talented, caring, understanding, sympathetic, sensitive, loving, loyal, trustworthy, sweet, outgoing, funny, moody, gifted, lucky, blessed, emotional, fun, and an all around wonderful person who’s one in a million-especially when it comes to being a friend or loving someone with all I am.. I AM: A down to earth chick who is VERY INTO my family & loved ones, who has a lot of weird interests, who has a few different sides hidden in me that I don’t express much cuz I can’t figure out how, who has a gift and talent for writing novels/stories/poetry, who talks to "my higher power(s)" daily, who finds that “little things” mean everything, who holds a small teddy bear & a black rosary wrapped around my fingers when I sleep, AND who just happens to have some major illnesses, a chemical imbalance (which requires me to be on some mind altering drugs and lots of painkillers-l always say "I feel like a truck hit me but I'm in a damn good mood!”)…I AM GODDESS GLAM (Thanks to those who gave me that nickname-they must have known a side to me that is SO TRUE!), I AM SKID KID (This is the nickname SKID ROW gave me!), I AM VAMPIRESS (This was my stage name-weren't we all in a band at one time or another???), and I AM also now known to vamps/goths as "Goddess Glampiress"...but basically...I'm JUST ME! IN DETAIL ME-(if you care to read on): I tend to always put others before myself and can give killer advice based on my own experiences, but only when I'm asked for it. Not to say I don’t have my own problems, it’s just that I’m very “in tune” to other people’s needs & situations. Even when I'm down, I can lift someone up higher than they ever thought they could be and it makes me happy to be able to do that. My flaws are major and easy to recognize-I "wear my heart on my sleeve", I trust too easily, I take a lot of things to heart or personally when I sometimes shouldn’t, and I have an addiction to many things-good and bad. I have accepted that these flaws are part of who I am and since they can't easily be hidden, in this cruel world people sometimes tend to take advantage. So, I've learned the hard way and now put my guard up and try read people carefully and get to know them before I give them my whole "self" or my heart. I am VERY open minded, personable, and non-judgmental. I do not "judge books {people} by their covers" and I wish everyone would do the same. So, all I've said to describe "me" is not me trying to "front", impress, embellish, or sound like I'm bragging, being condescending, or arrogant. I will be the first to admit I'm no angel or saint, but I am very honest and confident about the kind of person I am. I love being me and I wouldn't change anything about being me even if I could (Well, since I'm WAY TOO honest for my own good-on good days I feel this way...on bad days it MAY be another story...but I can always find SOMETHING I love about myself at least once a day-HAHA). If you take the time to get to know me, see what I'm about, genuinely appreciate me for who I am-flaws and all-you will know that you have made a forever kind of friend. If you are willing to be that same kind of friend-I will consider myself lucky in finding you as well and will let you know it often and in many different ways. I am not very religious (meaning I don’t practice any kind of “organized” religion) but I do believe in many “higher power(s)”-I always say this as not to offend anyone since a “higher power” for some doesn't exist, or it may mean many different “some ones” or “some things” and be in a million different forms. I DO believe in "miracles"-I've been given so many absolutely wonderful gifts and I appreciate each and every one with all my heart. I don’t know hardly anything about ANY religion-but some have told me I’m probably closer to being a “Wiccan” or being into “Wicca”-as I said-I don’t know much about it and I like it that way becuz this way I cannot be categorized and therefore can be "Just Me"-My own unique, special ME. I am drawn to nature, my sign (which is Cancer 7/2/74), and my symbol (Water). I've been told by my mother that I was born into a generation of "witches" so I study a bit here and there on how to use a could be “handed down" gift of power. I've always been drawn to "things" and subjects that are not of everyone’s everyday activities-like information on the different uses of things involved in the somewhat taboo subjects of: "wicca", "witchcraft", the using things that go along with these subjects sometimes..."magic", "charms", "spells", "formulas", "chanting", "rituals", incense, crystals, stones, and gems, Tarot cards, healing, meditation, relaxation, massage, etc...I'm a student, a teacher, a creator, a thinker, a reader, a believer, a healer, an "element" lover; and I think this MUST be said to anyone who reads this: My intention is and will always be to HARM NONE...I have harmed a few unintentionally when provoked, but it was in my younger years and I'm not quite sure how I did it and I'm not proud of it. If all my studying and learning to "practice" can be used for nothing but good, then I will think all I've spent my time doing/working for is worthwhile...I'm especially seeking ways to heal my loved ones who are sick (and myself too, but I put all the others I love first before I seek help for myself). I met my husband and SOUL MATE, Steve, on the internet 9 years ago and we've been married since 6/26/99. I remember the first time Steve surprised me with tickets to see Sebastian Bach (7 yrs. after the first time I met Bas-and yes, Bas still remembered me & actually stepped off the Winnebago singing "Taunya, I REMEMBER YOU"!! AHHHHHH!!!),-Steve drove us there, pushed me around in a wheelchair (I injured my ankle the day before), quietly and sympathetically listened to me blubber about my “love” for Skid Row, and stood out in the freezing cold for an hour-that was THE night that I KNEW I would be with this man for the rest of my life. We are kind of “not the norm” when it comes to being a couple-due to a lot of reasons. Some are our faults, some are not of our control-but we do love each other deeply. A funny example…you know how most people say, “Honey, we’ve had good times and bad times, but the good ones have outweighed the bad!”? Last year I woke him and said, "Happy 7th Anniversary Honey!! It's messed up, but it seems like we’ve had more bad times than good ones BUT the good times have made all the bad ones worth it, huh?”-he moaned loudly, rubbed his eyes and said, "Oh Geez...It's been that long? Only 7 years? Feels more like 70 years!!" I nudged him with my elbow and he smiled, gave me a quick peck and said, "Yeah, I guess you're worth it...I've come this far...might as well stick around.". I dropped my jaw then he cracked up, hugged me, and then rolled over and went right back to sleep! HAHA This year-(year 8!!)-for the first time since we were dating-9 yrs. ago!!!-we went away for the weekend to a favorite place of mine and then on the DAY of our anniversary I awoke to a beautiful summer bouquet of flowers and a card!! AWWW...how lucky am I? We are now in the process of "family planning"...let's keep our fingers crossed. I almost melt when I think of planting a seed from our love and creating a whole being that is he and I together. Besides, with my age my WHOLE body is saying, "DO IT NOW!!!". It's time, I know it is...I just pray it CAN happen for us. But, if it isn't possible we have more than enough love to share with an adopted child. There are so many children out there that need loving and stable homes, especially the older ones. It seems that when people adopt they mostly want newborns, but IF we have to adopt we are going for an older child-they are most forgotten and need the most. We have it to give and that's all that matters. Sigh...Steve is wonderfully supportive in all I do and has been with me through so much...indeed, I'm blessed. Steve is kind and gentle and has a sick sense of humor...he loves to pick on me and my sister for being so close, the music I love so much, the movies I watch...he just loves to tease me about everything-even if deep down he likes it too-even a little bit. I think his favorite thing is to go around calling me an “80’s Lady”… (since I love Skid Row and the hair metal and the old "rock clothes" and such)...I TRY to ignore him and say, “OH, IT IS coming BACH!!!!!!!” He just shakes his head and laughs at me and then makes up little songs..."She's an 80's lady...la la la...!" I don't think he'll EVER stop teasing me about a lot that I'm into. He's just an instigator, but I secretly love it. I have to admit though that since I’ve gotten older and don’t get out to many shows/concerts, I did lose the “rocker chick/ headbanger look” for the most part-I have straight, natural hair now; most of the time-(no more huge teased bleached blonde hair with big ol’ POOFED up bangs!) and I dress fairly normal-housewife, homemaker, soon to be "mommy"- most of the time-(not many places to wear my “rocker chick” outfits/lingerie, caked on make-up, and the tallest platform shoes/boots ever!), and I don't really LIVE to meet/party with bands anymore. It used to be hilarious, when I used to dress to go see one of my “Hair Metal” bands play, Steve would say it embarrassed him cuz no one else at the club looked like that-just me…me and my “80’s Lady” look…HAHAHA…then there he was-short hair (OH AND THE FETISH I HAVE FOR LONG HAIRED ROCKERS, HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!?)