The Nitty Gritty:
I am Danielle, I am the only one in the world
who is allowed to use this name. If you think you are also a
Danielle, you are incorrect. I am the one and only
I eat sleep and live for my band. You must
check out
or I will cut you. And then dabble salt on it.
I have the most wonderful
vermin in the universe. He's my little plump chinchilla
named "Bluluhuhluhuh" I love him dearly.
I'm the pickiest eater in the world. I only like a variety of maybe 35 items, and only
certain ones of those at certain times
- I'm always hungry. I need food. If I'm not fed in over a period of a few hours, I will conjure up a colossal rage from within and spread the wrath onto mankind
- I live in Photoshop, and dream in pixels
I'm currently recovering from a horrible 8 year long caffeine
allergy. I can now eat Oreo's without vomiting or convulsing.
- I believe Jackson is the only brand of guitar in world that matters
I have been addicted "the net" for well over 9 years now. Long live the telnet
I love Megadeth, and if you utter the word "cockrock" in reference to them, I will again, cut you.
- I'm not trying to sound like a badass in my previous statement
I can watch a movie and forget every detail about it in less than a week
I would go to RPG Anonymous meetings if they held
them. And maybe one for Quake ii.
- I have a problem with these new-fangled
automatic sensors they have everywhere. Automatic doors, towel dispensers,
toilet flusher, etc. For some reason, they just don't work for
- I have an extra set of molars. A total of 5
pairs of molars reside in my upper gums
I got my tonsils out. Hurrah! Hurrah!