STICK IT OUT *Debut Album Out Now!* profile picture

STICK IT OUT *Debut Album Out Now!*


About Me

STICK IT OUT - "Stop Teasin' Me" by Riccardo Frediani © 2008
VALENTINA & STICK IT OUT - "Billie Jean" by Coniglio Bianco © 2008
The STICK IT OUT band was born in 2005 from the guitarists Dave and Andy's idea. Mainly, the band purpose is to create a pure style hard rock pieces with some metal influence, but trying to maintain, in the mean time, a personal and "direct" style. The STICK IT OUT is composed by Freddie(voice), Dave(guitar), Andy(guitar), Trip(bass) and Fo(drums). Everyone milites or has milited in the past, by other mostly renowned bands in the Italian underground background (Rainspawn, Outbreak, Anthelion, Sludge Factory, Vidharr), but above all Stick It Out has been influenced by Black Label Society, Backyard Babies, Alice In Chains, Skid Row and Velvet Revolver. The best way to appreciate them is to come and visit on live, where you can feel their strength, the affinity but, most of all, you can enjoy the versatility of the plays, passing from their own pieces (very catching and of impact pieces) to readapting covers in absolutely personal way. The band, after two sold out promo Idol Of Mass and I Wanna Be A Parasite Too and the videoclips Neat Neat Neat ("The damned" band readapt cover) and I Wanna Be A Parasite Too, has finally released their first album, launched by the videoclip Stop Teasin' Me ... hoping that you'll love it.

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Member Since: 1/15/2006
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Type of Label: None