?, baseball cap, jeans, t-shirt, and Timberlands…not to mention the fact that in my platform shoes/boots I am about 2-3 feet taller than him and he is 6’1”! HAHA How we ended up together I will never know-we are so opposite! These days I dress I guess what you would call "normal", but I don't dress my age, that's for sure. I'd say I really don't dress my age becuz I usually don't feel the age I am-I feel younger than I am. Then sometimes I feel like I'm 80-the ol' bones creak and I can't get out of bed without moaning...HAHA Depending on my mood and the place I'm going it could be: If I'm feeling at the time like a "housewife" or pretty "normal"-Jeans, pedal pushers, leggings (all of the before mentioned skin tight) and usually black), or shorts, a rock t-shirt or a "hippie shirt", hair straight down or in a ponytail or a clip, sneakers or sandals, and maybe some foundation and eyeliner...(Steve likes this look the best ("I have me a hot hippie chick!" HAHA) If I'm in a "Glam" mood and feeling like a bag of "Skittles" it can be a crazy concoction of spandex & lace pants, skirts mixed with pedal pushers, overalls over slinky bodysuits or skimpy tops, and shorts all mixed together, crazy jazzed up shirts mixed with others, colored garters, fishnets or tights, lots of bare skin "rock/Glam" accesories (colorful bracelets, rings, earrings, fake body jewelry), colored platform sneakers, sandals, boots, shoes or "Mary Janes", straight dyed hair in many colors down or in pigtails or braids, and lots of pink, blue, and purple glitter make up...COLOR COLOR COLOR!...If I'm feeling a bit "Goth/Vamp" then it's usually anything/everything I have that is BLACK-pants, skirts, shirts or rock t-shirts, black garters, fishnets, or tights, my velvet cape, some bare skin, some "metal/ rock/Goth/Vamp" accesories (lace gloves, arm sleeves w/handcuffs attached, fake body jewelry, rings, silver/gold hoop earrings, black onyx, rosaries, crosses, crystals), black platform shoes or boots, stilletos or platform pumps, normal color or temp. black hair straight down or in long pony tails at the sides, and dark, dark make-up-smokey eyes (TONS of eyeliner, mascara, and black/brown eyeshadow), black lipstick/gloss, drawn on face markings...BLACK DARK BLACK DARK BLACK DARK...BUT I "PLAY" no parts. I don't "claim" to be anything I'm not. Like I said, I'm not "Glam", "Goth/Vamp", or "Normal"-I'm just ME and I dress to fit my mood and environment. I dress how I want to-no matter who likes it or wishes to judge me. Honestly, most days you'll find me at my house lounging in boxer short PJ sets, sports bra tops or tanks with lounge pants or boxers, and if I decide to go anywhere and it's NOT an "event" I throw my hair up in a clip, get out the ol' spandex shorts/leggings, tank tops, and forget the make up and jewelry. It's just how I am...I do have some MAJOR fetishes though-some from way back and some new ones as you've read...I love hair dye (right now mine is brown (my natural color) but soon enough it will either be dark cherry with purple streaks again or hot pink with blue streaks), I’m addicted to tattoos (got 2 so far-I want probably 4-5 more before I'm done. My mom MADE me get my 1st one and I bet she regrets that now!!!! HAHA), I'm in love with piercings (I don't know if I'll ever get any real ones-I don't care for needles or pain, but I'm considering the nose, tongue, and lip...but for now I'll stick to the fake stuff. HAHA), I worship long hair (on men and women), and of course, as with anyone who HAS fetishes, there are always private ones that you won't discuss with strangers...:P I am truly blessed and very lucky to have such a GREAT family to love me unconditionally, keep me positive, be there for me, and try to keep me on the right track...(my Mom Joan, my Dad Gene, my Husband Steve, my "Skid Row" sister Linda ("Snakecharmer"), My OTHER family for eternity-(In-Laws by marriage-Family/Loved Ones by CHOICE!)-Mom & Wanda, "Fill In" mom Wilma "Flintstone", Sean (my pseudo-son) & The CRAZY C. Family, Crazy Aunt Janie, "Prissy Missie", "Inspirational Shari", Al, Bran, & "Little Man", Kim "Berly", The Martin Family, & some special “Guardian Angels”-"ANGEL ASHLEY" (U wrapped UR wings around me every time I needed them-Fly high, honey, and I’ll hold on tight!), "SAMMY BEAR" (I’ve been with U since birth and I’m honored that U’ve kept me in your heart so I could witness all UR amazing transitions from child to beautiful woman-I KNOW what it’s like to have a child-even tho U were NOT from MY loins-U R like a daughter 2 me!), and "KAT KRASH" (U came out of this huge world with open arms and an addictive smile and U were an “instant forever friend”-Not only did U teach me 2 have fun & smile every day/all day, but U helped me find the youth and spontaneity I thought I’d lost-I found a little RNR sister in you-NEVER change!). OK, OK, I’m done for now…The "ONE AND ONLY" True “Goddess Glam” has spoken...now get down and lick my boots...

