Well, welcome to my corner of MySpace.
I could write a formal biography and put it here but I don't really want to. I'd rather just talk a little bit about what I'm doing and then that'll do me.
I've been a musician for about 20 years and I have been an engineer/producer at Noisegate Studios for about 12 or so of those. In that time I have played on, recorded, and produced many, many projects for other people, and I've enjoyed it all. However, I thought that it was time I did something that had my name on the front cover in big letters rather than in small print on the back cover.
Ego? Probably, but what the hell?
So here it is, well some of it anyway. The record is called "12 miles north of Huntsville" and isn't quite finished yet. Hopefully I'll have it all done by early 2008, but I need to finish building a guitar before I can finish the record, but I'll come back to that. The title is a tip of my hat to Steve Earle, who I respect enormously as a musician, songwriter, and as a man. Steve will know why it's called that and a few others will as well.
The record is basically just me, and a couple of people who's playing I enjoy, playing some blues. Nothing flash, nothing earth shattering, just some blues. It is inspired by basically 4 people, Steve Earle , Tom Waits , Eric Bibb , and Handasyd Williams. All for quite different reasons but they are the ones who's music and attitudes inspired me to write and record it.
The other people I want to mention are the guys down at Gilet Guitars in Sydney, Australia. Gerard, Darrell, Arjuna, and Michael have built me a Gilet OOO that is as fine a guitar as you would ever want to play and I thank them enormously for their efforts. I have also used a Gilet Resonator on the record and they are currently, and patiently walking me through the process of building a resonator myself. Once that's finished I can finish the record. If you want to have a look at some of their work check out www.giletguitars.com.au
Eric's got one too so you don't have to just take my word for it.
So anyway, that's what I'm here for. I always have many projects going on but they've all got their own sections of this new internet thing so I thought I'd just leave this for just this project.
I hope you enjoy something you hear.
Rhys D. Webb
To hear some more of my tunes as well as some other fine guitar players, take a look at the MySpace page of: