Annette Martini profile picture

Annette Martini

I am here for Friends

About Me

*PLEASE READ WHO I WOULD LIKE TO MEET! *Please click on VIDEOS under my Profile Picture and listen to my 4 songs: SOLITARY HOUSE, TIME, NIGHTMARE, WHO AM I. The Song called "TIME" is about disabled children with learning disabilities etc. who in spite of their difficulties should never be forgotten because they are very special children also!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I took Professional Classical Voice Training for 12 years with several Professional Teachers who were still performing.I performed and sang in front of audiences and once sang with an orchestra with others in front of a huge audience which was the most beautiful experience in my life. I took Ballet for 2 years as an adult. I love Ballroom Dance and took it only for 3 months because of circumstances and hope one day to be able to take it up again seriously. I taught classical music on the piano for many years to children, teenagers and adults. I am a Writer and Professional Photographer. I have a strong, deep passion for singing, writing lyrics and playing the piano. There is always music in my head when I pick up a pen flowing with my Lyrics. I miss my 9 ft Concert Piano with its beautiful singing tone! I long for my fingers to touch the keys of a piano once again because everything I had including my piano was stolen,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I am here in the United States as a Legal Immigrant fighting for freedom but my freedom is now in the process of being taken away by corrupt U.S. Government Employees. A crime is being committed and I am so sad to say, no one is helping!!! My husband Anthony and I have just filed an Appeal at the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington D.C. on Nov. 5, 2007,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, UPDATE:January 29, 2008 - Our case is so controversial that members of the Supreme Court decided to play a little game by sending our files back without approving it or denying it. The U.S. Supreme Court in Washington D.C. sent our boxes of the Appeal for the 9 Judges back to us 2 times although everything was done properly. My husband Anthony had a wonderful idea and the 2nd time the boxes were sent back to us by the Supreme Court, Anthony put RETURN TO SENDER on it in December sending it back and we have not heard from them since. The Supreme Court refused to allow numerous questions about illegal aliens having more rights then Legal Immigrants. So because of the corruption and the lies against us, we were forced to file a $250 Million Dollar Lawsuit against the Department of Justice, Homeland Security, U.S. Immigration and others who played with our files like they promised so they can kick us out of the U.S.A. For more details just copy and paste the link I posted just above my Friends Section.................................................. I have started to be inspired again and am once more writing Lyrics and as I stare at them I can almost imagine an Orchestra in the background, a piano, the haunting sound of the cello tugging at my heart. After dreaming for so many years I hope to meet that wonderful, special Composer that will turn my words into magic!I want to experiment with sounds and different music, a mixture of classic with pop or new age,a touch of medieval music, celtic harp and so am looking for something entirely different from the music of my 4 songs.*****I adore beautiful horses, Arabians and Friesians, dogs - Basset Hounds, Beagles, Jack Russels and parrots!

My Interests

Singing, Piano, Cello, Pan Flute, Celtic Music, Ballroom Dancing, Ballet, Photography, Writing, Reading, Drawing, Speed Walking, Swimming, Compassion. Never telling a Lie. Caring about everyone around the world. Wishing we could all reach for our dreams and that they would all come true. Making my songs touch the hearts of people worldwide.

I'd like to meet:

***UPDATE: JANUARY 1,2008*** To Meet a Film Director and Film Producer Who Will Not Walk Away And Ignore Us After Going To Our Site Like So Many People Have Done. Proof and Details at: **AnnetteMartini.US** To meet the right FILM PRODUCER, FILM DIRECTOR who will NOT ignore us because they are famous, who will be willing to talk with us every step of the way and will not walk away when they find out all details of our true story.***It is such a shame that certain people make it so impossible to meet them! No, I will not talk to their Agents or their Attorneys to get to them. The Attorney will only be to sign a deal and make it Legal. ***If They Want The Story Then They Will Have To Come And Get The Story From Anthony and I.*** ***It reminds me of when we went to a certain renowned book store and spoke about our Novels a few years ago and the attitude was,"Oh, we do not talk to Authors and we do not deal directly with Authors." My answer to these kinds of people is well fine and I will make sure that when our Novels are out you will not be allowed to sell them in your store. *** I would love to work with a Film Director and Film Producer and have them teach me at the same time. I have a good eye for Photography and angles and see the world differently. They will need Anthony and I even when our books are published to get all details, scenes, action properly because Anthony and I lived them. ***A true story with different high emotions where people will be frightened in certain places, will cry in others and will also laugh at certain parts.*** A FILM DIRECTOR AND FILM PRODUCER that can turn Anthony's TRUE STORY into a couple of movies of the HORRORS he lived and the BULLETS he dodged among his travels to Italy and strange hair rising occurrences he experienced living in a Medieval House and the horrors he witnessed there to the Mountains of Venezuela where he witnessed horrors he should never have seen then to Canada and for the last 5 years and 5 months in the United States where he found out things no one wanted him to know. ATROCITIES he saw that caused him nightmares, to SAVING the LIVES of TWO AMERICANS from being slaughtered and then the KIDNAPPING of his TWO CHILDREN of which one was MURDERED and his brave and courageous fight to try and save her to no avail and then trying to find her grave. Our painful journey to find FREEDOM here in the United States. ***To continue to write our Novels of which 2 and a half Novels have been written, a rough copy for now of over 25 YEARS OF ATTEMPTS ON MY HUSBAND'S LIFE and his struggles AFTER WAKING UP FROM A 3 WEEK COMA to learn to walk again and to learn to speak english again like a baby because of the THE LAST MURDER ATTEMPT THAT LEFT HIM DISABLED WITH TWO BRAIN TUMORS. THEY GAVE ANTHONY A SLOW DEATH AND HE IS IN PAIN 24/7 BECAUSE OF IT FOR 12 YEARS NOW. IT TOOK MANY YEARS FOR A LOT OF ANTHONY'S MEMORY TO COME BACK AND HIS MEMORY STILL COMES BACK AFTER ALL THESE YEARS. AMAZING HOW COMPLEX A BRAIN CAN BE!**This absolutely will NOT be a documentary or a biography. This WILL be TWO block buster movies except this time it will be a true story of things that do not usually happen to people. People will be sitting on the edge of their seats and there will be frightening occurrences. ***We intend to publish our Novels by ourselves. We are not afraid of work and never have been. If I have to I will take courses and learn how to Direct and Produce Movies myself since that has always interested me for years. No one will stop us when we are ready.***I do not care what HIGH POSITION a person has. I always REMEMBER that they are imperfect and human beings just like us and have no cause to act the way they do. They should take it as a God given privilege if they have this talent in the first place. Everyone who wants respect needs to earn that respect from others! The way to accomplish this is by not ignoring people who have something valuable to say to the world or to share with the world! I WILL GIVE ALL DUE RESPECT TO THOSE WHO RESPECT ME AS A PERSON AND DOES NOT TREAT ME AS IF I DO NOT EXIST. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ***ANTHONY MARTINI IS MY HERO, MY HUSBAND AND A VERY COURAGEOUS AND BRAVE MAN WHO BEAT ALL ODDS AND GOT OUT OF THAT WHEEL CHAIR TO WALK AGAIN EVEN THOUGH THE DOCTORS TOLD HIM HE WOULD NEVER WALK AGAIN! HE WAS A COLONEL IN THE MILITARY, A PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR FOR OVER 25 YEARS, A FREE LANCE REPORTER, A PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER, A WRITER AND STUDIED LAW IN UNIVERSITY. WHILE SEARCHING FOR HIS KIDNAPPED DAUGHTERS HE HAD MANY MURDER ATTEMPTS ON HIS LIFE BUT HE NEVER GAVE UP AND NEARLY DIED FOR IT. A KIND COMPASSIONATE MAN WHO HAS ALWAYS CARED FOR THE SUFFERING OF OTHERS. OUR NOVELS WILL ALSO BE ABOUT HOW HE HELPED CERTAIN PEOPLE GET OFF THE STREET AND GOT THEM A HOME. IT WILL BE ABOUT HOW THE GOVERNMENT TURNED AROUND ATTACKED ME AND TRIED TO DESTROY MY LIFE AND STOLE EVERYTHING I HAD WHEN I WALKED INTO ANTHONY'S LIFE JUST LIKE THEY STOLE EVERYTHING ANTHONY HAD. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Ultimate goal is for my husband and I to become American Citizens since we came in the right way and are Documented Legal Immigrants and Political Asylees. We will continue to fight against those corrupt Government Employees that promised to play with our files and kick us out! All details of everything that has happened to us in the United States will also be in our Novels. I truely hope that after the horrors I have lived here and losing my baby, having a miscarriage on the hot streets of Florida 4 years ago because of being refused care from a hospital and the horrible life I lived there which caused the loss of my baby that there will finally be a happy ending to our Novels! WILL THERE BE? ONLY TIME WILL TELL! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NOW I LIVE IN BEAUTIFUL CALIFORNIA NOT FAR FROM LOS ANGELES WHERE MY HUSBAND ANTHONY AND I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO LIVE AND FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE I HAVE FINALLY COME HOME! I WILL NOT LET ANYONE TAKE THAT HOME AWAY FROM US. NOT NOW AND NOT EVER!!,,,,,,,,,, .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Getting the opportunity to sing for Film and for Animation/Cartoons... I adore singing Musicals like songs from Les Miserables and Phantom of the Opera! To meet people who share similar interests in the Arts as I do. Finding a great Professional Composer to turn my Lyrics into a masterpiece.................................. OPENING the door to who I really am and let my singing voice tug at people's hearts and bring the good they have deep inside out into the open whether it is a hug, a kiss or a smile! Always be kind to one another every day of our lives! Longing for the day when we live a normal life so I can concentrate on singing my songs, writing lyrics, my photography,drawing and many more projects close to my heart! ..................................................*****UPDAT E: February 14, 2008 *****- Since we filed a Lawsuit against the Department of Justice, Homeland Security, U.S. Immigration and others for filing false charges and playing with our files we have ended up having our phones illegally wiretapped which has been confirmed by 5 AT&T Employees, our Internet is being tampered with, our Mail Servers and Servers and Internet is being tampered with. We receive thousands of viruses every day from Government Employees. They have brought our Business to a total stand still including crashing two of our servers and deleting all our Court Files. This is what happens when you sue the Federal Government and its Agencies. You have nothing but corruption and they continue with their illegal activities. My husband Anthony went through this for over 25 years and history repeats itself with corruption among the Government and abuse of power. Someone has to be held accountable. Governments and Politicians should never, ever be immune from prosecution when they terrorize innocent people! The Government does not want our Novels and Anthony's secrets about corruption among the highest levels of Government to ever be released but the best kept secret will be released. *********UPDATE: March 20, 2008 - We have just filed a SECOND LAWSUIT for $50 BILLION DOLLARS against AT&T and HOMELAND SECURITY for TERRORISM and illegal wiretaps. What people do not understand is that if you are brought to your knees by corrupt Government Agencies who uses a Telephone Company to stop all your calls and stop all your Business illegally then you would sue also. AT&T and Homeland Security are monitoring every American's Calls. Homeland Security has brought us to our knees and BIG BROTHER must pay for their CRIMES. We have placed our entire Lawsuit and the Press Release on our website. If you want to help please pass this along to everyone you know! - Our story is worse then the movie "Enemy Of The State" - We are not giving up and this is only the beginning of the Lawsuits. - APRIL 4, 2008 - TO THE U.S. MEDIA WHO HAVE WRITTEN TO ME AND HAVE BEEN SO RUDE IN THEIR MESSAGES PLEASE STOP ASKING STUPID QUESTIONS. IF YOU ARE NOT PREPARED TO READ OUR STORY AT OUR SITE THEN DO NOT WASTE MY TIME BY SENDING ME MESSAGES! TO THE U.S. MEDIA WHO ARE MAKING A JOKE OUT OF OUR TRUE STORY PLEASE GO GET A LIFE!!! ------ UPDATE:FRIDAY, MAY 2, 2008 Dirty Homeland Security Employees have filed an Appeal saying that Judge Martin erred in Granting us our Motion To Terminate False Removal Proceedings. There are so many LIES in their Appeal which is totally disgusting! We are Legal Political Asylees that came in Legally and they pretended we did not and now they say we did with permission but only for 1 year and we have passed our 1 year for visiting. If we were here for 1 year just to visit why on earth did we spend so much time filling in papers for Political Asylee which there is no time limit. We have documents that tells us we may remain but we are not allowed to leave the U.S.A. without their permission. The Corrupt Government Employees are so determined to win this war that they continue their LIES and PERSECUTION against us. They are so angry that we filed a MOTION for a RESTRAINING ORDER ON THE GOVERNMENT that was supposed to be heard on