Digital Filmmaking
Comic Books
Special Effects
Digital Video
Obscure Religions
Abnormal Psychology
Serious empassioned filmmakers, comic book artists/writers. Other Directors and Producers. Film Distributors and anyone else involved with DV/filmmaking professionally or out of love of the craft. People with something to say or contribute. For those people I'll endeavor to contribute what I can to a worthy project.
Also Im looking for Professional/Non-professional Crew, Actors, Artists, Musicians/Bands and soundtrack people.
If you'd like an add please drop me a note first and tell me what your interest is.
My musical tastes (like everything else about me) seems to be in some sort of transitionary mode.
Am I just being evasive?
Well how about this...
I'm haunted by a piece of music I heard years ago. It was "A Time For Us" - like from the Romeo and Juliet soundtrack (the one from the 1968 directed by Franco Zeffirelli). It was being played on a dulcimer. One of the oldest stringed instruments on earth. The player was a master. It moved through me. I was almost moved to tears... but luckily held onto just enough narcississtic self-loathing to stop myself.
A few weeks ago I found an old Bad Brains cassette at my folk's house in a pile of junk. I stomped around my livingroom while my dog barked his fool head off at me. It was great!
That didn't clear up a damn thing did it?
I suppose any movie that I find to be spiritually or emontionally sincere.
That curious little film 'The Celebration' totally blew me away.
I recently watched 'Crash' and there were very sincere moments in that film though I think the director latched onto the safty of sentiment a few times too many.
I take a very unpopular position on Peter Jackson's LOTR trilogy. In short, I felt PJ made a "fantasy" film. Tolkien wrote Myth not fantasy; I would have expected a great director to know the difference.
Two chosen for contrast: 'Dr. Zhivago' and 'Star Wars'
Two more: 'Dawn of the Dead' and 'The Man Who Planted Trees'
Movies that don't exist but I'd love it if they did:
The Republic of Shadows - The tale of a society that exists within a great hidden hypocrisy
Dr. Cinammon and the Terrible Head - High adventure across a Dalinian landscape
The Hay Wain - A tale that aptly paints the insane irony of just being alive
The Fall of the Magician - When reason and intellect meet the end of their great and overpowering arch
Babel - The mythic tale of the construction and fall of humanity's greatest folly
I recently saw 'Beowulf and Grendel' at the Atlantic Film Festival. One of the most emotionally and spiritually sincere films I've seen in a long time. Gory as hell too. Blew me away. I know I'll stand alone with this review.
I make TV but I never watch it... Only in that regard am I sort of like a crack dealer.
I just fell in love with Yeats!
Otherwise anything here:
The Hero With A Thousand Faces...
Gilgamesh, Perseus, Sigurd the Dragon Slayer, The Fool, The Magician and the Heirophant.
Ghandi, King and the Cat In The Hat.
Yoda and the Lorax
That woman wearing a t-shirt that only SHE understood.
That bottle collector who punched the cop
I let them all merge into one great hero
A hero that carries on through it all and somehow manages to see that there is a light that shines within the darkness and the darkness has yet to overcome it.