My Interests

I LOVE and am INTO: My INCREDIBLE Family-(my mom, my dad, my husband Steve, my runt beagle Jewel, my "Skid Row" sister Linda ("Snakecharmer"), My OTHER family for eternity-(In-Laws by marriage-Family/Loved Ones by CHOICE!)-Mom & Wanda, my "ANGEL ASHLEY", my "SAMMY BEAR, my "KAT KRASH", my "Fill-In" mom Wilma "Flintstone", Crazy Aunt Janie, Sean (my pseudo-son) & The C. Family, Kim"Berly", "Prissy Missy", Al, Bran, & Little Man, “mushy” moments with those I cherish, love (giving love, receiving love, making love, unconditional love), kissing, showing affection, cuddling, movies (MOVIES, MOVIES, MOVIES!), get-aways/trips, going to/discovering secluded places-(where there is water; esp. the ocean-but any beautiful water spot will do-rivers, lakes, creeks, streams, babbling brooks-doesn’t matter-this is where I can find solitude and sanctuary), aromatherapy, relaxation (I have recently discovered a way to find what I call "Zen" or I sometimes say I've found "The Big Empty" (which essentially means it's a space that is empty of all that is negative, stressful, painful, worrisome, bothersome, ugly, scary, mean, busy, racing-and FULL of everything that is NONE of what I just mentioned-just positive, beautiful, nice, silent, still, and peaceful-get it?)-it's a half conscious-half unconscious relaxed state where if I listen all I hear is the sound of water coming from my fountains and if I open my eyes all I see is the waving, misting, glowing of their lights), "Hair Metal"-(you know-from the days when time stood still cuz life was one big party-the beautiful boys sprayed their tons of hair "UP TO THERE", donned leather like a second skin, wore more make up than the girls, and sang about the only stuff that mattered-sex, drugs, rock n roll, and HAVING A GOOD TIME!!-(and all kinds of music)/The Bands & Guys (or Girls) who play it, Skid Row (Past, Present, Future), long haired rockers (Just cuz I’m married don’t mean I can’t like them/dream about them-I just don’t OBSESS and WANT to be WITH them “like THAT” anymore-HAHA), reading-(horror, gothic, vampire/vampire romanticism & Anne Rice novels, all kinds of stories & poetry, “movie” books, biographies-(on rockers, bands, porn stars, serial killers, etc.)), writing-(novels/stories/poetry about music, bands, band members, vampires/vampire romanticism, gothic stuff, glam stuff, romance/pornography, and sometimes things that most would find really ABNORMAL), hair dye, tattoos, black, color, darkness, sleeping, glitter, women, dreaming, the cold (yes, temperature wise), Fall, Halloween, the night, Egyptian Silk sheets, ice, Criss Angel, art (faves are:Thomas Kinkade, Myka Jelina, Jasmine Beckitt-Griffith, Jessica Galbreth, landscapes with water, anything with water in it, vamp/goth drawings and pix, and beautiful pornography-not sleazy porn), jigsaw puzzles, paint by numbers, scrapbooking, hot tubs/jacuzzis, Orange Kool Aid, Lemon Iced Tea, Bath & Body Works "stuff", Coke Classic, Dr. Pepper, Cherry Pepsi (thanks Lin!), Pizza, Seafood, Chocolate Ice Cream, White Chocolate Macadamia Nut cookies, Apple Turnovers, answering surveys with friends (cuz I ALWAYS give the most detailed and funniest answers), hanging out at places I like, MySpace, writing to new and interesting people, talking to new and interesting people on the phone, the GLAM "lifestyle" and interests-(BUT I don’t call myself “GLAM”), the GOTH/VAMP “lifestyle/ interests-(BUT I don’t call myself “GOTH/VAMP”), collecting-(movies, jewelry, fountains, animated light up thingies, religious “things”, stuffed animals, hand/home made any things that people I love make for me, band memorabilia (from the ones I’ve loved and hung out with) & “stuff” on beagles/shar-peis, Kiss, Skid Row, horror movies/ characters, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Scooby Doo, The Flintstones, G.L.O.W. (Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling), The Crow/Brandon Lee, The Rugrats, The Munsters, The Addams Family, Angel, and Buffy The Vampire Slayer)… that’s all that comes to mind right now…I’m sure if I sat here for a few hours this list would be like a million pages long…