Monday, May 5, 2008 and now that date has been changed by the Courts to another date. AT and T was sued for $50 Billion Dollars for illegal wiretaps. The Emergency Motion for TRO - Temporary Restraining Order was against the Department of Justice and U.S. Homeland Security and it had nothing to do with AT and T but AT and T got their hands on the Motion and is trying to dismiss the Lawsuit by using this Restraining Motion we filed that has nothing to do with them. Which means that U.S. Homeland Security is working hand and hand with AT and T. Who runs the country AT and T or Homeland Security? We will NEVER give up and we will NEVER surrender. However, this might end up killing my husband Anthony because his heart is too weak and the Government knows it. The TORTURE continues and the corruption continues BUT my husband Anthony will fight with his last dying breath because we ARE Legal and we came here to stay alive and for freedom! - ...................... UPDATE: Monday, May 19, 2008 - U.S.HOMELAND SECURITY MADE AN APPEAL ON APRIL 29, 2008 saying Judge Martin Jr. erred in Law by GRANTING us our Motion To Terminate False Removal Proceedings....... We filed a RESTRAINING ORDER on April 14, 2008 against the U.S. Homeland Security and the Department of Justice for all their illegal wiretapping of our PHONES, CELL PHONES AND ATTACKING OUR INTERNET SO WE CANNOT DO ANY BUSINESS ON THE INTERNET and to stop them from falsely deporting us and to give us Immediate American Citizenship....... U.S. Homeland Security and Department of Justice were TOO LATE to file a respond. Instead they filed a MOTION TO DISMISS our Motion of a Restraining Order and then mixed two Lawsuits in it and everything together they were not supposed to...... JUDGE DAVID O. CARTER did an ORDER ahead of time before we even showed up in Court to DISMISS our RESTRAINING ORDER AGAINST THE U.S. HOMELAND SECURITY and DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE and stopped us from proceedings. He lied and did NOT hear Legal Arguments and kept getting up to leave the Court Room when Anthony wanted to talk.....IN THE JUDGE'S ORDER IT SAYS THAT WE AS ALIENS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SUE ANYONE IN THE UNITED STATES.WE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SUE THE U.S. GOVERNMENT OR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OR ITS AGENCIES OR ITS GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES AND WE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TAKE ANY ACTIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER AGAINST THEM BECAUSE WE ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS!!!!.....In Court on May 12, 2008 this is what we have been told in the Judge's Order. The Opposition Attorney from the Department of Justice introduced TWO AGENTS with her to the Judge. AMAZING HOW NICE THE JUDGE WAS TO THE TWO AGENTS. Then Judge David O. Carter turned and said to us, "THIS LOOKS VERY BAD FOR BOTH OF YOU MR. AND MRS. MARTINI, VERY BAD!"... I thought we were going to be falsely arrested right there with those words! This was MORE POLITICAL PERSECUTION AND MORE TORTURE. These two Agents had no business being there. They were NOT testifying and just sat there and had no Legal Right to be there but only to INTIMIDATE US!! The Opposition Attorney from the Department of Justice just sat there GRINNING while we read Judge David O. Carter's Order. It had all been set up ahead time WITHOUT LEGAL ARGUMENTS FROM OUR SIDE! The U.S. Homeland Security and Department of Justice and DIRTY GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES have placed LIES IN OUR FILES and have made an APPEAL at the BIA- BOARD OF IMMIGRATION APPEAL to have us KICKED OUT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA even though WE ARE LEGAL POLITICAL REFUGEES FROM CANADA WHO CAME HERE TO STAY ALIVE SEEKING FREEDOM AND JUSTICE WHICH WE HAVE NEVER FOUND!!!....... WE ARE NOW TAKING OUR CASE TO INTERNATIONAL COURTS, INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURTS,WORLD COURTS AND THE UNITED NATIONS FOR ALL HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS, OUR PAIN AND SUFFERING AND ALL THE LIES THAT HAVE CONTINUOUSLY BEEN PUT IN OUR FILES AND FOR POLITICAL PERSECUTION AND POLITICAL TORTURE!!! So all this to say that as LEGAL POLITICAL REFUGEES according to the United States Government and according to Judge David O. Carter we have NO LEGAL RECOURSE IN THE UNITED STATES................... **To Those Who Faxed our PROTEST LETTER to the President at the WHITE HOUSE we THANK YOU so much and hope many more will PRINT THE PROTEST LETTER and FAX IT by the thousands!**If you all want to read my LYRICS while listening to my songs you will find my LYRICS written out under the 4 videos of my songs at AnnetteMartini.US ...........THANK YOU to ALL for reading, supporting and caring about what happens to Anthony and myself. YOU ARE ALL VERY PRECIOUS TO ME!!!............................************ If you Want To Know What Has Been And Is Happening To Us Then Find Out at: - THE PROTEST LETTER TO BE FAXED TO THE PRESIDENT AT THE WHITE HOUSE IS ALSO THERE UNDER THE CANDLE VIGIL PHOTO!


