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Frank - Filmmaker, Artist, etc.

Creating the Pink Bunkadoo

About Me

Writer/Producer/Director and most recently a Comic Book artist. I currently work in TV postproduction as a Special Effects artist and Animator. I'm interested in DV projects, especially feature films.
You can learn more about me here:
Check out my Comic Book work in progress:

Here are a few of my current film/DV projects; all in development and seeking distributor interest:

My Interests

Digital Filmmaking
Comic Books
Special Effects
Digital Video
Obscure Religions
Abnormal Psychology

I'd like to meet:

Serious empassioned filmmakers, comic book artists/writers. Other Directors and Producers. Film Distributors and anyone else involved with DV/filmmaking professionally or out of love of the craft. People with something to say or contribute. For those people I'll endeavor to contribute what I can to a worthy project.
Also Im looking for Professional/Non-professional Crew, Actors, Artists, Musicians/Bands and soundtrack people.
If you'd like an add please drop me a note first and tell me what your interest is.


My musical tastes (like everything else about me) seems to be in some sort of transitionary mode.
Am I just being evasive?
Well how about this...
I'm haunted by a piece of music I heard years ago. It was "A Time For Us" - like from the Romeo and Juliet soundtrack (the one from the 1968 directed by Franco Zeffirelli). It was being played on a dulcimer. One of the oldest stringed instruments on earth. The player was a master. It moved through me. I was almost moved to tears... but luckily held onto just enough narcississtic self-loathing to stop myself.
A few weeks ago I found an old Bad Brains cassette at my folk's house in a pile of junk. I stomped around my livingroom while my dog barked his fool head off at me. It was great!
That didn't clear up a damn thing did it?


I suppose any movie that I find to be spiritually or emontionally sincere.
That curious little film 'The Celebration' totally blew me away.
I recently watched 'Crash' and there were very sincere moments in that film though I think the director latched onto the safty of sentiment a few times too many.
I take a very unpopular position on Peter Jackson's LOTR trilogy. In short, I felt PJ made a "fantasy" film. Tolkien wrote Myth not fantasy; I would have expected a great director to know the difference.
Two chosen for contrast: 'Dr. Zhivago' and 'Star Wars'
Two more: 'Dawn of the Dead' and 'The Man Who Planted Trees'
Movies that don't exist but I'd love it if they did:
The Republic of Shadows - The tale of a society that exists within a great hidden hypocrisy
Dr. Cinammon and the Terrible Head - High adventure across a Dalinian landscape
The Hay Wain - A tale that aptly paints the insane irony of just being alive
The Fall of the Magician - When reason and intellect meet the end of their great and overpowering arch
Babel - The mythic tale of the construction and fall of humanity's greatest folly
I recently saw 'Beowulf and Grendel' at the Atlantic Film Festival. One of the most emotionally and spiritually sincere films I've seen in a long time. Gory as hell too. Blew me away. I know I'll stand alone with this review.


I make TV but I never watch it... Only in that regard am I sort of like a crack dealer.


I just fell in love with Yeats!
Otherwise anything here:


The Hero With A Thousand Faces...
Gilgamesh, Perseus, Sigurd the Dragon Slayer, The Fool, The Magician and the Heirophant.
Ghandi, King and the Cat In The Hat.
Yoda and the Lorax
That woman wearing a t-shirt that only SHE understood.
That bottle collector who punched the cop
I let them all merge into one great hero
A hero that carries on through it all and somehow manages to see that there is a light that shines within the darkness and the darkness has yet to overcome it.

My Blog

Fairy Folio - Animated Documentary - 48 Screen Grabs

Here are a bunch of screengrabs from my animated documentary Fairy Folio. The documentary was a sort of practical field guide to the good, bad and wild fairies of world folklore, including such favori...
Posted by Frank - Filmmaker, Artist, etc. on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 07:16:00 PST

On Being A Director

I started writing this after my interview in The Coast. It started as an essay expanding on some thoughts that the interviewer (Jan Lars Jensen) had put in my head. I've only recently rediscovered and...
Posted by Frank - Filmmaker, Artist, etc. on Thu, 08 Dec 2005 09:01:00 PST

Lucas vs. Lynch

I originally posted this in a discussion board on It was fun to rant like this so I reposted it here for posterity even though it's a little lost without its original context. ---------...
Posted by Frank - Filmmaker, Artist, etc. on Wed, 07 Dec 2005 06:32:00 PST

Zombie Painting

I don't do a lot of painting these days. But I was happy with the way Mr. Zombie turned out.
Posted by Frank - Filmmaker, Artist, etc. on Sat, 03 Dec 2005 08:13:00 PST

Short Film Concept: The Shooterizer (working title)

  One bright sunny day a young she-punk wanders through the park looking with great cynicism upon all of the other people there. Grinch-like she sneers at their happy demeanors and joyful ac...
Posted by Frank - Filmmaker, Artist, etc. on Thu, 10 Nov 2005 10:27:00 PST

Short Film Script: Dr Bugs

A short DV film project for two male actors. Some special effects and animation. Completed script. -------------------------- A man goes to his family summer home to confront his childhood boogeyman...
Posted by Frank - Filmmaker, Artist, etc. on Wed, 02 Nov 2005 03:56:00 PST

DV Feature Film Concept: The Windsor Sessions

Alright... here's a TRUE DV project concept. Along the lines of Blair Witch it uses a collection of "found" tapes to tell a quasi-documentary tale of horror and madness. -------------------------...
Posted by Frank - Filmmaker, Artist, etc. on Wed, 02 Nov 2005 10:17:00 PST

Feature Film Concept: Kung-Fu Altar Boys

OK I like really ludicrous ideas. And here's the nuttiest I've come up with in a while... But the funny thing is... it's plausible... ---------------------------------------------------- Borderline su...
Posted by Frank - Filmmaker, Artist, etc. on Wed, 02 Nov 2005 07:15:00 PST

Now the People Will Know You're a Dog

My morning ritual includes letting the dog out for his morning wee, having a cup of tea, then letting the dog in and giving him his breakfast biscuits before heading out to work. Dogs like consis...
Posted by Frank - Filmmaker, Artist, etc. on Mon, 03 Oct 2005 05:58:00 PST

Under the Cross

Every once in a while I have a dream of such startling clarity and power that I want to refer to it as something other than a dream. Perhaps if I had greater spiritual depth I could refer to those dr...
Posted by Frank - Filmmaker, Artist, etc. on Mon, 26 Sep 2005 07:38:00 PST