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who's got a genuine heart and into getting to getting to know me and liking me for me and that's it. Anyways...I would love to meet some special people who feel like we all got a lot of livin’, lovin’, and rock n rollin’ still left to do out there! I am SO VERY open minded and would enjoy getting to know people who are SO like me and SO UNlike me. I tell people not to judge me without getting to know me, therefore I show the same respect to others-I will never judge-I will explore within your "pages", if you let me, and respect what I "read" even if it's nothing at all like me or something I'm not about. I think everyone has SOMETHING to offer and I'd love to get to know ALL KINDS of people. I would absolutely LOVE to find and get to know AGAIN ALL THE BANDS/BAND MEMBERS that I was friends with and worked with when I owned/ran BAND NETWORK WORLDWIDE-If U were a client/helper/friend... PLEASE WRITE!!! How I miss some of you!!!!!! AHHH!! I would especially like to see Skid Row once more...all 7 of you...MY PAST, MY PRESENT, MY FUTURE...MY "blessed angels"-EACH OF YOU have something to do with why I am here today. I would like to know each of you as people-not "rock stars". I will pray for the chance to see each of you before my dying day...just to let you know how ADMIRED, RESPECTED, INSPIRING, and REAL you all are to me...as I always say...I'm more than "just a fan"...


Geez…80's & 90's hair bands like all things SKID ROW/SEBASTIAN BACH, Kiss, Poison (Love U Bobby & Bret), Motley Crue(Love U Nikki & Tommy), (old) GNR, Ugly Kid Joe, Pretty Boy Floyd (thanks for "digging" me Kristy-MUAH!), Warrant, Cinderella, LA Guns, Faster Pussycat, Trixter (Love U Gus), Every Mothers Nightmare, Jackyl, Child's Play/SR-71/Forty Acres (Love U John)...old and new glam, goth/vamp, industrial, rnr...Big Bang Babies, The Peppermint Creeps, Candy Apple Queens, The Glamvestite Vampires, Darling Dead, Darling Died Suicide, Demolition Dolls, Frankenstein Drag Queens From Planet 13, Murderdolls, Wednesday 13, Lunatic Candy Kreep, Vampire Love Dolls, The Dropoutz (Love U Mikki), Scarlet Fever/The Dogtown Balladeers, The Blues Vultures/Ronnie Younkins (Love U Ronnie & Ines), The Blessings/Jeremy & the Suicides (Love U Jeremy and Zack (the band hopper-HAHA), Billy Gash & Penny Lane (Love U Billy), Toxic Twist (Love U Bobbi Girl), Manic’s Rage (Love U Lizzy), The Kowalskis (Love U Kitty), Funny Money, The Trash Brats, Spiral Fetish (Love U Drew/Sin D.), Heart Throb Mob, Willow Wisp (Love U Toe-Knee), Foxy Roxx (Love U Jerry)...lots more glam/goth-vamp/trash/sleaze/rock/death metal/ industrial (like lots that are on bootlegs the bands gave me and stuff)...lots of 70's (love disco!)...some classical, opera…LOTS of Rap like Nelly, Missy Elliott, Lil Kim, Trina, 2Pac, Ludacris...LOTS of R&B like TLC, Pink, Prince...some pop like N’Sync, Britney Spears....some new & old stuff to me introduced by my hubby, mom, and friends-Elvis (my mom calls herself “she elvis", so…), Good Charlotte, Velvet Revolver, The Donnas, AC/DC, Judas Priest, Creed, Kelly Osbourne, New Found Glory, Foo Fighters, Gwen Stefani, Bush, REO Speedwagon, Queen, Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks, Blondie, Pat Benetar, Avril Lavigne, Alice Cooper, Ozzy, The Cramps, No Doubt, Kid Rock (my mom loves him too!!!), Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, Buckcherry... some country-also introduced my "redneck HarleyMama and hubba bubba"-HAHA-Joe Nichols, Kenny Chesney, Toby Keith, Blake Shelton, Brad Paisley, Gretchen Wilson, Martina McBride, Conway Twitty, George Jones, Trace Adkins, Garth Brooks, Alabama, Dixie Chicks, Hank JR, and TONS of movie soundtracks…I LIKE SO MUCH MUSIC!!!!! I'm very versatile but I'd have to say I love my Hair Metal Bands, Glam, and Goth music the best....even have Skid Row's logo tattooed on me! I guess just a bit of everything whether it's goth/glam all the way to opera/classical-I'll give it a listen...