I adore Musicals, Classical Music like Bach, Mozart and my favorite is Liszt. Piano Concerts and an Orchestra performing classical music. My favorite Opera singers are Kathleen Battle and Cecilia Bartoli. I love listening to Sarah Brightman's beautiful voice and Enya's soft soaring voice. Jessica Marberger's beautiful flowing voice that brings me to tears. I adore BOYZONE and used the song No Matter What for our wedding because the lyrics or words are so right to what my husband and I have been going through and are still going through. I adore Secret Garden who sings Nocturne. I love to listen to the song of the Loon on a quiet lake. I also like some pop songs, New Age and Yanni. Soundtracks from James Horner, John Williams and David Foster. I hope to find a Professional Composer to compose music to my Lyrics who understands the color of my voice and the style and kind of music I should be singing.Solitary House
Add to My Profile | More Videos Who Am I
Add to My Profile | More VideosTime
Add to My Profile | More VideosNightmare
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Sound of Music, Wizard of Oz, Gone With The Wind, Jane Eyre, Somewhere In Time, Little Women, Science Fiction Movies, ET the movie, The Fifth Element, Back To The Future, The Mummy, The Lord Of The Rings, Eragon, The Mists Of Avalon


Documentaries, History and shows similar to the ones mentioned already.


I like to read books that challenge my mind. Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. Books by Edgar Allen Poe. Books by Diana Gabaldon. The Lord Of The Rings. Classics like Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Gone With The Wind, The Secret Garden, Little Women, Jane Austen, Pride And Prejudice and War And Peace. The Mists Of Avalon. Stories of the Medieval Era. I enjoy reading History books of the past. Emily Dickinson's Poetry which is very moving.


My husband Anthony, a very courageous and brave man.

My Blog


Monday, May 12, 2008 Annette Martini and her disabled husband Anthony Martini had a Court Appearance in the U.S. Federal Court In The Southern Division located in Santa Ana, California to hear their E...
Posted by Annette Martini on Wed, 14 May 2008 10:29:00 PST


To all my friends in my Circle of Friends, As many of you already know we are struggling and fighting corruptGovernment Employees who have put lies in our files and are FALSELYtrying to kick us out of...
Posted by Annette Martini on Sun, 11 May 2008 08:57:00 PST

Political Persecution Against Two Legal Immigrants Who Are Political Asylees

My husband Anthony was born in Italy but he grew up in Canada. He used to be a Free Lance Reporter, a Former Private Investigator and a Professional Photographer for over 25 years. My husband Anthony ...
Posted by Annette Martini on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 03:10:00 PST

Judge Martin Jr. Terminates Our False Removal Proceedings

Tuesday, April 8, 2008 I want to thank all those in my Circle of Friends for all their support and all their prayers and for signing our Petition. Millions and millions of people from around the world...
Posted by Annette Martini on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 12:21:00 PST