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About Me
Breast cancer
* Is the most common cancer type in women
* About 7.000 women in Sweden are diagnosed with breast cancer annually
* Is the cause of death of more than four Swedish women - every day
* Depends on early detection in order to achieve the best treatment results
* Sweden, compared to the rest of the world, has better survival rates
works actively for the rights of women, aged 40-74 years, to have access to mammograms, regardless of where they live.
works actively for the rights of breast cancer patients to have access to high quality diagnostics, treatment, care and rehabilitation, regardless of where they live.
works actively for the rights of breast cancer patients to receive treatment for lymph edema within the established health care agreements. Lymph edema is a common complication that might occur following surgical or radiation therapy.
works actively to inform surgically treated breast cancer patients of the possibilities of reconstructive breast surgery.
The Swedish Breast Cancer Association (BRO)
is a non-political, non-religious and non-profit organization consisting of 33 breast cancer societies (BCF) from all over Sweden. BRO was founded in 1982 and has around 10.000 members.
The organization BRO looks after the interests of breast cancer patients and patients with genetically higher risk of developing breast cancer by:
* Influencing politicians to improve diagnostics, care and rehabilitation
* Informing about the experiences and conditions of women treated with breast cancer
* Working for improved assistive technology
* Arranging conferences, symposia and training sessions
* Providing information and educational material
* Providing a quarterly member journal- BROfästet
* Awarding scholarships and research grants from the Swedish Breast Cancer Foundation, the Elisabeth Hedins and Falck-Löfdahl foundations
* Working internationally by being member of EUROPA DONNA and Reach to Recovery International
* Administering the Swedish Breast Cancer Foundation - Bröstcancerfonden
The Volunteer contact personnel
The backbone of BRO/BCF..s work
In spite of an understanding family and considerate friends, a woman who has had breast cancer surgery may feel alone, and that nobody quite understands her situation. It is difficult for family and friends to fully realize the psychological and physical problems that might occur with breast cancer.
There is a special kind of support in being able to speak with someone who has been through the same situation; someone who has been treated for breast cancer and is now physically and mentally recovered. The BCF/BRO member volunteers are professionally educated and guided in their function as contact persons. The volunteers refer all medical questions to the medically trained staff. They are under an obligation of ethical secrecy. Even family members are welcome to contact local volunteers for support.
A directory of the breast cancer societies can be found at Support for male partners
There are male member volunteers serving as contact persons to support special needs. These contact persons are men whose partners have been treated for breast cancer. Support over the web
The website is a meeting place on the internet where women treated for breast cancer as wells as other persons might meet to discuss their views and experiences. The breast cancer societies - BCF
* Works to spread objective information regarding breast cancer
* Supports its members through personal contacts and meetings
* Offers a telephone answering service
* Arranges discussion groups
* Trains members to become volunteers
* Provides women with practical advice regarding prostheses, support (compression) sleeves, wigs and other aids
* Works in assistance with the medical services in order to improve treatment, care, attention and rehabilitation
* Works in assistance in the training of hospital and clinical personnel
The Breast Cancer Foundation - Bröstcancerfonden
Is a foundation benefiting development of the management of breast cancer treated persons and their relatives which supports the spreading of information as well as breast cancer research.
The Foundation is under the supervision of the Foundation for Control of Fundraising and is administered by BRO
Plusgiro 90 0591-9
Bankgiro 900-5919
BRO - BRÖSTCANCERFÖRENINGARNAS RIKSORGANISATIONVarje år får cirka 7.000 kvinnor i Sverige en bröstcancerdiagnos. Det är en allvarlig sjukdom som berör inte bara den enskilda kvinnan utan också hennes närstående, partner, barn och vänner.
BRO är intresseorganisationen som driver bröstcancerbehandlades frågor i samhället. Vi har också det mest utvecklade kontaktnätet i Sverige för dem som behöver stöd och hjälp. Ingen skall behöva kämpa ensam med sin bröstcancer!
Hos dem, finns det alltid någon att tala med.
Birgitta Sletteng som också finns här på myspace ( viewprofile&friendid=157331929&MyToken=578f869b-06cf -43fc-b5b5-780c95bcedec)
sitter som moderator på bröstcancerlistan, och är en av dom som stöttar och hjälper dom som drabbats av bröstcancer.
Hon har själv fått bröstcancer och fick sin diagnos i början på år 2005, och har tyvärr spridit sej till hela skelettet med metastaser. Hon gör en enorm insatts på listan, fast hon är så dålig själv.
Listan är även till för dej som är anhörig och behöver stöd och hjälp.
Sköt om er!

My Interests

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Denna websida är skapade av ett flertal olika cancerorganisationer för att underlätta kommunikationen mellan cancerdrabbade.

Även anhöriga till cancersjuka är välkomna. Här är det tänkt att du som blivit sjuk i cancer skall kunna delta i diskussioner med andra i liknande situation.

Här finns mailinglistor, diskussionsforum och chat för bröstcancer, cancer i tarmkanal och urinblåsa, blodcancerdiagnoser, gynekologisk cancer, strup- och munhålecancer, samt för ungdomar med olika typer av cancerdiagnos.