Rocky Horror Picture Show, women's prison movies (esp. Reform School Girls (R.I.P. Wendy O. Williams), Chained Heat 1 & 2, Concrete Jungle, The Naked Cage, Vendetta, Nightmare in Badham County), Empire Records, all Friday The 13th's, all Nightmare on Elm Streets, all the Halloween's, Night of The Demons (all 3), The Libertine, Dead End, The Grudge 1 & 2, Wrong Turn, The Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane (a true classic and favorite-the book as well.) , The Craft, Little Witches (really bad knock off of The Craft, but I love it!!!), Scream (all 3), Sleepaway Camp (all 3), Legends of The Fall, Stay Alive, Silent Hill, May, Strangeland, Van Helsing, Underworld 1 & 2 , Blade (all 3), Once Were Warriors (one of the best movies ever!), Witchouse 1 & 2, Party Monster (FABULOUS!), The Breakfast Club, 16 Candles, St. Elmo's Fire, Weird Science, Pretty In Pink (all "BRAT PACK" movies in general), A Time To Kill, Carrie 1 & 2, Mad Love, Dazed and Confused (love those twins-"Jeremy & Jason London"-WHEW!!), The Man In The Moon, Fast Times At Ridgemont High, Showgirls, Striptease, The Last American Virgin, From Dusk Til Dawn (only the first one), Freeway, Satisfaction, Grease 1 & 2, Saturday Night Fever & Staying Alive, Darkness Falls, Fear.Com, Boys Don't Cry, Sleepers, Romy & Michele’s High School Reunion, Havoc, all The Addams Family (movies), all The Munsters (movies), The Forsaken, John Carpenter’s Vampires, Tommy Boy, Black Sheep, Boulevard, Monster, Where The Day Takes You, Scooby Doo 1 & 2 (the movies), all the Slumber Party Massacres, all the Sorority House Massacres, Heathers, Uncle Buck, Friends to The End, Thirteen, Georgia, Fear, Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead, Set It Off, Poetic Justice, New Jack City, Jason’s Lyric, Menace II Society, Boyz N The Hood, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Bad Girls, Stand By Me, The Player’s Club, Flowers In The Attic, Lords Of Dogtown, Rush, Misery, The Dentist 1 & 2, House of 1000 Corpses & The Devil's Rejects, all the National Lampoon's Vacations, Transylvania Twist, Fright Night 1 & 2, Elvira-Mistress of the Dark and Haunted Hills, Transylvania 6-5000, Scooby Doo (any), Flintstones (any-esp. The Flintstones Meet Count Rockula and Frankenstone & the 2 real Flintstone movies), The Ring 1 & 2, Swimfan, House Of Wax (old with Vincent Price and new one), The Amityville Horror (old and new one), Basic Instinct, An Officer And A Gentleman, Pretty Woman, Heathers, Desperado, Pulp Fiction, Gothika, The Others, Rose Red, Monster's Ball, Children Of The Corn (all), Blair Witch 1 & 2 (2 is best!), B.A.P.S., Saw (all), The Color Purple, Tuff Turf, The New Kids, Foxes, Mary Reilly, The Shining, Rosemary's Baby, Gimme An F, Inventing The Abbotts, The Rose, Boogie Nights, Wild Things, Once Bitten, The Witches, Teen Witch, all Disney Halloween Movies (HalloweenTown 1 & 2, HalloweenTown High, Return To HalloweenTown, Hocus Pocus, Twitches & Twitches Two, Under Wraps, My Mom Has A Date W/ A Vampire, Tower of Terror, The Little Vampire, When Good Ghouls Go Bad…more!), All The Crow movies (Brandon Lee R.I.P.), Interview w/the Vampire, Queen of the Damned, all the Subspecies (Radu is AWESOME!), The Vampire Journals, any G.L.O.W. (Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling), Urban Cowboy, Foxfire, Gia, Dead Man Walking, The Last Dance, Bad Boys (old Sean Penn), The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, Pet Semetary, The Fun House, Urban Legends (1 & 2), Hell Night, Bram Stokers Dracula, all 3 Fridays, all 4 Prom Night's, Hammer Films-faves are "Dracula Has Risen From The Grave" and "Dracula-Prince of Darkness", Bordello of Blood, Without A Paddle, All Over Me, Eve's Bayou, The Prestige, The Illusionist, The Scarlet Letter, The Crucible, The Covenant, American Psycho 1 & 2, 976-EVIL 1 & 2 (1 was best!), The Princess Bride, Milk Money, Hideaway, The Devil In The Flesh 1 & 2, Tamara, Stigmata, The Cider House Rules, Diary of A Mad Black Woman, Madea's Family Reunion, White Palace...more to come...


Buffy The Vampire Slayer (not really her, as in the actress, Sarah Michelle Gellar, but...the show/characters-Willow, Spike, and Faith-whew SEXY!!!), Angel, Charmed, My Dad The Rock Star, The Winx Club, Baby Looney Toons, The Rugrats, All Grown Up (Rugrats)-(I LOVE CHUCKY FINSTER!), Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi (I am Yumi-HARCORE ROCKER CHICK except I want AMI'S pink hair!), The Munsters, The Addams Family, any Scooby Doo, any Flintstones, The Jetsons, Fear Fridays on AMC, and Sat. late night horror movies on TNT, Howard Stern On Demand, Criss Angel: MINDFREAK, Dog:The Bounty Hunter (I LOVE ME SOME LELAND!!!), ON DEMAND, jeez...a ton...I also spend time with family and loved ones and reading so...HAHA


Anne Rice novels, horror/vampire/gothic novels/stories, lots of poetry, Motley Crue-The Dirt & Nikki Sex-A Year In The Life Of A Heroin Addict (something like that-it’s brand new), Marilyn Manson-Long Hard Road Out Of Hell, Tommy Lee-Tommyland, Jenna Jameson bio-Make Love Like A Porno Star, Confessions of a Groupie and Take Another Little Piece of My Heart-Pamela Des Barres, The Encyclopedia of Vampires, The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, Wicca, and Neo-Paganism, Blessed By Angels, Stephen King-Carrie, The Shining, and Pet Semetary, The Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane, The Funhouse, any books that are movies I’ve seen (I like to compare!), any V.C. Andrews, any books relating or having to do with The Occult, Witchcraft/Wicca, Witches, Vampires, Jane Magazine, etc, etc...I READ A LOT!!


A hero to me means someone who has overcome things in their lives that have hindered them and persevered, those who have given and received unconditional love, and those who have taught me things I never knew existed-These people are: My Daddy, My Mommy, Skid Row sister Linda-the one and only-Snakecharmer", My OTHER family for eternity-(In-Laws by marriage-Family/Loved Ones by CHOICE!)-Mom & Wanda, Aunt Carole, Crazy Aunt Janie, My "Fill In" Mom Wilma “Flintstone” (I'm so proud of you!), "Prissy Missy", Ginny "Miss Booth" K., Shari V., Bran, Al, & “Little Man”, Kim"Berly" (You made it-you have 5 beautiful children and you're happy now-awesome!), ALL OF SKID ROW (Past, Present, & Future), and a few special "SAVIOURS"-"ANGEL ASHLEY, "KAT KRASH" & "SAMMY BEAR" and last, but not least…some secret longtime TRUE friends who've stood by me through thick and thin. U R few and far between....U Know Who U R so I don't have to put your name here-ALL MY LOVE!

My Blog


I've gotten tons of messages about "He said/She said U Were Talking About Me", "Free Gas", "Did U Leave Ur Nikes At My House", and all kinds of stuff...also, there was a ton of these in MY SENT box SA...
Posted by GoddessGlam on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 09:43:00 PST


  I can't believe that with as many times as I've posted my "WRITING PARTNERS WANTED" blog/ad that I've only had 1 response!!  Where are all the creative people out there??  I know UR o...
Posted by GoddessGlam on Wed, 09 May 2007 09:32:00 PST


****WRITING PARTNERS WANTED**** ****SERIOUS INQUIRES ONLY***** I am looking for people to write with.  I've had writer's block for many years now for undisclosed reasons and something has lit a...
Posted by GoddessGlam on Wed, 09 May 2007 09:20:00 PST

U get what U give

The reason for this blog is simple...REPAYMENT OF DEBTS and doing a favor for some great people...no matter what religion you are...if any...if you believe in some kind of "higher power", will you ple...
Posted by GoddessGlam on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 09:23:00 PST